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研究生(外文):Che-Chia Hu
論文名稱(外文):The Design and Development of an App to Promote Wheelchair Users' Outdoor Activities
外文關鍵詞:SmartphonePersuasive TechnologyWheelchair
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In recent years, the quality of mobility challenge to wheelchair users has become more important than ever. There are a number of assistive products have been created that provide chance to engage with society. However, most wheelchair users still feel hard to engage with society because there is bias against wheelchair in the general public. In order to arouse general public’s attention on wheelchair users and let them know that the users are not oddities, there are art works on the street have been presented to address this issue. With the progress of smartphones, the concept of performance art can be embodied as an App to record the outdoor experience and display it in various manners. In summary, contribution of this dissertation is to find out the facts that encourage wheelchair users confidently to take outdoor activities via smartphones.
誌謝 I
中文摘要 II
目次 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 研究動機 1
1.1動機 1
1.2論文概述 2
第二章 背景與相關文獻 4
2.1背景 5
2.2電腦、輪椅及輪椅使用者 6
2.3普及運算 10
2.4誘導式科技 12
2.5小結 15
第三章 設計概念 16
3.1設計概念 16
3.2設計步驟 21
3.3設計架構 22
3.4小結 24
第四章 系統架構與實作 25
4.1系統背景 25
4.2系統架構 26
4.3系統實作 27
4.3.1路程行進中 28
4.3.2路途結束後 31
第五章 討論與分析 35
5.1實驗規劃 35
5.2 受測結果與分析 36
第六章 結論與未來展望 38
參考資料 40
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