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研究生(外文):Kai-Xiang Zhang
論文名稱(外文):Control Strategy Study for Ping-tung Smart Micro Grid
指導教授(外文):Bin-Kwie ChenYi-Ping Chen
口試委員(外文):Bin-Kwie ChenYi-Ping Chen
外文關鍵詞:smart griddistributed power sourcesmicro-grid
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首先,根據各個分散式電源的數學原理或工程模型,建立了光伏電源、風力電源、微型燃氣輪機、儲能裝置等分散式電源的模型,分析各類分散式電源工作源理,通過這些模型的模擬獲得它們相關的輸出特性。同時,重點分析光伏電池最大功率點追蹤技術(maximum power point tracking, MPPT)和儲能裝置(鋰離子電池)充放電特性。
The aim of this study is to investigate the strategy for the coordinated control of the micro-grid (distributed generation) using various technologies for the power generation, such as wind, photovoltaic source, and energy storage. The coordinated control of the power sources and the energy storage equipment ensures the micro-grid to be much safer, reliable and cost-effective under the different operating conditions. The main research interests are listed below.
First, the models for the different distributed power sources (wind, photovoltaic, and micro-turbine) and the energy storage equipment are built according to the theory of mathematics and engineering. The mechanism of the power sources is analyzed and the characters of their output are obtained via the simulation experiment. In addition, the tracking technology for maximum power point tracking(MPPT),and charging and discharging properties of the energy storage equipment (Lithium Ion Battery) are further analyzed.
Secondly, the controlling technology and strategy framework for the three different types of the inverter interface, including constant power, voltage and frequency, are analyzed. Furthermore, the current dominating controlling strategy for the micro-grid is introduced, such as constant power control (grid-connected system), the constant voltage and frequency, and droop control.
Thirdly, with the analysis of the peer-to-peer, master-slave, and multi-agent and Hierarchical control, the structure and technology of the above three different control models are studied. During the change of the operating conditions, the different power sources are coordinated to ensure that the micro-grid could obtain the sufficient power supply under different working conditions and models.
Finally, the investigation of the controlling strategy is adopted by Ping-tung smart micro-grid. The analysis of its existing issues for the optimization is proposed in order to achieve a safe and stable operation and smoothly conversion among the different modes, which leads to ultimate aim of this study, to maximize the usage of the renewable energy and to achieve the more cost-effective solution.
目 錄
致谢 II
摘 要 III
第一章、緒論 IX
1.1、研究背景和目的 1
1.2、分散式電源與微電網概況 2
1.2.1、分散式電源概況 2
1.2.2、微電網概況 3
1.3、國內外微電網發展現狀 5
1.4、微電網結構與關鍵技術 8
1.4.1、微電網結構 8
1.4.2、微電網關鍵技術 10
1.5、本文主要研究內容 12
第二章、分散式電源基本原理與特性 14
2.1、光伏發電系統 14
2.1.1、光伏發電基本原理 14
2.1.2、光伏電池數學模型 15
2.1.3、光伏電池最大功率點跟蹤控制 17
2.2、風力發電系統 21
2.2.1、風力發電工作原理 21
2.2.2、永磁同步發電機數學模型 22
2.3、儲能裝置 24
2.3.1、蓄電池組數學模型 24
2.3.2、蓄電池組充放電特性 26
2.4、小結 27
第三章、分散式電源控制技術 29
3.1、恒功率(P/Q)控制 29
3.2、下垂(Droop)控制 31
3.3、恒壓恒頻(V/f)控制 33
3.4、小結 34
第四章、微電網控制策略 36
4.1、微電網對等控制 36
4.2、微電網主從控制 38
4.3、基於多代理技術分層控制 39
4.4、小結 41
第五章、智慧微電網控制策略應用 43
5.1、概述 43
5.2、微電網架構設計 43
5.3、微電網示範工程案例分析 46
5.3.1、設備配置 46
5.3.2、主要設備技術參數 47
5.3.3、分散式電源與微電網控制模式 49
5.3.4、微電網運轉模式 50
5.3.5、存在問題分析 54
5.4、微電網即時控制策略優化 59
5.4.1、長期市電並聯模式控制優化 59
5.4.2、孤島運轉模式控制優化 62
5.4.5、微電網控制策略優化資料分析 65
第六章、總結 68
參考文獻 70
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