Concerning about the learning status of new immigrants’ students is the immediate duty of Taiwan's educational scene. In order to make it easier for teachers and schools to inquire about the learning situation of new immigrants’ children and give them timely care and proper guidance, therefore, this study has established a query system for new immigrant student achievement results to explore the analysis of small primary school students in learning subjects, education, mothers of origin, grade, economic conditions, and examinations in order to more effectively control new residents Information on the performance of new residents in the primary schools, improving the learning efficiency of students, and understanding the differences in the learning outcomes for new immigrants’ children with the different backgrounds. This research adopts the system practice method, and the research object is the compilation of related subjects such as academic achievement, original nationality, family background and educational level of new immigrants’ students in a national primary school in Changhua County. The conclusions are as follows: Mandarin subject has the highest average score, and the average score is 91.02 points; the students’ mother from Cambodia has the best average score, and the average score of is 91.29 points; students of the economic situation from well-off family background have highest average score, and the average score is 89.13 points; the students’ mother with degree of specialist institutes the highest average score, and he average score of 90.78 points. In the end, the thesis gives suggestions on remedial teaching for new immigrants’ children, and puts forward suggestions for the teachers on multi-cultural concept teaching and future research recommendations.