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研究生(外文):En-wei Tzou
論文名稱(外文):Enhancing Spatial Abilities To Cultivate Sketching Form Creativity In Case Study Of Industrial Design Students
指導教授(外文):Chao-yang Yang
口試委員(外文):Chao-yang Yang
外文關鍵詞:spatial abilityform creativity
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In design industry, sketching is considered as an important tool to assist thinking process to detail, evaluate and communicate design concepts.Shapes are created prior to the contour of imaginationby which it is difficult for students to draw out without visual cues. Students often reckon that the performance depends on spatial ability.
Effective sketch technique bases on being able to accumulate visualized creative concepts in correct ratio and prospective.Therefore, this research aims to enhance quality and quantity of creative sketch by two curriculums: 1)copying and 2)experiencing in which we evaluated the outcome of students’ spatial ability and creativity of shape creating.
Two sketch training groups of 20 and 16 first year students from Department of Industrial Design of Tatung University are recruited to participate the experiment. After the basic drawing technique were trained, one group was given the coping lessons whereas another one was given the experiencing lessons. Spatial ability and creativity was test before and after given the two different lessons. Experts were employed to rate the creativity and complexity of the students’ performance.
As the results, spatial ability is not necessarily relevant to creativity of shaping. Creativity and spatial ability were significantly improved after observing and imitating the details of their chosen buildings. Students from Experiencing lesson have improved their spatial ability but creativity. This implies that creativity is based on learning from coping which is an important element for future creative sketch teaching.
謝誌 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第壹章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究假設 2
第貳章 文獻探討 3
2.1繪圖教學 3
2.1.1繪圖流程 3
2.1.2冥想臨摹教學 4
2.1.3體驗式教學 4
2.2創造力 5
2.2.1造型創造力評估 5
2.3空間能力 6
2.3.1靜態空間能力 7
2.3.2動態空間能力 7
2.4造形元素 7
2.4.1造形元素:點 8
2.4.2造形元素:線 8
2.4.3造形元素:面 9
2.4.4鏡射、弧形、旋轉和縮放 9
第參章 研究方法 9
3.1實驗設計 9
3.1.1實驗流程 10
3.2課程設計 10
3.2.1課程目標 11
3.2.2課程大綱 11
3.3課程各階段介紹 12
3.3.1第一階段、第二階段:基礎設計概念 12
3.3.2第三階段:分組學習 18
3.4 受測者 25
3.5測驗方法 25
3.5.1造形創造力測驗 25
3.5.2空間能力測驗 27
3.5.3手繪造形複雜度和困難度主觀測試 28
第肆章結果與討論 30
4.1結果分析與假說檢定 30
4.2討論 34
4.2.1冥想臨摹教學法探討 34
4.2.2體驗式教學法探討 36
第伍章結論與未來發展 38
5.1結論 38
5.1.1兩學習組總結比較 38
5.1.2課程學習與空間能力、造型元素、造型創造力之關係 39
5.2研究限制及後續研究建議 40
5.2.1研究限制 40
5.2.2未來研究建議 41
第陸章參考文獻 42

圖2-1四個基本造形元素 9
圖3-1實驗流程圖 10
圖3-2課程學習流程圖 12
圖3-3直線練習 14
圖3-4單點、兩點、三點透視 14
圖3-5透視概念 15
圖3-6基本透視概念練習 15
圖3-7受測者t-19之練習 16
圖3-8圓的透視圖 17
圖3-9垂直視角變化圖 17
圖3-10圓形方塊透視 18
圖3-11學生圖面之練習 18
圖3-12立體造形二分法教學示意圖 20
圖3-13手繪立體造形 20
圖3-14方塊範例(高創造力) 21
圖3-15方塊範例(低創造力) 21
圖3-16方塊之錯誤範例 22
圖3-17受測者t-18之仿建築物創作過程 23
圖3-18體驗式學習教學概念 23
圖3-19體驗式學習組 PU 模型 25
圖3-20附刻度立體方塊模板 26
圖3-21應用基本造形元素為基礎所組合而成的新造形元素 29
圖4-1受測者t-5教學前之手繪圖形 34
圖4-2受測者t-5教學後之手繪圖形 35
圖4-3受測者t-18教學前之手繪圖形 35
圖4-4受測者t-18教學後之手繪圖形 35
圖4-5受測者t-29教學前之手繪圖形 36
圖4-6受測者t-29教學後之手繪圖形 36
圖5.1體驗式學習組受測者之圖面 39
圖5.2冥想臨摹學習組受測者之圖面 39

表3-1受測者資料 25
表3-2創造力評分表 27
表3-3空間能力測驗題型 28
表4-1受測者創造力與複雜度成績 30
表4-2複雜度與造型創造力之相關分析 31
表4-3空間能力、造型創造力、複雜度、造型元素之相關分析 32
表4-4受測者空間能力成績 33
表4-5造型元素、造型創造力、複雜度之相關分析 33
表4-6教學前後繪圖造型之數量 37
表5.1研究假說與研究結果一覽表 38
表5.2兩學習法綜合比較 38
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