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研究生(外文):Yuan-Chia Chung
論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Impact to Ultra-Thin Vapor Chamber by Vapor Space Height
指導教授(外文):Cherng-Yuh Su
外文關鍵詞:Copper NetVapor Space HeightUltra-thin Vapor Chamber
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實驗結果顯示,微結構分析方面,從二次製程製作出來的微結構觀察,能有效克服因一次製程所製備出來的微結構堵塞氣室空間之情形,進而提升薄型均熱板的性能。熱阻分析方面,總熱阻與基板熱阻擁有相同的趨勢,在相同熱傳5 W下,氣室高度為0.35 mm時,超薄型均熱板擁有最低總熱阻值7.79 ℃/W,基板熱阻有最低熱阻值0.27 ℃/W。
Today’s society, 3C electronic products have been designed toward thinner、 smaller and effectively enhance the cooling performance as the primary goal. The application of thermal devices are also depend on thinner with the evolution of electronic products. Vapor chamber is a two-phase thermal conductivity component which is based on the theory of heat pipe; this component is a combination of a vacuum chamber and wick structure embedding; using the working fluid evaporation and condensation characteristic to speed up the thermal transmission to achive the cooling performance.
In this study, we fabricate the ultra-thin vapor chamber with six different vapor space height and total thickness. We test thermal performance by a natural convection. Via a series of tests, the study is to find out the relationship among performance, vapor space height and then to conclude a optimum design guide.
The results show that the wick structure analysis from the secondary process can effectively overcome the situation that the wick structure clog the vapor flow space manufactured by single process; also can improve the thermal performance of ultra-thin vapor chamber. From thermal resistance analysis, the total thermal resistance and board resistance have the same trend. In the same heat transfer 5 W, when the vapor space height is 0.35 mm, the ultra-thin vapor chamber has the minimum total thermal resistance of 7.79 ℃/W, and has the minimum board resistance of 0.27 ℃/W.
摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 熱管及均熱板工作原理 6
2.1.1 密閉容器 12
2.1.2 工作流體 17
2.1.3 毛細結構 21
2.1.4 均熱板之操作極限 27
2.2 毛細結構選用之目的 34
2.3 超薄型散熱元件 35
2.4 一般均熱板氣室高度 41
2.5 小結 44
2.6 擴散接合 45
第三章 研究方法 49
3.1 實驗流程 49
3.2 銅網規格選擇 50
3.2.1 銅網對均熱板影響 50
3.2.2 收縮率 51
3.2.3 孔隙率 51
3.2.4 滲透率 52
3.3 超薄型均熱板製作 53
3.3.1 上蓋 53
3.3.2 下蓋 54
3.3.3 下蓋微結構 55
3.3.4 試片表面清潔 56
3.3.5下蓋與銅網接合 56
3.3.6 上、下蓋擴孔 57
3.3.7 上、下蓋接合與注水 57
3.4 超薄型均熱板規格 60
3.5 性質量測 61
3.5.1測試設備 61
3.5.2測試步驟 63
第四章 結果與討論 65
4.1 微結構分析 65
4.1.1製程分析 65
4.1.2小結 67
4.2 超薄型均熱板性能 68
4.2.1 熱源表面溫度對超薄型均熱板之影響 68
4.2.2 熱源表面溫度對超薄型均熱板冷凝區表面溫度之影響 69
4.2.3 氣室高度對超薄型均熱板熱阻值之影響 72
第五章 結論 78
參考文獻 79
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