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研究生(外文):Yen-Ho Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Performance Experiment and Simulation Analysis for Closed Type Cooling Tower
指導教授(外文):Ming-Tsun Ke
外文關鍵詞:Heat ExchangerPerformance Simulation AnalysisClosed-Type Cooling Tower
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This thesis documents the performance experimental and simulation analysis of closed cooling towers, expecting to establish the performance simulation analysis of the above said cooling towers, including performance verification obtained through physical measurements from the field.
In terms of software utilized to simulation analyze performance of the closed cooling towers, through personal computer making use of VBA programming language, by incorporating long-term data collected from physical field testes, we were able to confirm the accuracy in the experimental simulation analysis results obtained for this thesis.
The performance verification were achieved by measurement obtained using ultrasonic external water circulation flowmeter during physical field tests directed at cooling water flow volume and air flow volume measurement through the use of multi-functional anemometer. Long term entering and exiting air temperature volume measurement through the use of humidity recorder, data on cooled water temperature during entering and exiting were recorded using PT-100 and GL-820 multifunctional recorders. All of this aided the calculation and measurement of heat transfer capacity of the closed cooling tower was emitting.
Utilizing both data readings obtained from onsite measurements to perform experimental verification, a relative error was found as per below:
The average relative error in water temperature from the cooling water outlet was around 5.628%, the average relative error on the exiting air temperature was around 4.225%, the relative error on the humidity on the exiting air temperature was around 11.404% and once compared to the heat dissipation quantity performance of the water cooling tower, the relative error was around 14.476%. The performance of the closed cooling tower will be described in detail within the closed cooling tower performance thesis documents.
目 錄
摘 要 ⅰ
誌 謝 ⅳ
目 錄 ⅴ
表目錄 ⅶ
圖目錄 ⅷ
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2文獻回顧 2
1.3研究目的與方法 4
第二章 密閉式冷卻水塔理論分析 5
2.1密閉式冷卻水塔構造 5
2.2 密閉式冷卻水塔規格 6
2.3 密閉式冷卻水塔理論分析 9
2.3.1散熱材熱質傳分析 9
2.3.2熱水盤管熱質傳分析 11
2.3.3盤管內冷卻水側與外冷卻水側理論分析 14
2.3.4下方水盤補水理論分析 15
2.3.5空氣濕度分析理論 16
第三章 密閉式冷卻水塔性能軟體 17
3.1性能軟體介面介紹 17
3.2性能軟體參數輸入 23
3.2.1冷卻水側參數輸入 23
3.2.2外循環水側參數輸入 23
3.2.3空氣側參數輸入 24
3.2.4盤管與散熱材參數輸入 24
3.3性能分析結果輸出 25
第四章 實驗設備與方法 28
4.1實驗測試本體 28
4.2實驗系統介紹 32
4.3實驗量測方法與設備介紹 33
4.3.1 冷卻水側之量測 33
4.3.2 空氣側之量測 35
4.3.3 外循環水側之量測 39
4.4 實驗方法 40
4.5 實驗數據分析 40
4.5.1 冷卻水側數據分析 41
4.5.2 空氣側數據分析 41
4.5.3 外循環水側數據分析 42
第五章 實驗結果與討論 43
5.1.性能測試分析結果 43
5.2.性能軟體分析結果 48
5.2.1.變風量之影響 47
5.2.2.變外循環水流量之影響 49
5.2.3.變空氣進口相對濕度之影響 51
5.3.模擬程式與實驗之誤差分析 53
5.3.1.案例一分析 54
5.3.2.案例二分析 58
第六章 結論與未來展望 62
6.1.結論 62
6.2.未來展望 64
參考文獻 65
符號說明 67
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