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論文名稱(外文):The Removal Efficiency Evaluation of Particulate Matter by Nickel Filter
外文關鍵詞:Electrostatic dust collectionnickel metal filterparticulate matter
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本研究探討鎳金屬濾網於不同表面風速及懸浮微粒初始濃度以及濾網規格等參數下測試,去除懸浮微粒效率之差異且討論分析,再與其他空氣清淨機濾網比較分析。本研究測試參數控制:初始濃度(PM2.5:75 ± 7 μg/m3、100 ± 10 μg/m3、150 ± 15 μg/m3、
PM10:100 ± 10 μg/m3、130 ± 13 μg/m3、200 ± 20μg/m3)、表面風速(0.13 m/s、0.2 m/s、0.25 m/s)、濾網PPI(35 PPI、50 PPI)、濾網厚度(3 mm、7 mm)、濾網間距(0 cm、3 cm、6 cm)、電壓(6 kV、12 kV) 、溫度(25 ± 1oC)及相對溼度(30 ± 10 %) 。
In this study, the effects of nickel metal filter on the surface temperature and the initial concentration of suspended particulates and filter specifications were investigated. The differences in the efficiency of suspended particulates were discussed and analyzed, and then compared with other air cleaners. In this study, the parameters were controlled: initial concentration (PM2.5:75±7 μg/m3, 100±10 μg/m3, 150±15 μg/m3, PM10:100± 10 μg/m3, 130±13 μg/m3,200±20 μg/m3 (0.13m/s, 0.2m/s, 0.25m/s), filter PPI (35PPI, 50PPI), filter thickness (3 mm, 7 mm), filter spacing (0cm, 3cm, 6cm) Voltage (6 kV, 12 kV),temperature (25 ± 1 oC) and relative humidity (30 ± 10%).
The experimental results further analyzed the removal efficiency of suspended particulates (PM2.5, PM10) by nickel metal filters and the relative relationship between the experimental parameters and the removal efficiency of suspended particulates (PM2.5, PM10). Analyze the difference between the pressure drop and the removal efficiency of the nickel metal filter and other commercially available screens. The relationship between the removal efficiency of suspended particulates (PM2.5, PM10) and other parameters was determined. The electrostatic precipitates were used to remove suspended particulates at different voltages using a nickel metal filter.
The results show that the removal rate of suspended particulates (PM2.5, PM10) in nickel metal filter is larger than that of nonwoven fabric: less than HEPA. But the pressure loss of the filter is much smaller than that of the non-woven filter and the HEPA filter. The maximum PM2.5 removal efficiency is 55.45% and the maximum PM10 removal efficiency is 64.51% under the nickel metal mesh test system. In the electrostatic dust collection system, the maximum PM2.5 removal efficiency is 71.42%, and the maximum PM10 removal efficiency is 80.31%. Nickel metal filter has the advantage of low pressure loss and suspended particulate removal rate in specific features also reached more than 50%. As the nickel metal filter 99% is made of nickel metal, can be fully recycled to enhance the possibility of replacing other filters.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
第一章緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究流程 3
第二章文獻回顧 4
2.1 室內空氣品質 4
2.1.2 室內空氣品質法規 4
2.1.2 懸浮微粒(PM10& PM2.5) 6
2.2 過濾理論 8
2.2.1 機械性過濾機制 10
2.2.2 靜電過濾理論 11
2.3靜電集塵空氣污染控制技術 11
第三章研究方法 15
3.1 研究流程與規劃 15
3.2 實驗濾網及儀器設備 15
3.2.1 實驗濾網 15
3.2.2 實驗儀器設備及配製 16
3.3 實驗系統及操作流程 21
3.4 測試參數之設計 28
第四章結果與討論 29
4.1 測試表面風速對於懸浮微粒去除效率之評估 29
4.2 測試鎳金屬濾網厚度對於懸浮微粒去除效率之評估 32
4.3 測試鎳金屬濾網PPI值對於去除懸浮微粒效率之評估 36
4.4 測試鎳金屬濾網片數對於懸浮微粒去除校率之評估 39
4.5 測試鎳金屬濾網間距對於懸浮微粒去除效率之評估 49
4.6 鎳金屬濾網去除懸浮微粒效率之關係式 56
4.7 測試靜電集塵系統去除懸浮微粒效率之評估 57
4.8 濾網之過濾品質(去除率/壓損)分析 59
第五章結論與建議 61
5.1結論 61
5.2建議 62
參考文獻 63
附錄 68
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