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研究生(外文):Che-Huei Yu
論文名稱(外文):Experimental Studies on Load-Carrying Capacities and Joint Stiffnesses of System Scaffolds
外文關鍵詞:Depth of InsertionAllowanceJoint StiffnessSystem Scaffold
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試驗結果顯示,主桿與主桿之接合裕度愈寬鬆其承載力則愈低,最大降幅可高達約65%;當主桿插入套管之深度變化,其承載力變化為-74%~+132%。調整座底鈑平整度及螺桿垂直度對主桿承載力影響較明顯,而接合裕度及插入深度對其影響較小。橫桿與主桿接頭水平旋轉面勁度較大,為垂直旋轉面勁度的11.31倍。斜桿與主桿接頭無法提供繞主桿旋轉面勁度,垂直旋轉面勁度可達100 kN-cm/rad;另外兩層單排單跨系統鷹架結構系統有配置斜桿時,承載力則提高1.04倍。
System scaffold is primarily formed from the joining of main pipes, ledgers, braces, and basse screw jacks and can be used to support scaffolding or formwork. The load-bearing capacity of system scaffold is affected by the strength and stiffness of connectors; however, the scarcity of mechanical test data on connectors has affected the precision of system falsework design analyses and resulted in a risk of collapse. This study tested the load-bearing capacity and stiffness of various connectors commonly used in system scaffold in Taiwan and further tested the load-bearing capacity of double-layer, single-row, single-span system scaffold. These tests were conducted to examine the effects of changes in connector strength and stiffness on the load-bearing capacity of system scaffold.
The results of these experiments indicated that a looser allowance between main pipes resulted in decreased load-bearing capacity, with a maximum decrease of approximately 65%. Changes in the depth of insertion of the main pipe into casing tubes resulted in changes in load-bearing capacity from −74% to +132%. The plate flatness and degree of inclination of screws in the base jack showed a more evident effect on main-pipe load-bearing capacity, whereas connection allowance and depth of insertion showed weaker effects on load-bearing capacity. The stiffness of a level surface of revolution in the connection between ledgers and the main pipe was 11.31 times higher than the stiffness of a vertical surface of revolution. The stiffness of a surface of revolution around the main pipe could not be determined from the connection between braces and the main pipe, whereas the stiffness of a vertical surface of revolution reached 100 kN-cm/rad. Furthermore, when the double-layer, single-row, single-span system scaffold featured braces, the load-bearing capacity increased by 1.04 times.
摘 要 i
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
照片目錄 xviii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究內容及步驟 2
1.4 章節結構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1 工程現況 7
2.2 文獻回顧 8
2.2.1 國內外相關規範 8
2.2.2 國內外相關研究 9
2.3 小結 12
第三章 試驗規劃 15
3.1概述 15
3.2試驗儀器 15
3.3試驗材料及斷面性質 15
3.4 各構件續接接頭勁度試驗 16
3.4.1 主桿與主桿接頭 16
3.4.2 橫桿與圓盤接頭 17
3.4.3 斜桿與圓盤接頭 18
3.4.4 主桿與調整座 19
3.5 續接構件強度試驗 21
3.5.1 主桿U型插銷強度 21
3.5.2 主桿扣盤銲接強度 21
3.5.3 橫桿承載強度 22
3.6 接合裕度及插入深度對承載力影響之載重試驗 22
3.6.1 主桿與主桿接合裕度及插入深度 22
3.6.2 主桿插入調整座接合裕度及插入深度 24
3.7 基本單元配置 25
第四章 試驗結果與討論 68
4.1 概述 68
4.2 各構件續接接頭勁度試驗 68
4.2.1 主桿與主桿接頭 68
4.2.2 橫桿與圓盤接頭 69
4.2.3 斜桿與圓盤接頭 71
4.2.4 主桿與調整座接頭 73
4.3 續接構件強度試驗 74
4.3.1 主桿U型插銷強度 74
4.3.2 主桿扣盤銲接強度 74
4.3.3 橫桿承載強度 75
4.4 接合裕度及插入深度對承載力影響之載重試驗 75
4.4.1 主桿與主桿接合裕度 75
4.4.2 主桿與主桿插入深度 82
4.4.3 主桿插入調整座接合裕度 90
4.4.4 主桿插入調整座插入深度 95
4.5 基本單元配置 99
第五章 結論與建議 288
5.1 結論 288
5.2 建議 292
參考文獻 293
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