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研究生(外文):YA-WEN TSENG
論文名稱(外文):The Modeling, Rendering and Animation of Cumuli
指導教授(外文):Jyun-Ming Chen
口試委員(外文):Jyun-Ming Chen
外文關鍵詞:cumulus simulation
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  建構模型外觀部分,基於積雲的外觀特性,以四角錐做為建模外框,外框參數可直接設置,或者取自真實相片,以自然界積雲的形成原因為基礎,由 Metaball 模擬雲滴群(cloud droplet)的分佈,透過marching cube 演算法,創建積雲的幾何模型。模型創建之後,移動模型表面頂點來增添雲表面的幾何複雜度。
  成像部分,本研究分為計算雲本身的顏色以及計算雲的透光度。雲顏色部分,使用Phong illumination model來計算。透光度部分,以雲體的厚度做為透光度依據。
  The goal of this research is to create a cloud model by setting less parameters. After modeling ,adding suitable rendering and simulate the dynamic behavior of the cumulus.
  Based on the appearance characteristics of the cumulus, the quadrangular cone is used as the outer frame. The outer frame parameters can be set directly or from the real photo. Based on the formation of the natural cumulus cloud, the cloud droplet. Simulate the water vapor distribution, through the marching cube algorithm, to create cumulus geometric model. After the model was created, the Perlin noise was used as a random number to add the geometric complexity of the cloud surface.
  Rendering part of the paper is divided into the calculation of the color of the cloud and calculate the cloud opacity, the color part of the cloud , is using Phong illumination model to calculate. And the opacity part of the cumulus , it has both thick part and thin part in one cloud, cloud model will have this geometry, therefore, the thickness as the basis for light transmission, the thicker, less light through, The thinner, the more light through, to a single cloud of different parts, there will be different translucent effect.
  Dynamic simulation, cumulus dynamic behavior is usually accompanied by violent geometric appearance changes, the emergence and disappearance of most of the humidity-related, so the study will control the parameters of cloud droplets to simulate the cloud's growth and decline.
  In combination with the above, less of parameters be input by the user, and the cumulus can be constructed quickly and the corresponding colors, transparency, and dynamic changes are made when the outside world changes (sun position, humidity, etc.).
謝誌 i
摘要 ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目標 4
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 相關研究與技術探討 5
2.1 根據相片資訊來創建雲模型 5
2.2 雲透光度計算 7
2.3 動態行為模擬 8
2.3.1 以物理為基礎模擬流體雲 8
2.3.2 以bubble計算水氣變化後增添細節 9
2.4 marching cube演算法 9
2.5 Perlin noise 11
第三章 積雲的創建與行為模擬 13
3.1 凝結核、雲滴與雨滴 13
3.2 積雲基本模型建構 13
3.2.1 外框與metaball的設置 14
3.2.2 雲模型幾何複雜度的增加 18
3.3 積雲的渲染 20
3.3.1 以Phong illumination model計算雲的顏色 20
3.3.2 雲的透明度設置 21
3.4 積雲的出現消失 22
第四章 結果與討論 23
4.1 硬體規格與開發環境 23
4.2 雲模型的參數設定 24
4.3 雲模型的頂點增加方式 26
第五章 結論與未來方向 30
參考文獻 32
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