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論文名稱(外文):A Comparative Study on Person-Environment Fit and Affective Commitment for Vietnam Female Labors in Taiwan and Vietnam
外文關鍵詞:Migrant WorkerFemale Labor of VietnamPerson-Environment fitAffective CommitmentInternal Locus of Control
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在全球化的趨勢中,企業在人力資源的運用上趨於多元化發展。近年來在台灣企業與民間對於低成本且基層勞動勞工的需求下,有二個重要的因應方法,一是從其他東南亞國家引進外籍勞工;一是到東南亞去設廠直接在當地使用當地勞工。這對於台灣近代的經濟發展有相當重要的貢獻。可是,不論是來台的外籍勞工或是國外當地的員工在職場上也有不少的適應困難,這些困難會降低她們對企業的情感承諾,進而影響工作績效,這對企業是個重要的課題。而越南籍女性員工是相當重要的人力,她們占來台外勞的比例甚高,此外越南更是台商的海外投資重點。因此本研究以個人-環境的適配(Person-Environment fit)及內外控信念(Locus of Control)的理論來探討越南籍女性勞工對於職場適配的議題。以150位在台灣的越南籍女性勞工以及150位在其祖國的台商公司上班之越南籍女性勞工為樣本,以量化的研究方法來作實證性比較研究。結果發現,越南籍女性勞工之個人與環境適配對其情感承諾有顯著的正向影響效果。這些研究發現對有關越南籍女性勞工就業的研究、企業的管理實務與外籍勞工輔導單位的輔導措施具有重要參考的意涵。
Nowadays, we are in the trend of globalization, utilizing diversified human resource in business becomes more important. In recent years, there are two important ways to respond to the needs of low-cost and grass-roots labor in Taiwan. The first way is to immigrate foreign workers into Taiwan from other Southeast Asian countries. The other way is to transfer the factory to Southeast Asia and hire local workers there. In this situation, it can make a very important contribution to the economic development of Taiwan. However, these workers might face some difficulties of adaptation to the workplace no matter they are foreign workers in Taiwan or local workers in Vietnam. That might reduce their emotional commitment to the company, and affect their job performances. This is an important issue for the enterprises. Vietnamese female employees play a very important role in to the Taiwan’s physical labor resource. In addition, Vietnam is one of the major overseas investment countries to the Taiwan’s enterprise. Therefore, this research adopts both Person-Environment fit and Locus of Control to probe this issue. Hence, the study conduct quantitative methods to research into 150 Vietnamese female labors in Taiwanese companies in Vietnam and 150 Vietnamese female labors who work in Taiwan. It was found that Person-Environment fit of Vietnamese female workers had a significant positive effect on their affective commitment. These findings of contribute to implication and practical management to these female labors management.
第一節 研究背景與動機…………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的…………………… …………………………7
第三節 預期之效果……………………………8
第一節 外籍女性勞工的職場適配……………………………10
一、外籍女性勞工在台的職場適配 ……………………12
第二節 個人與環境適配(Person-Environment Fit)…………20
一、個人-工作適配(Person-Job Fit) …………………………20
二、個人-組織適配(Person-Organization Fit)………………22
三、個人-群體適配(Person-Group Fit) ……….…………………22
四、個人-主管適配(Subordinate-Supervisor Fit)…………23
第三節 情感承諾(Affective Commitment)…………………25
第四節 內控性格(Internal Locus of Control)………………29
第五節 台灣與越南的文化差異…………………………………32
第一節 資料來源……………………………………………43
第二節 資料蒐集方式………………………………………43
第一節 效度分析與信度分析………………………………………49
第二節 描述性統計與相關分析…………………………………51
第三節 人口統計變相變異數分析………………………………52
第四節 回歸分析與假設驗證…………………………………54
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