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研究生(外文):Daria Jablonska
論文名稱(外文):The International Comparison Study of Entrepreneurial Process -Taiwanese and Polish Small and Medium Enterprises
指導教授(外文):Philip C.F. Tsai
外文關鍵詞:EnterpreneurshipEnterpreneurial processSMEBusiness environmentComparison
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The future prosperity of any economy depends to a considerable extent on its success in promoting entrepreneurship and innovation. Another important factor is effective and prompt absorption of technological advances. Nowadays in all these processes, small and medium sized firms, especially those newly established, play a critical role in the development and growth of a country economy and support unemployment reduction. This is the main conclusion from many previous research in the field of entrepreneurship. It is also a reason why so many of modern economics emphasizes
on the so-called “pro-SME” policy.
The study is focused on Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Republic
of Poland and Republic of China. It describes the processes of doing business by comparing key factors for entrepreneurs who decide to start own business. Also this paper concerns the regulations and other aspects relates with running business. Thereby the paper gives a clear picture of business environment created for SMEs in both countries.
In past several years, both Taiwanese and Polish governments successfully had developed many tools for small, medium size enterprises to improve their performance.
As both countries have totally different cultural and economical background, the main curiosity of this research is to find out similarities and differences between Taiwanese
and Polish way to become successful entrepreneur.
The research provides the cross-culture evidence on the links between success factors of SMEs policy and individual predispositions of two given countries, which are Poland and Taiwan. The aim of this study is to contribute to the enhancement of knowledge of the entrepreneurial process through an understanding of the values, characteristics, and actions of entrepreneurs over time.
Table of Contents

1. Background and motivation...........................7
1.1 Statement of the problem...........................10
1.2 Objective of the study.............................11
1.3 Research questions.................................12
2 Literature review..................................12
2.1 Historical overview of the entrepreneurship........12
2.2 Meaning and definitions of entrepreneurship........14
2.2.1 The 14 Pillars of Entrepreneurship.................18
2.3 Entrepreneurial process ...........................21
2.3.2 Measurement of entrepreneur process................24
2.4 Factors affecting entrepreneurship.................25
2.5 Benefits of entrepreneurship.......................25
2.6 Definition of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)..26
2.6.1 Definition of small medium enterprise in Taiwan....27
2.6.2 Definition of small medium enterprise in Poland....30
2.6.3 Small Business Entrepreneur [SBE]..................31
2.7 The importance of SME’s sector....................31
2.8 The stages in the development of micro, small
and medium enterprises................ ....................32
2.9 A General Model of Entrepreneurial Success......34
2.10 Barriers to SMEs entrepreneurship..................36
3. Methodology........................................37
3.1 Area of study......................................37
3.2 Research Design....................................38
3.3 Framework..........................................38
3.3.1 Data Sources.......................................39
3.3.2 Interviews.........................................39
3.3.3 Focus Group Interviews.............................39
3.4 Data analysis methods..............................40
3.5 Research obstruction...............................40
4. Poland and Taiwan entrepreneurial profile..........41
4.1 Introduction.......................................41
4.1.2 Comparison of cultural factors based on Hofstede’s model of cultural dimensions...............................46
4.2 Poland and Taiwan bilateral relations..............49
4.3 Taiwanese Small and Medium Enterprises Development.51
4.3.1 Financial and Funding of SMEs......................55
4.3.2 Challenges for the entrepreneurship in Taiwan......56
4.4 Entrepreneurial success of SMEs in Poland..........57
4.4.2 Challenges for entrepreneurship in Poland..........66
5. Findings and Discussion............................72
5.1 Participants.......................................72
5.2 Interview process..................................73
5.3 Results............................................74
5.4 Discussion.........................................82
5.4.1 Reliability........................................84
6. Conclusions........................................84
6.1 Summary of findings................................84
7. Implications.......................................88
7.1 Implication for academic research..................88
7.2 Implication for business practices.................88
7.3 Limitations........................................90

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