Between the 1920s and 1970s, the prestigious pipa player, Liu DeHai (劉德海) had rendered traditional folk songs or music pieces from other countries; starting from the 1980s and the1990s, Liu has composed several series of pipa solos, including the Life series, the Folklore series, the Idyll series, the Religions series and the Nostalgia series, and to date, he still continues publishing pieces. Apprenticed to many famous pipa players, Liu inherited the essence of different styles, and finally combined what he had learned and his original style, creating his own distinctive performance style, which is commonly known as the “Liu’s Style.” The emphasis of this study is placed on the analysis and interpretation of Liu’s The Six Steeds of Zhao Mausoleum, a piece from his Nostalgia series, while Liu’s apprenticeship as a musician, perception of music and arts and Liu’s unique techniques and playing skills will also be discussed.