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研究生(外文):Ru-Da Ma
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Constrained Iterative Signal Restoration Algorithms
指導教授(外文):Chau-Yun Hsu
口試委員(外文):Chau-Yun Hsu
外文關鍵詞:performance estimationEVMPGACISRA
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The applications and improvements of many constrained iterative signal restoration algorithms (CISRAs) have been widely investigated during the past few decades. However, the recoverability of CISRA depending on the proportional relation between both partial knowledges of data domain and transformed domain were rarely discussed. In this thesis, a well-known CISRA, the discrete Papoulis-Gerchburg algorithm, is taken as an example for performance evaluation. Two performances, convergent error vector magnitude (EVM) of difference error and iteration number, are examined by considering all the combinations of samples on data domain and transformed domain respectively. The simulation results show that the maximum number of lost samples could be determined specifically when the criteria of convergent EVM and iteration number were given in demand.
第壹章 緒論1
1.1 研究動機1
1.2 研究方法1
1.3 論文結構2
第貳章 文獻探討3
第参章 訊號還原演算法5
3.1 本研究所使用之訊號還原演算法原型5
3.2 本研究所使用之訊號還原演算法7
3.3 奈奎斯特取樣定理(Nyquist Sampling Theorem)9
3.4 線性內插(Linear Interpolation)12
3.5 誤差向量幅度(Error Vector Magnitude)14
3.6 標準差(Standard Deviation)16
第肆章 模擬驗證17
4.1 資料域數值組合評估方法20
4.2 轉換域數值組合評估方法28
4.3 還原效能評估36
4.4 訊號還原程度39
第伍章 結論46
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