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研究生(外文):Pi-Hsiang Tsai
論文名稱(外文):The study of microscopy light source using cold cathode fluorescent lamp
指導教授(外文):Chien-Ming Chen
口試委員(外文):Kuen-Chan LeeJin-Jei Wu
外文關鍵詞:Microscopy light sourceDigital image qualityCold cathode fluorescent lamp
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拍攝影像之樣本為老鼠腎臟切片。鹵素燈、冷陰極螢光燈、Rh6G與YAG混合量子點之白光 LED經積分球量測演色性各為98.6、85.2、85.3與83.7。更換光源拍攝影像,透過影像品質評估,以影像的彩色峰值信號雜訊比(CPSNR)與結構相似性(SSIM)為主,對影像之像素誤差統計、亮度、對比度和結構比較相似性著手,判斷拍攝光源影像之間的影像品質評估。鹵素燈與CCFL光源拍攝之影像經影像品質評估後,CPSNR為26.83dB、SSIM為0.9148。此外,利用本實驗室開發的Rh6G與YAG混合量子點塗層之白光LED作為照明光源,對相同切片進行拍攝影像,與CCFL拍攝之影像比較,經影像品質評估後,Rh6G與YAG之CPSNR為16.3dB、23.66 dB,SSIM為0.9284、0.9383。
In this study, a cold cathode fluorescent lamp (CCFL) was used as the primary light source for microscope lighting due to its following advantages: the cathold electrode not heated by a tungsten filament for light emission, low calorific value, long service life, low light attenuation, the electrode able to withstand on-off operations for 100,000 times and good color rendering index (CRI).
The sample for image capture was a rat kidney slice. The CRI values of a halogen lamp, the CCFL and two white LEDs each coated with the Rhodamine 6G (Rh6G) or the YAG and quantum dots hybrid as measured by an integrating sphere were 98.6, 85.2, 85.3 and 83.7, respectively. The images captured by alternating the light sources received an image quality assessment, which determined the relative quality between the images based on their color peak signal-to-noise ratio (CPSNR) and structural similarity (SSIM) by comparing their pixel error rate statistics, brightness, contrast ratio and structural. The image captured with both the halogen lamp and the CCFL as the light sources had a CPSNR of 26.83dB and a SSIM of 0.9148. In addition, images of the same kidney slice were captured using the Rh6G coated and YAG and quantum dots hybrid coated white LEDs developed by this lab as the light sources and compared with the image captured under the CCFL. According to the image quality assement, the CPSNR and SSIM of the Rh6G and YAG images were 16.3dB and 0.9284 as well as 23.66 dB and 0.9383, respectively.
For this paper,TracePro was also used to simulate how the light from the CCFL as the light source propagated in an optical system for microscope lighting. The simulation proved that the CCFL could provide microscope lighting. A traditional image quality assessment algorithm was also modified to become an algorithm for colored image quality assessment, which was then realized in a MATLAB program for quality analysis and assessment of the captured images.
摘 要 i
致 謝 iv
目 錄 v
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 顯微鏡光源種類與其特性 2
1.2.1 鹵素燈 3
1.2.2 汞燈 4
1.2.3 金屬鹵化物燈 6
1.2.4 氙燈 7
1.2.5 發光二極體 8
1.3 冷陰極螢光燈特性 10
1.4 數位影像品質 11
1.4.1 數位影像處理 11
1.4.2 顯微鏡相關之數位影像品質 12
1.5 研究動機與目的 13
1.6 論文架構 16
第二章 顯微鏡樣品照明光路模擬與影像品質評估 17
2.1 光源照明顯微鏡樣品的光路模擬之參數設計 17
2.1.1鹵素燈照明顯微鏡樣品的光路模擬 18
2.1.2冷陰極螢光燈照明顯微鏡樣品的光路模擬 21
2.2 主觀影像品質評估 23
2.3 客觀影像品質評估 24
2.3.1 全參考方法 24
(a) 基於像素誤差統計的方法 24
(b) 基於結構訊息論的方法 25
(c) 基於結構相似度的方法 26
2.3.2 部分參考方法 29
2.3.3 無參考方法 29
2.3.4 本節結論 30
第三章 樣本影像拍攝步驟與方法 31
3.1 顯微鏡與冷陰極螢光燈 31
3.2 冷陰極螢光燈與鹵素燈光譜 32
3.2.1 積分球 32
3.2.2 光譜儀 33
3.2.3 光譜圖 34
3.3 光源架設 37
3.4 數位影像拍攝步驟 40
第四章 實驗結果與討論 42
4.1 光源之演色性 42
4.2 數位影像的表示方式 44
4.2.1 彩色數位影像 45
4.3 實驗結果 46
4.3.1鹵素燈與CCFL燈具之生物切片影像 46
4.3.2 MATLAB數位影像 47
4.3.3 CPSNR 48
4.3.4 SSIM 48
4.4 結果與討論 49
第五章 白光LED 50
5.1 白光LED 50
5.1.1 LED1與LED2之生物切片影像 54
5.1.2 CPSNR 55
5.1.3 SSIM 56
5.2 結果與討論 56
5.3濾除白光LED之藍紫光 57
5.3.1使用相機濾鏡(Tianya MC UV 58mm之濾鏡) 57
5.3.2使用相機濾鏡之實驗結果 61
5.3.3使用黃色塑膠片 64
5.3.4使用黃色塑膠片之實驗結果 67
5.3.5 CPSNR 70
5.3.6 SSIM 72
5.3.7實驗結果 73
第六章 結論與未來展望 74
6.1 實驗結果與討論 74
6.2 結論 75
6.3 未來展望 75
參考文獻 76
附錄C 研討會發表之論文 87
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