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研究生(外文):YU NI-CHIH
論文名稱(外文):On the influence Factors of Learning Information Communications Techology of the Elderly People
指導教授(外文):Patrick S. Chen
口試委員(外文):Patrick S. Chen
外文關鍵詞:learning capabilityageing societyICTfocus group interview
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隨著醫療生技產業不斷的提升和創新之下,人們的壽命延長,台灣已經正式邁入高齡化的老年社會了。我們要如何讓長輩過一個有尊嚴又喜樂的老年生活呢 ? 一個成功老化的基本條件在於老人本身必須維持在身心靈健康、穩定的經濟支援、家庭成員互動良好、社交關係密切和有一顆向前學習的心以及適應的能力。
本研究主要目的是為了評估影響老人學習資通訊科技產品的因素,以及要如何將通訊的物件在操作上簡單、易懂,上手的功能提供給老人,配合完整適當的學習途徑,藉以評估他們在使用上的意願和接受度。利用質性的訪談與焦點團體合併問卷收集的結果,來探討老年人對追求新的資訊需求和渴望以及它們帶給年長者生活上幫助與便利性。研究結果顯示,學歷、經歷和經濟條件,與長者的 ICT 學習能力無顯著相關;長者的學習能力主要與身體機能有關,因此我們要盡量讓長者維持良好的健康,資通訊產品的開發可以在健康照護上著力。親友支持、社會互動與長者的資通訊技術學習興趣有正相關,因此應多組織各種學習社團,讓長者參與,互相學習、互相勉勵。最後,學習能力、學習興趣與長者對資通訊技術的掌握有正相關。
With the rapid development and innovation of biomedical technologies, the life expectation has increased significantly. Taiwan has now entered the aged society. How the elderly people can enjoy a joyful, healthy life with dignity is an appealing task of our society. A healthy ageing process involves mental balance, stable financial support, good communication with friends and family members, and an incentive for learning new knowledge to adapt oneself to the changing environment.
As information and communications technologies (ICT) are developing rapidly, new products are introduced to the market, influencing our life anytime and anywhere. The elderly people should be able to adapt themselves to this ever-changing environment through a series of adequate learning so that they can keep pace to the new ICT development, enjoy the convenience of modern time and nurture their own interests. In addition, ICT products are widely used in health care, and the elderly people should be able to operate with them to keep health. This would partially leverage the shortage of nursing workforce.
The main purpose in this study is to explore the factors influencing the ICT learning effect of the elderly people. The result of the study reveals that learning interest and learning ability are significant to learning effect. Learning interest is significantly influenced by social interaction and encouragement from friends and family members. Schooling, job experience, and economical status are not significant to learning capability which is mainly a matter of physical functionality.
Based on the result of this result, we are able to design handy, user-friendly ICT product for them in addition to the ICT courses they can take. In this way, we can better support the elderly people to learning ICT., and they are able to adapt themselves to the modern society, solve problems they encounter, and enjoy the convenience brought by ICT.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機與背景 1
1.2研究問題與目的 1
1.3研究範圍 2
1.4研究限制 2
1.5論文架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1人口老化趨勢的變化 6
2.2人口結構的改變 7
2.3健康促進保健與活躍老化 9
2.4 國際上對於高齡長者的健康福利促進的政策 11
2.5影響長者學習資通訊科技的因素和他們的需求 16
第三章 研究方法 18
3.1研究架構 18
3.2研究方法 18
3.3 研究對象及場所 19
3.4研究步驟 20
第四章 資料分析 22
4.1高齡長者在個人基本資料與各研究變項之分布情形及現況 22
4.2高齡長者學習經歷、職場經歷、經濟狀況在學習行為之差異性 37
4.3高齡長者學習行為、親友支持、社會互動與學習興趣之相關性 41
第五章 結論與建議 45
5.1結論 45
5.2建議和研究 46
5.3未來的研究建議 47
參考文獻 48
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