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論文名稱(外文):The Relationship Between Energy Related And Medical Related ETFs
外文關鍵詞:Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)Granger CausalityEnergy-related ETFsMedical-related ETFs
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近年來環境保護意識逐漸抬頭、大眾開始注重自身的健康保健,同時各國政府也不斷地訂定新的政策以減少對於環境的傷害及促進醫療產業的發展。根據Ajzen and Fishbein (1988)及Ajzen (1991)所提出的計劃行為理論指出態度、主觀規範及認知行為控制會影響一個人的行為意向進而改變其實際行為。本文據此探討能源相關產業的投資與醫療相關產業的投資是否具關聯性。由於本文樣本期間包含2008-09年全球金融海嘯,因此本文亦分析在金融危機期間及後續正常期間兩類ETF之關聯性是否有異。

In recent years, the awareness of environmental protection gradually rises and the public begins and to focus on their own health care, while governments continue to set new policies to reduce the harm to the environment and promote the development of the medical industry. According to the theory of planned behavior proposed by Ajzen and Fishbein (1988) and Ajzen (1991), they point out that attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavior control may affect a person's behavioral intention then change his actual behavior. Therefore, this paper discusses the relationship between energy-related ETFs and medical-related ETFs. As the sample period comprises the 2008-09 global financial tsunami, this paper also compares above relationship in the financial crisis period and the follow-up period.
The empirical results show that the medical-related ETFs have higher return and lower risk than the energy-related ETFs. We find that the ETFs of traditional energy category have significant causal relationship with the medical-related ETFs during the crisis. In the regression analysis, we find a negative relationship between those two groups of ETFs during crisis period but little relationship in the follow-up period. This evidence shows that investors’ behavior may be influenced by the environmental awareness and the atmosphere of health during the crisis period. On the other hand, there is no equilibrium relationship between the price of the traditional energy-related ETFs and the medical-related ETFs.

第肆章研究設計 ..............................22
第一節觀念性架構 ..............................22
第二節研究樣本與期間 ......................23
第三節研究方法 ..............................25
第伍章實證結果與分析 ......................31
第一節基本型態分析 ......................31
第二節因果關係分析 ......................46
第三節共整合檢定 ..............................60
第陸章結論與建議 ..............................62
第一節研究結論 ..............................62
第二節研究貢獻 ..............................64
第三節未來研究建議 ......................64
參考文獻 ......................................65

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