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研究生(外文):Hshien-Tung Lin
指導教授(外文):Hung-Ching Lu
口試委員(外文):Hung-Ching Lu
外文關鍵詞:five joint robot manipulatorinverse kinematicultrasonic sensorfuzzy controlforward kinematicrecursive least square (RLS) estimation.  
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In order to improve the accuracy of five-joint manipulator gripping, the proposed method can divide into two steps. First, the dynamic model of five-joint manipulator is built via forward kinematic and inverse kinematic, which establish the mathematical model by recursive least square (RLS) estimation. Next, by using the sensor value of ultrasonic sensor via fuzzy controller, the plane area and the center of the object can be obtained. Besides, the distance between manipulator and object is detected as the feedback control signal. Furthermore, the values of ultrasonic sensor are fuzzified to improve the performance of target discrimination and target tracking.
摘要 i
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 研究背景 5
2.1模糊模型 (Fuzzy Model) 6
2.2遞迴最小平方法(Recursive Least Squares estimation) 9
2.3運動學(Kinematic) 13
2.4五軸機械手臂簡介 15
2.5硬體設備規格 16
第三章 機械手臂運動學 21
3.1數學符號建立 23
3.2正運動學(Forward Kinematics) 26
3.3逆運動學(Inverse Kinematics) 28
第四章 運動學模擬 35
4.1手臂工作點數據圖 36
4.2建立機械手臂遞迴最小平方演算法 40
4.3機械手臂動作數據庫 41
第五章 模糊模型建立 42
第六章 實驗結果 45
6.1實驗注意事項 45
6.2實驗流程 46
6.3機械手臂實際模擬結果 48
第七章 結論 51
參考文獻 52
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