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研究生(外文):Wei-Peng Lin
論文名稱(外文):Synthesis and Characterization of AA/PEG/ET Co-polyester Fiber
指導教授(外文):Syang-Peng Rwei
外文關鍵詞:FibersPolyethylene glycolAdipic acidAliphatic/aromatic copolyesterPoly(ethylene terephthalate)
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本研究分兩個部分,有兩個系列的共聚酯被合成出來。其中一系列有不同脂肪族鏈段含量,固定之聚氧乙烯(poly(ethylene oxide), PEO)鏈段含量的脂肪族/芳香族共聚酯被合成出來,而其肪族鏈段是由己二酸(Adipic acid, AA, 莫爾比0~0.117)所構成,在此稱為AA系列共聚酯。另一系列則是不同PEO鏈段含量,固定脂肪族鏈段含量的脂肪族/芳香族共聚酯,而PEO鏈段是由聚乙二醇(Polyethylene glycol, PEG, 莫爾比0.003~0.019, 重量百分率4~20%)參與反應而成,在此稱為PEG系列共聚酯。每系列共聚酯的結構由1H核磁共振(1H Nuclear magnetic resonance, 1H-NMR)來加以確認。分子量則以凝膠滲透層析儀(GPC)及極限黏度(Intrinsic viscosity, IV)來加以分析。而熱分析的結果顯示共聚酯的熔點(Tm)及結晶溫度(Tc)隨脂肪族鏈段及PEO鏈段含量的增加而降低。玻璃轉移溫度(Tg)則由動態機械分析(Dynamic mechanical analysis, DMA)所測得,它的趨勢和Tm 是相同的。此外、共聚酯之熱穩定性則由熱重分析(Thermogravimetric analysis, TGA)來進行評估。在本研究中所合成的共聚酯被進一步紡成纖維,並評估其物性。纖維的抗張強度隨脂肪族鏈段及PEO鏈段含量的增加而降低。共聚酯纖維的結晶結構則藉由廣角X射線掃描(Wide-angle X-ray scattering, WAXS)來分析,結果顯示共聚酯結晶性隨AA 及PEG添加量的增加而降低。本研究所製成的纖維被織成織物,並評估其吸濕性和接觸涼感(Cool feeling , Qmax),所獲得的結果皆優於一般的PET。最後,共聚酯纖維織物也呈現出比一般PET更優的水解及酵素分解特性。
There are two series of copolyesters were synthesized individually in this study. One series of aliphatic/aromatic copolyester was that contained different amounts of aliphatic segments, constructed from adipic acid (AA, 0~0.117 mole ratios), and fixed amount of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) segments. The other series was aliphatic/aromatic copolyester that contained different amounts of PEO segments, constructed from polyethylene glycol (PEG, 0.003~0.019 mole ratios, 4~20wt%). The structures of each series of copolymers were confirmed by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR). The molecular weights were determined directly by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and indirectly by the intrinsic viscosity (IV). The results of thermal tests revealed that both melting temperature (Tm) and crystallization temperature (Tc) decreased as the aliphatic segment and PEO segment contents increased. The glass transition temperatures (Tg) that were determined by DMA followed the same trend as did Tm. Moreover, the thermal stability, determined from TGA declined as AA and PEG were incorporated into the PET main-chains. All of the copolymers that were synthesized herein were spun into fibers and then physically characterized. The tenacity of the fibers decreased as the aliphatic segment and PEO segment contents increased. The crystalline structures, revealed by wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS), indicated that the crystallinity decreased with increasing AA and PEG contents because of the reduction of regularity of the PET chains. Most importantly, the tests that were carried out on the knitted fabric demonstrated that the Moisture absorptivity and cool feeling (Qmax) of the copolymer fabrics were better than those of fabrics that comprised neat PET chains owing to the incorporation of PEO segments. Finally, the copolymer fabric exhibited better hydrolysis and enzymatic degradation than did neat PET fabric.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix

第1章 研究背景及研究動機 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 文獻回顧 3

第2章 實驗部分 4
2.1 實驗原料 4
2.2 實驗設備及儀器 5
2.2.1 共聚酯合成 5
2.2.2 共聚酯分析 5
2.2.3 纖維紡絲 6
2.2.4 纖維分析 6
2.2.5 編織 7
2.2.6 織物分析 7
2.3 實驗方法 8
2.3.1 共聚酯合成 8
2.3.2 共聚酯分析 10
2.3.3 纖維紡絲 11
2.3.4 纖維分析 12
2.3.5 編織 12
2.3.6 織物分析 13

第3章 以己二酸含量變化為主之己二酸/聚乙二醇/對苯二甲酸乙二酯共聚酯的合成、紡絲及其物性探討 14
3.1 前言 14
3.2 結果與討論 15
3.2.1 核磁共振氫譜分析 15
3.2.2 極限黏度及凝膠滲透層析 17
3.2.3 示差掃描熱分析 18
3.2.4 動態機械分析 40
3.2.5 熱重分析 22
3.2.6 廣角X射線掃描 24
3.2.7 動態頻率掃描 25
3.2.8 Cole-Cole Plot 30
3.2.9 纖維機械性質 34
3.2.10 吸濕性 36
3.2.11 熱流密度峰值 37
3.2.12 水解及酵素分解 38
3.3 結論 41

第4章 以聚乙二醇含量變化為主之己二酸/聚乙二醇/對苯二甲酸乙二酯共聚酯的合成、紡絲及其物性探討 42
4.1 前言 42
4.2 結果與討論 43
4.2.1 核磁共振氫譜分析 43
4.2.2 極限黏度及凝膠滲透層析 45
4.2.3 示差掃描熱分析 45
4.2.4 動態機械分析 48
4.2.5 熱重分析 49
4.2.6 廣角X射線掃描 51
4.2.7 動態頻率掃描 52
4.2.8 Cole-Cole Plot 58
4.2.9 纖維機械性質 62
4.2.10 吸濕性 64
4.2.11 熱流密度峰值 65
4.2.12 水解及酵素分解 66
4.3 結論 69
參考文獻 70
附錄 A 符號彙編 78
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