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研究生(外文):Ming-Lung Chen
論文名稱(外文):Study of FinFET Technology for RF and Power Applications
指導教授(外文):Kun-Ming ChenHsin-Hui Hu
口試委員(外文):Yu-Cheng FanYao-Jen LeeKun-Ming ChenHsin-Hui Hu
外文關鍵詞:maximum oscillation frequencycut-off frequencymulti-finRF and power applicationsFinFET
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本篇論文主要使用矽基底鰭式電晶體(Bulk Si FinFET)製程製作射頻鰭式場效電晶體,由於製程技術進步,元件尺寸縮小,短通道效應將影響元件特性,我們採用三維結構,鰭式場效電晶體能有效的抑制短通效應。為了運用在射頻應用上,元件佈局上採用了多指(Multi-finger)閘極的結構,並同時使用多重鰭(Multi-fin)的結構,以此來減少閘極電阻並增加汲極電流和元件的總寬度,來提升轉導值。但因為鰭式場效電晶體為三維結構,它有較大的寄生電容,因此它的速度被限制住。為了減少它的寄生電容,在元件佈局方面修改射頻鰭式場效電晶體的各尺寸參數,設計出一套不同尺寸參數的元件,最後我們提出梳型源/汲極接觸區結構的RF FinFET,並比較不同尺寸參數與結構的元件,找出元件佈局的準則。
With reducing the gate length of MOSFETs in advanced process technology, the short channel effects would be problematic. In recent years, FinFETs were developed to enable control of the short channel effects. We study the FinFET technology for RF and power applications in this thesis. RF and power FinFETs were fabricated using a bulk-Si FinFET process. For RF applications, devices were designed with a multi-fin and multi-gate layout to reduce the gate resistance and increase the total drain current as well as transconductance. However, FinFETs exhibit higher parasitic capacitances due to their 3-D structures. Therefore, the speed of FinFETs is limited. To reduce the parasitic capacitances, we modified and designed the devices with different geometrical parameters. Besides, a novel device layout with a pectinate S/D contact area was proposed. Through the characterization of devices with different geometries, we found a guideline for device layout design.
For power applications, the DEMOS technology was adopted in our FinFET devices. Conventional drain-extended FinFETs have a trade-off between breakdown voltage and on- resistance. To solve this problem, we proposed two types of power FinFET structures. By analyzing the DC and high-frequency characteristics, including transconductance, breakdown voltage, cutoff frequency and maximum oscillation frequency, we found a design guideline for RF power FinFETs.

摘 要 i
誌 謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究目的與介紹 1
1.2文獻回顧 5
1.3論文架構 9
第二章 元件製作與設計方法 10
2.1 研究方法 10
2.2 RF FinFET與RF Power FinFET元件製程 10
2.2.1主動層製作 11
2.2.2閘極製作、摻雜(N+/P+) 11
2.2.3後段製程 12
2.3 元件佈局設計 15
第三章 射頻鰭式電晶體之特性分析 18
3.1 簡介 18
3.2 不同源/汲極延展長度之比較 20
3.3不同鰭間距之比較 26
3.4不同指根數目與鰭數目之比較 30
3.5 梳型源/汲極接觸區結構之元件特性 35
3.6 結論 38
第四章 射頻功率鰭式電晶體之特性分析 40
4.1 簡介 40
4.2 RF Power FinFET的直流特性 42
4.3 RF Power FinFET的高頻特性 50
4.4 結論 53
第五章 結論 54
參考文獻 55
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