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研究生(外文):Po-Feng Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Factors Analysis of Motorcycle Wobble Dynamics and Test Platform Design
外文關鍵詞:motorcycle riding stabilitymotorcycle dynamicmotorcycle wobble
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As the number of heavy motorcycle getting more and more each year, the safety of motorcycle has gradually getting people’s attention. But the research about heavy motorcycle stability and handling are relatively few in Taiwan, therefore the manufacturers in Taiwan are still relying on their own experience, designing motorcycle safety equipment and suspension, rather than academic basis theory.
Wobble and weave are the two most common unstable phenomenon during the ride, this research will focus on how the geometric parameters of motorcycle will affect wobble. By using the motorcycle dynamic simulation software we can simulate several possible factors which may affect wobble. Those factors are mass of the steering system, the castor angle of front suspension system and the change of velocity. From the result we can tell that at middle and high speed, castor angle and steering mass will affect the frequency and amplitude of wobble, on the other hand the effect of velocity change will appear at high speed only.
In this thesis also deign a wobble test platform to test the characteristics of wobble phenomenon, using multiple body dynamic simulation software to simulate the motorcycle steering system in real world, trying to observer and analysis the different between the motorcycle dynamic model and the test platform that design in this thesis.
摘 要 i
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章 導論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1 機車數學模型發展 3
1.2.2 機車擺振之研究 4
1.3 論文架構 5
第二章 摩托車動態模型介紹 7
2.1 Sharp之機車動態數學模型 7
2.1.1 座標系建置 7
2.1.2動態數學模型 8
2.2 摩托車動態模擬軟體BikeSim 3.1 12
第三章 機車擺振動態之探討 16
3.1 機車幾何設定對擺振之影響 16
3.1.1 速度對擺振的影響 17
3.1.2 轉向系統之質量對擺振之影響 22
3.1.3 前避震後傾角對擺振的影響 32
3.2 擺振關鍵因素分析 42
3.2.1 分析方法 43
3.2.2 結果分析 47
第四章 機車擺振平台之設計 56
4.1 擺振測試平台 56
4.2 擺振測試平台結果分析 58
第五章 結論與未來展望 62
5.1 結論 62
5.2 未來展望 62
參考文獻 63
符號彙編 65
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