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研究生(外文):Lily Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Hedging Strategy in RMB Currency Futures –Consider the Structural Breaks
指導教授(外文):Chien-Liang Chiu
口試委員(外文):Min-Lee ChanChun-Hung LinChien-Liang Chiu
中文關鍵詞:OLS模型單變量GARCH (11) 模型雙變量GARCH (11)模型動態避險結構轉折時點
外文關鍵詞:OLS modelGARCH model(11)GARCH model (11)Dynamic hedingStructural breaks
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人民幣自由化與國際化趨勢的浪潮下,2015年10月1日人民幣正式納入國際貨幣基金(IMF)特別提款權(SDR) 成為SDR第三大儲備貨幣。在全球央行增加人民幣資產的需求,及吸引國際資本配置境内債券和股票資產的需求帶動下,人民幣扮演舉足輕重的國際地位。隨著人民幣匯率市場價格的雙向波動成為常態,波動彈性幅度放大,廠商更需要掌握期貨規避風險優勢,善用人民幣匯率期貨進行避險。
本研究採用台灣經濟新報TEJ資料庫所提供人民幣即期匯率收盤價及臺灣期貨交易所美元兌人民幣匯率期貨RHF(大美人) 與小型美元人民幣匯率期貨RTF(小美人)之收盤價資料,研究資料期間為2015年8月3日至2017年2月14日間之日資料,運用傳統OLS模型, 單變量GARCH (1,1) ,雙變量GARCH (1,1) 等避險模型來估計避險比率,並比較大、小契約規格的兩檔人民幣匯率期貨避險工具,在不同模型下的避險效果。實證結果顯示大、小美人二檔人民幣匯率期貨,確實能提供廠商及投資人作為人民幣匯率避險最適的避險工具。避險效果以雙變量GARCH(1,1)之動態避險策略的避險績效最佳。此外,實證結果顯示,人民幣匯率確實會受到重大財金事件的影響而產生結構性改變。且在考慮結構時間轉折下,確實更具有提高避險績效的解釋能力。
Under the liberalization and internalization of the renminbi (RMB), the currency was officially incorporated into the Special Drawing Rights(SDR) maintained by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on October 1, 2015, and has since then become the third major foreign-exchange reserves. As the Financial Stability Board increase the demand for RMB assets and countries worldwide attempt to attract foreign investment in domestic bonds and stocks, the RMB plays an essential role in the global finance. However, because the two-way fluctuation of the RMB exchange rate occurs frequently with substantial fluctuation levels, firms needs to adopt adequate hedging strategies for RMB futures to posses competitive advantages. This study adopts the RMB spot exchange rate data provided by the Taiwan Economic Journal datebase (TEJ) and the closing prices of the USD/CNT FX futures (RTF) and USD/CNH FX futures (RHF) provided by Taiwan future Exchange.(TAIFEX)
The sampling period spans from August 3 ,2015 to Febrary 14, 2017. Daily price data are input into an OLS model, GARCH(1,1) model, and a bivariate GARCH9(1,1) model to estimate the hedge ratio. In addition, the effects of hedging tools for the RTF and RHF are compared under the different models.
The empirical results for this study show that the adopted models can serve as suitable hedging tools for firms and investors to exchange RMB futures.
The hedging effect is the best hedge effect of the bivariate GARCH (1,1) dynamic hedging strategy. In addition, the empirical results show that the RMB exchange rate will indeed be affected by major financial events and structural breaks. And in the structure of the time structure of the transition, but also has the ability to improve the ability to improve safe-haven performance.
(The volatility) of the external environmental factors from the impact of the external environmental factors on the exchange rate, the volatility of the cross-border funds from China, the large amount of foreign exchange reserves, the huge reduction of foreign exchange earnings, the impact of the RMB exchange rate, Corporate debt problems, the risk of housing bubble, the implementation of tightening credit, and reverse repurchase to control the funding gap and other government authorities intervention policy. Resulting in the continuous depreciation of the RMB exchange rate, these interventions are likely to be the formation of the empirical structure of the transition point and the formation of large and small beauty futures tools to improve safe-haven performance, the best hedge effect of the main factors. And as the economy changes, the structural transition may be more than one point. And the recent financial events such as the United States to lift the accusations against the Chinese interest rate manipulator, the People''s Bank of China in the RMB central parity formation mechanism by adding "counter-cyclical factors", the policy of uncertainty and A shares into the MSCI Emerging Markets Index Whether structural reform and other factors. It may also make the past two years the RMB exchange rate short trend reversal, etc., these government policy intervention uncertainty may be the next time the structure breaks
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 11
第三節 研究架構及流程 12
第二章 文獻回顧 14
第一節 期貨避險功能 14
第二節 人民幣匯率期貨避險 17
第三節 避險相關文獻 24
第三章 研究方法 28
第一節 資料來源 28
第二節 各避險模型說明 29
第三節 傳統OLS避險模型 30
第四節 單變量GARCH(1,1)模型 32
第五節 雙變量GARCH(1,1)模型 33
第六節 避險績效之估計 35
第七節 考慮結構性時點的避險模型 37
第四章 實證結果分析 40
第一節 基本統計量 40
第二節 各模型效果比較 44
第五章 結論與未來研究建議 51
第一節 結論 51
第二節 未來建議研究方向 53
參考文獻 54
一、中文文獻 54
二、英文文獻 55 
表 1-1-1 人民幣匯率制度沿革一覽表 7
表 1-1-2 中國實施匯率改革之匯率變動狀況表 8
表 1-1-3 1960年以來歷年美元兌人民幣匯率年均價 9
表2-2-1人民幣匯率期貨交易的9個國際交易所 16
表2-2-2 人民幣匯率期貨交易量最具規模的全球四大交易所 16
表2-2-3 臺灣期貨交易所(TAIFEX)人民幣匯率期貨交易量統計表 17
表2-2-4 2016年1-7月全球前四大人民幣匯率期貨交易量統計表 18
表2-2-5 美元兌人民幣匯率期貨契約規格介紹 19
表2-2-6 人民幣匯率期貨避險策略介紹 21
表4-1-1 美元兌人民幣匯率與美元兌人民幣匯率期貨RHF(大美人)、小型人民幣匯率期貨RTF (小美人)之基本統計量 41
表4-2-1 樣本內不同模型之避險比率 44
表4-2-2 樣本內不同避險下投資組合之變異數 45
表4-2-3 樣本內不同避險模型避險效果之比較 46
表4-2-4 樣本外不同避險模型下投資組合之平均變異數 48
表4-2-5 樣本外不同避險模型平均避險效果之比較 50
圖1-1-1 研究流程圖 13
圖4-1-1 美元兌人民幣匯率期貨RHF (大美人)趨勢圖 42
圖4-1-2 小型人民幣匯率期貨RTF (小美人)趨勢圖 42
圖4-1-3 美元兌人民幣匯率(CNY)趨勢圖 43
圖4-2-1 估計期間與避險期間之移動視窗方法圖 48
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