The Fongyi Academy has abundant cultural background, long historical meaning, and distinctive architectural features, which was designated proudly as a third-grade heritage site in 1985. Later, the Fongyi Academy was researched by Kaohsiung City Government’s investigation, transferred the land ownership, and the demolition subsidy of tenants until it’s recovered completion. The whole process went through 17 years to recover its original, and take in charge to operate the academy.Therefore, triggering researchers to do exploratory researches, using documental analysis, and deeper interviews, discussing the current situation and the analysis of advantages and disadvantages about the Fongyi Academy active operation.The research discovered three points:First, the Fongyi Academy is publicly-operated by Kaohsiung City Government, which means that academy’s human resources were designated by the city government. As for its operation, which adapted by the method of ” Kaohsiung Cultural Foundation” to maintain it.Second, the interior planning of the Fongyi Academy is roughly flawless. However, it doesn’t integrate with surrounding areas such as school districts, communities, and scenic spots, causing problems that the parking space is not enough, poor traffic flow, and disunite the scenery. Finally, the future planning of the Fongyi Academy is themed with popularization. Since the operation has just taken two years, it will adjust in small range from current operation in the future. The current operation of the Fongyi Academy is still popularizing, it reserves architectural features and meaningful culture. Nevertheless, its reputation, tourists, and income is unstable, which is related with the location between the allies. The geographical weakness need to be solved as soon as possible.