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論文名稱(外文):The Characteristics of Released Organic Matter from Sludge in River by Acid or Base Catalytic Reaction.
指導教授(外文):LAI, WEN-LIANG
外文關鍵詞:Acid or Base Catalytic ReactionExcitation Emission Fluorescence Matrix (EEFM)humification indexBiological indexFulvic-likeHumic-like
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本研究於2016年8月至2017年5月採集高屏溪及東港溪流域之底泥,將前處理後底泥利用水及酸鹼萃取,萃取液以酸鹼溶液調整中性再經0.45m濾膜過濾,取濾液進行分析,包括利用螢光激發發射光譜儀(fluorescent spectrometry)、紫外光吸收光光譜儀及總有機碳分析儀探討有機物量及性質變化,另藉由螢光激發發射光譜圖(fluorescent excitation emission matrix, EEFM)、腐植化指數(humification index, HIX)及生物指數(Biological index, BIX)評估有機物性質及來源。
依目前結果顯示,高屏溪及東港溪流域,從UV吸收值及螢光激發發射光譜圖,酸與鹼萃出有機物性質具有差異性,表示底泥附著有機物可溶於酸鹼。酸萃取部分,高屏溪流域3次採樣結果以似黃酸(fulvic-like)及似腐植酸(humic-like)為主,東港溪流域3次採樣結果除似黃酸及似腐植酸外,另溶解性微生物代謝物含量(Soluble microbial by-product-like),亦佔重要比例;兩流域酸萃取有機物組成份,明顯不同;在鹼萃取部分,高屏溪及東港溪流域3次採樣結果以似腐植酸為主,另外於350-550 nm/350-650 nm處,出現明顯波鋒,此類物質少見在文獻中被討論。兩流域底泥3次鹼萃取有機物HIX值,高屏溪流域鹼萃取呈現高腐質化,東港溪流域在上游隴東橋及潮州大橋,呈現出高腐質化,下游則為低腐質化;兩流域底泥酸萃取之BIX值,高屏溪及東港溪流域,酸萃取之有機物性質,呈現原生動物或水中細菌代謝出新生有機物比例含量較高。

In this study, the sediments collected from sampling locations in Gaoping River and Donggang River basins were sampled from August, 2016 to May, 2017. The collected sediments sieved were was extracted by deionized water and acid or alkaline solution. The extract was neutralized by acid or alkaline solution and analyzed by filtration through 0.45μm membrane filter. The filtrate was analyzed by fluorescence spectrometry, ultraviolet light absorption spectroscopy and total organic carbon analyzer, which was used to investigate the variation of content and property of organic matter attached on the sediment in both basins. In addition, the parameters including fluorescence emission spectra (EEFM), humification index (HIX) and biological index (BIX) were used to explore the characteristics and origins of organic matter.
The results showed that according to UV absorption and EEFM, there were differences in the property of organic matter between acid extracts and alkaline extracts, which indicated that organic matter existing in sediment could dissolve in acid solution and alkaline solution. For acid extraction, the main components of organic matter in acid extract from sediment in Gaoping River basin were fulvic-like and himic-like organic matter, and for Donggang River basin, in addition to fulvic-like and himic-like organic matter, soluble microbial by-product-like organic matter was also the major component, which revealed the difference of organic matter of sediment in two basins. For alkaline extraction, the main component of organic matter of alkaline extract from sediment in two basins was himic-like substance, and the additional peak obviously appeared at 350-550 nm/350-650 nm in EEFM, which was little reported in other papers. In addition, HIX value was explored in alkaline extracts from sediment in two basins, the results showed that it appeared high humification in Gaoping River basin, and the upstream of Donggang River basin, Longdon Bridge and Chaozhou Bridge, also appeared high humification, but the downstream of Donggang River basin was low humification. According to BIX value in acid extracts from sediment in two basins, the organic matter of sediment in Gaoping River and Donggang River basins was mainly from the metabolic newborn organics of protozoa or bacteria in water.

摘要 I
致謝 IV
第一章 前言 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1底泥基本特性 3
2-1-1 物理性質 3
2-1-2 化學性質 4
2-2底泥污染種類 5
2-2-1 有機性污染 5
2-2-2 無機性污染 6
2-3 底泥整治技術及監測管理 8
2-3-1 底泥整治技術 8
2-3-2 底泥監測管理 9
2-4光譜在有機物之分析原理及相關研究 9
2-4-1光譜分析基本原理 9
2-4-2光譜相關研究 12
第三章 研究架構、實驗材料與參數分析 19
3-1 研究架構 19
3-2 底泥來源 20
3-2-1高屏溪流域介紹 20
3-2-2東港溪流域介紹 20
3-3 底泥採樣 22
3-4 標準品配製 22
3-5 底泥萃取 22
3-5-1 水萃取 22
3-5-2 酸鹼萃取 23
3-6 參數分析 23
3-6-1螢光激發發射光譜 23
3-6-2紫外光吸收光譜儀 25
3-6-3分子量 25
3-6-4 非揮發性溶解性有機碳(non-purgeable dissolved organic carbon, NPDOC) 26
3-6-5 胺基酸 27
第四章 結果與討論 28
4-1市售腐植酸及黃酸之定量及定性分析 28
4-1-1 市售腐植酸及黃酸在TOC儀不同溫度下之NPDOC及SUVA 28
4-1-2 市售腐植酸及黃酸不同混合比之EEFM及HIX值之變化 32
4-1-3 市售腐植酸及黃酸不同混合比之分子量變化 34
4-2 高屏溪及東港溪流域底泥水萃出之有機物參數分析 35
4-2-1 NPDOC 35
4-2-2 UV值 40
4-2-3 SUVA值 46
4-2-4 有機物激發發射光譜圖 51
4-2-5 水萃取之HIX及BIX值 67
4-2-7 水萃取之分子量大小 74
4-3 高屏溪主流及東港溪底泥連續酸萃/鹼萃出之有機物參數分析
4-3-1 UV值 81
4-3-2 螢光激發發射光譜圖 87
4-3-5 HIX及BIX值 103
第五章 結論與建議 110
5-1 結論 110
5-2 建議 111
參考文獻 112
附錄一 底泥酸鹼萃取外觀觀察 119
作者簡介 122

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