Compaired to the style in the past, I, as a graduating student, turn my creation into different direction in which I tried another creating style without too many plans in my brain and I want to find something which is worth to be seen in those ruminate places and areas. What I have written in this master’s thesis is all about my works that I have produced after being inspired in the graduate school. I can not sure if I would continue the journey of the direction I found in graduate school, but I want to use the chance of doing master’s thesis to not only arrange and record my creations during this period but also review myself in order to make progress in the next creation. Chapter one is the confession about what I have thoughts and the changes I have done after I enrolled in the graduate school. Chapter two to four are aimed at studying my works. Chapter two is taking about the space. The space contains both the intention and the origin of every creating activity. After having the certain space, then artists can do any thing they want. When it comes to chapter three, I want to focus on the various objects which play the improtant role of presenting the space. Based on things we put in the certain area, the atmosphere besides the spaces might change and so do people’s perseption. In the chapter four, I try to use more concepts and new thoughts to blur the border of the confine.