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研究生(外文):Po-Tang Cheng
論文名稱:跨域整合型雲端管理系統之通用設計 -建構多功案例之芻議
論文名稱(外文):Universal Design of Interdisciplinary Cloud Management System to the Implementation of Comprehensive Cases
指導教授(外文):Li-Hsien ChenKuo-Hsiung Tseng
口試委員(外文):Jen-Kuang LungChao-Rong Chen
外文關鍵詞:Data analysisSlope Disaster Prevention SystemGreen Information SystemIoTCloud Management System
  • 被引用被引用:5
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本論文基於物聯網技術建構一套雲端管理系統,以Advantech Webaccess作為雲端系統之核心軟體,整合資料擷取、展示、儲存、運算分析等功能,再與「感測系統」分進合擊,透過設備連網以及自動化傳輸,現場端資料藉由LoRa無線傳輸技術將資料傳回雲端伺服器,建置資料可視化、即時化的管理系統。本論文包含三項整合工作:第一、跨域整合,本研究整合電機資通訊與土木防災兩大領域專業,除了專注於自動化雲端監測系統之開發,同時考量土木防災應用之需求,使本系統設計更為適切實用;第二、通用設計,本論文以雛型開發法建構雲端管理系統,設計適用於多領域之通用模型,可整合各種應用需求,達到統一介面的遠端管理;第三、多功案例,本論文以建構「綠資訊系統」與「坡地防災系統」為初始開發之案例,使系統符合「正面營造」與「負面防災」兩大面向之應用需求。本論文之應用案例以綠資訊系統進行不同時間與空間條件之溫、濕度量測分析:探討不同材質與工法之透水地磚受環境溫、濕度之影響程度,發現植草磚具高度涵養水分能力,而彩晶磚具高度透水性,兩地磚之最大溫差可達8℃;探討不同綠化屋頂之降溫效益,結果顯示建物頂樓PV模組遮蔭處可供最大4℃之溫降。本論文量化各環境因子之關聯性,俾供綠化工程效益評估之參佐。
"Internet of Thing(IoT)" is a new revolution in the field of industry, the spirit of the IoT is to integrate interdisciplinary data for extended applications. Based on the concept of the IoT, this thesis had built a Cloud Management System which adopts an industrial SCADA called Webaccess as the kernel of the system. The system is capable of data acquisition, data classification, monitoring interface display, data storage, data analysis and etc. With internet connected sensing equipment and auto-transmission technology, the monitered data will be uploaded to the cloud server though the LoRa wireless transmission and TCP/IP which make the data readable and real-time.This thesis includes three integrations: The first one is "interdisciplinary integration." The research gathering professional fields of Electeical Engineering and civil&disaster prevention engineering. Consider the demand of civil&disaster prevention while focuing on the technology of automated monitering. This will make the Cloud Management System more adaptable and more practical for various applications. Second, "Universal Design". This thesis developed a Cloud Management System based on the method of Prototype Development with a general model that can meet kinds of monitering demand by the same interface. Last, "Comprehensive Cases". This thesis developed two application cases as a demonstration: one is "Green Information System", the other is "Slope Disaster Prevention System". This thesis analyzed the correlations between temperature and humidity in different space by collected data from Green Information System. Hope that it can be a reference for quantifying benefits of greening engineering.
摘 要..................................i
誌 謝..................................iv
目 錄..................................v
第一章 緒論............................1
1.1 研究動機與目的......................1
1.2 研究方法與範圍......................3
1.3 論文架構與分章概述..................6
第二章 文獻回顧........................8
2.1.1 都市熱島效應......................8
2.1.2 韌性城市..........................14
2.1.3 綠建築評估指標....................16
2.2.1 鐵路系統事故......................19
2.2.2 公路系統事故......................20
2.4 資料分析方法........................26
2.4.1 皮爾森相關係數....................26
2.4.2 線性迴歸法........................28
第三章 儀器設備與系統之建置............31
3.1 軟體介紹............................31
3.1.1 Modbus工業級通訊協定..............31
3.1.2 Microsoft Access..................38
3.1.3 ASP程式語言介紹...................40
3.1.4 Advantech Webaccess...............42
3.2 硬體介紹............................46
3.2.1 LoRa訊號接收模組................46
3.2.2 訊號轉換器........................48
3.2.3 網路管理路由器....................51
3.2.4 資料蒐集伺服器....................52
3.2.5 不斷電系統........................53
第四章 實測應用與結果討論..............54
4.1 雲端系統設計與管理..................54
4.1.1 應用案例一:綠資訊監測系統........55
4.1.2 應用案例二:邊坡防護監測系統......58
4.3.1 PV模組溫度與周遭氣溫之分析.......71
4.3.2 各空間場域之關聯分析..............75
4.3.3 各時間區間之溫差變化..............150
4.4 結果與討論..........................152
第五章 結論與建議......................155
5.1 結論................................155
5.2 未來研究方向........................156
附錄A 中英字詞對照表...................162
附錄B 北科大校園透水磚相關資料.........165
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