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研究生(外文):HuANG Hung Wen
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Application of Chilled Beam
外文關鍵詞:Taguchi MethodChilled Beam
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冷樑系統(Chilled Beam)盛行於歐洲及澳洲,具有節能、舒適度佳、風速慢、溫度分佈均勻、保養方便等優點,但因台灣屬亞熱帶濕熱環境,相較於其他乾燥氣候區,更需注意冷樑空調系統結露之問題。因此,本研究藉由實驗方法,探討相關設計參數及環境條件對於冷樑空調系統之結露影響,以提供該系統之結露預防及控制的相關設計與運轉參考,確保系統之可靠性。
本研究為探討冷卻樑板產生結露影響最大之因子,利用田口方法實驗,挑選4因子4水準並選擇L16直交表,因子分別為冷樑冰水盤管表面溫度(18℃、19℃、20℃、21℃)、外氣滲透風的路徑(高進低出、高進高出、低進高出、低進低出)、外氣滲透風量(20CMH、40 CMH、60 CMH、80 CMH)及外氣滲透風的露點溫度條件(18.7℃、21.3℃、22.9℃、24.2℃)進行實驗測試。並且利用S/N比反應表,分析各因子不同的水準對系統的反應大小。
The Chilled Beam prevails in Europe and Australia, it is characterized by energy saving, good comfort, slow air velocity, uniform temperature distribution and convenient maintenance. However, Taiwan is located in subtropical zone, in comparison to other dry climate zones, the condensation of chilled beam air-conditioning system shall be paid more attention to. Therefore, this study experimentally discusses the effect of design parameters and environmental conditions on the condensation of chilled beam air-conditioning system, so as to provide the design and operation references for the condensation prevention and control of the system to guarantee the system reliability.
In order to discuss the factor which has the greatest effect on the condensation of chilled beam, the Taguchi experiment is used, four factors, four levels and L16 orthogonal table are selected. The factors are chilled beam chilled water coil surface temperature (18℃, 19℃, 20℃, 21℃), path of outside air infiltration (high-in low-out, high-in high-out, low-in high-out, low-in low-out), outside air infiltration capacity (20CMH, 40 CMH, 60 CMH, 80 CMH) and dew point temperature of outside air infiltration (18.7℃, 21.3℃, 22.9℃, 24.2℃) for test. The factor combination of the worst quality, i.e. highest dew-point temperature, which will cause the highest risk of condensation is found out according to the responses of different levels of various factors to the system by using S/N ratio response table.
The findings show that the chilled water coil surface temperature has great effect on the condensation of chilled beam coil, and then the dew point temperature of outside air infiltration the path and the path of outside air infiltration .
摘要 i
致謝 iv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
第三章 冷卻樑板介紹 7
3.1主動式冷卻樑板 7
3.2被動式冷卻樑板 8
3.3冷卻樑板之優、缺點 10
第四章 實驗方法 11
4.1實驗架構 11
4.2實驗設備 11
4.2.1冷樑設備 11
4.2.2外氣滲透風模擬設備 13
4.3實驗室建立及量測儀器 14
4.4實驗方法 18
4.4.1田口法簡介 18
4.4.2品質特性(Quality Characteristics) 19
4.4.3理想函數(Ideal Function) 19
4.4.4控制因子 20
4.4.5控制因子變動水準 20
4.4.6滲透風的路點溫度條件 21
4.4.7外氣滲透風的路徑 22
4.4.8田口直交表 23
4.4.9 S/N比(S/N Ratios) 24
4.4.10因子效應 24
第五章 結果與討論 26
5.1防結露潛力 26
5.2結果與分析 35
5.3 實驗討論 42
第六章 結論與未來展望 43
6.1結論 43
6.2後續建議 44
第七章 參考文獻 45
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[5]2009 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals Chapter 16 Ventilation and Infiltration.
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[7]ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2004 Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy
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