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研究生(外文):Tsai Yu En
論文名稱(外文):The Nameless Zone
指導教授(外文):Ku Shih-yung
外文關鍵詞:modernityspeedspectaclebodykitschslightly achefold
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身為一個創作者,回應的自身問題,與這世界脫離不了關係,就算是拒絕,也是一種交涉,選擇就是正在作用的動作了。此篇論文欲從創作的多重面向對此刻的 藝術 ﹣身體 ﹣ 世界 予以回應。
The Nameless Zone tries to deal with moments of sudden sobbing utterances in our life experiences, and to regard as a space for studying the empirical experiences which are not easily categorized. From several angles, it explores the experiences involving the receptive world, time of creation and time of viewing artworks. Therein, the necessary condition is for a person to put himself into, rather than over, all his life. He must put his body and “this person” in perception and feelings about the living world. As Maurice Merleau-Ponty said in L'œil et l'esprit, “One must use his body as a medium to really know others and nature.” Hence, what can be perceived by the body in the current world through artistic creation and production? And what is the response to the untold moment?
"Nameless" comes from his non-definition, futility, or deliberate neglect. Speed has penetrated the life of today's era which abounds in purposes. The video and the Internet have long accepted willingly their notoriety and been interpreted as the masses. “Humans” are the products from the air. The choice to refuse the speed is also a participative way. It cannot be changed from "something" to "nothing", and it is often a matter of pulling back and forth, jumping back to senses, and swinging to and fro. It disables one from searching for words in response. Therefore, in the process of creation, I negotiate with it to ceaselessly test his name in the functional space.

A creator’s response to his own problem surely has something to do with the world. Even his refusal to respond is also considered a kind of negotiation. Selection is also an action in the process. This article tries to make responses to the art-body-the world of the moment from multiple dimensions in creation.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝辭 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
導讀 1

第一章 無名與地帶 2
一、擊破點:創作作為方法 2
二、向空間前行 3
三、現代性身體 3
(一)新光三越與鄰近轉角 3
(二)作業 4
(三)在森林中迷失 5

四、計畫自身作用 6
五、創作的反饋 6
小結 7

第二章 藝術,日常重新部署 8
一、策略與戰術 8
二、木與夜孰長:提問作為手法 9
三、活巷單行道居民—以作品《五分鐘打工旅遊》為例 10
四、利用形式的形式 12
小結 14

第三章 身體與繪畫 15
一. 沒有東西沒有名字 15
二. 媚俗的對手 15
三. 圖層:分離動作並總體運作 16
(一)繪畫作品 16
(一)圖層與動作 18
四. 可能的繪畫 19
小結 20

第四章 作品裡動作 21
一、景觀社會與身體模式 21
二、框裡的戰爭 22
三、讓子彈飛一會兒:身體與時間 22
(一)可經驗的身體 22
(二)可經驗的時間 23
小結 23

第五章 觀看藝術 24
一、微酸,一種當代感性 24
二、空無與神奇 24
小結 25

第六章 結論 26
一、殘酷的遊戲 26
二、「像」的做為 26
三、永遠的不可知 27
<備註一>作品《一日的名信片_上班》 29
<備註二>作品《五分鐘打工旅遊》 29
<備註三>繪畫作品 43
<備註四>作品《為阻擋喝彩》 48
<備註五>作品《接合風景》 50
<備註六>作品《無事的下午四點》 52
<備註七>作品《登馬特里歐山》 53
參考文獻 54
《嘔吐》沙特Jean-Paul Sartre/著,桂玉芳/譯,志文出版社,1938/1997
《柏林童年》班雅明Walter Benjamin/著,王涌、宋淑明/譯,麥田出版社,1938/2012
《生命中不能承受之輕》米蘭.昆德拉Milan Kundera/著,尉遲秀/譯, 皇冠出版社
《查拉圖司特拉如是說》尼采Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche/著,余鴻榮/譯,志文出版社

《消失的美學》保羅.維希留Paul Virilio/著,楊凱麟/譯,揚智出版社
《戀人絮語》羅蘭.巴特Roland Barthes/著,汪耀進/譯,商周出版
《分析日常生活與文化理論》BEN HIGHMORE/著,周群英/譯,韋伯文化國際出版有限公司
《法蘭西斯.培根:感官感覺的邏輯》德勒茲Gilles Deleuze/著,陳蕉/譯,桂冠出版社
《眼與心》梅洛龐蒂Maurice Merleau-Ponty/著,龔卓軍/譯,典藏藝術家庭
《景觀社會》居伊.德波Guy-Ernest Debord/著
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