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研究生(外文):Chang,Ting Yue
論文名稱(外文):Improvement and Controller Design for a Variable-Resistance Knee Brace
外文關鍵詞:Magneto-rheological brakewalk-assist deviceknee orthosis
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There is a tendency fall for people with posture instability. It is important to use a knee brace for avoiding fall accident. Our lab developed the semi-active knee brace system, which combines traditional knee brace with magnetorheological fluid resistance as the primary source of resistance for users. Compare to the active knee brace, semi-active knee brace is smaller, lighter, and more adaptable. The semi-active knee use force sensor, it also use force sensors and encoder to detect the gait and knee angle. Based on the information, the knee brace will assist user in walking and provide the supporting force to user in standing and walking phase.
Because the previous knee brace with complicated wire is bulky and hard to wear, the knee brace has reduced the volume of the sensor and proved that the force sensor can be replaced through detecting the complete gait by 6-axis sensor. The encoder can be replaced through detecting the complete knee angle by 6-axis sensor. It cloud work with the smaller system, after doing experiment. In order to solve the problem of its complicated wire, the knee brace system changed the way to be wireless transmission. The experiment result shows that the knee brace system provides the user the standing and walking support, and the knee brace will be locked if the system detects the user falling down by collecting all the gait information and making a control strategy to be a better semi-active knee brace system.
摘 要 II
誌 謝 VI
目 錄 VII
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 1
1.3 論文架構與綱要 2
1.4 文獻回顧 3
1.4.1 膝關節支架 3 傳統膝關節支架(conventional knee orthosis, CKO) 4 主動式膝關節支架(active knee orthosis, AKO) 5 半主動式膝關節支架(semi-active knee orthosis, SAKO) 6
1.4.2 行走步態與足底踏力 7
1.4.3 行走步態膝關節分析 9
第二章 膝關節支架結構與阻力器 11
2.1 半主動式膝關節支架結構 12
2.2單極多層式磁流變液阻力器 15
第三章 半主動式感測器量測與分析 17
3.1 膝關節角度之量測 19
3.1.1 使用旋轉電位計與膝關節角度量測 20
3.1.2 使用六軸感測器與膝關節角度量測 22
3.1.3 量測結果與分析 24
3.2 步態之量測與分析 26
3.2.1 使用力量感測器與行走步態量測 26
3.2.2 使用六軸感測器與行走步態量測 28
3.2.3 量測結果與分析 34
第四章 無線化之數據傳輸系統 37
4.1 系統無線化之必要性 37
4.2 數據無線化之設計與測試 38
4.2.1 無線化傳輸通訊之選擇 39
4.2.2 膝關節無線化傳輸 40
4.2.3 足側感測器無線化傳輸 41
4.2.4 腿部感測器無線化傳輸 41
第五章 系統整合與測試 43
5.1 控制流程 43
5.2 系統人機介面之設計 49
5.3 系統整合測試結果 49
第六章 結論與未來展望 53
6.1 結論 53
6.2 未來展望 53
參考文獻 55
符號彙編 58
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