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研究生(外文):Jui-wen Hu
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Application of Participatory Design for Medical Pictogram Design
指導教授(外文):Chia-hua Lin
口試委員(外文):Chia-hua Lin
外文關鍵詞:Medical centerParticipatory designPictogram
  • 被引用被引用:2
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The Taiwanese society is gradually facing the problems associated with an aging population. The current family structure has increased the percentage of foreign caregivers. In addition, the rise of international tourism has also increased the number of foreign tourists visiting Taiwan each year. However, when the elderly and foreigners seek medical assistance, wayfinding efficiency may be affected due to poor understanding of text signage. Moreover, according to survey findings, the medical centers of Taipei City all lack pictogram signs; there are only one to three types of text signage. The purpose of this study is to design a set of medical pictogram system for hospital departments at Taiwanese medical centers.
Participatory design methods were used to recruit participants with backgrounds in design, medicine, and other professional backgrounds in design co-creating, in turn exploring the application of this design method to pictogram design. Designers can more directly communicate with users and more quickly acquire interdisciplinary professional knowledge, correctly transmitting medical information and clarifying the general public’s blind spots about specialty pictograms and correcting erroneous understanding. In the participation process, each participant has equal status. Results of observation showed that participants with different backgrounds have their own role orientations. The study recommends that participants with design backgrounds should be the main targets of design execution; the professional knowledge and recommendations from participants with other backgrounds can help provide pictogram design proposals that are close to real life without losing aesthetic value. Moreover, future execution of design should include elderly and foreign participants to elevate the overall preference and recognition of the pictograms.
Additionally, the initial design proposals were modified through a two-stage pictogram evaluation. Preference evaluation found that subjects of different backgrounds differed in their preference of pictograms. Those with design backgrounds stressed the aesthetics and simplicity , while those with medical backgrounds stressed the truthfulness and rationality. Recognition evaluation found that age and nationality showed significant differences in pictogram recognition. The elderly had lower observation and association ability to the pictograms, while recognition of the pictogram by foreigners was weaker than that of Taiwanese youth due to cultural and specialty name differences. It is recommended that before pictogram design and evaluation, future studies should confirm design styles to prevent unclear differences in pictogram identification. Finally, the study repeatedly modified the pictograms after evaluation, proposing a complete set of medical pictogram designs. It is hoped that in the future, pictograms can be applied in the healthcare environment, and that this study will serve as a reference for the design of medical pictograms and the application of participatory design.
第壹章 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍與限制 4
1.4 研究架構 5
第貳章 文獻探討 6
2.1 圖像符號 6
2.1.1 符號學 7
2.1.2 圖像符號定義 9
2.1.3 圖像符號視覺認知 11
2.1.4 圖像符號設計原則 13
2.1.5 圖像符號設計流程 16
2.1.6 圖像符號評估 18
2.1.7 小結 20
2.2 國內外案例 21
2.2.1 國內案例 21
2.2.2 國外案例 23
2.3 參與式設計 30
2.3.1 參與式設計源起 30
2.3.2 參與式設計定義 31
2.3.3 參與式設計流程 33
2.3.4 小結 35
第參章 研究方法 36
3.1 研究流程 36
3.2 研究設計 38
3.2.1 圖像符號彙整與分析 38
3.2.2 醫療科別項目篩選 46
3.2.3 設計流程確立與初步設計提案 52
3.2.4 設計提案評估 54
3.2.5 設計提案修正 55
3.2.6 最終設計提案 55
第肆章 研究結果 56
4.1 參與式設計 56
4.1.1 參與式設計前測 56
4.1.2 參與式設計結果 62
4.2 圖像符號設計 78
4.2.1認同度評估結果 79
4.2.2識認性評估結果 94
4.2.3第二次識認性評估結果 105
第伍章 討論與分析 108
5.1 參與式設計 108
5.1.1 不同背景參與者執行過程之角色差異 108
5.1.2 歸納參與式設計方法對於設計師之助益 109
5.1.3 參與式設計對於圖像符號設計之優缺點 109
5.2 圖像符號設計 111
5.2.1 使用者對於圖像符號設計之認同度 111
5.2.2 圖像符號設計對於識認性之影響因素 116
第陸章 結論與建議 120
6.1 研究結論 120
6.2 設計提案 122
6.3 後續研究建議 122
參考文獻 123
外文部分 123
中文部分 125
附錄一 129
附錄二 132
附錄三 134
附錄四 137
附錄五 145
附錄六 150
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