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論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Underweight on Physical Fitness-A Case Study of College Female Freshman
外文關鍵詞:Body mass indexPositionJunior college students
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背景:隨著人們飲食的改變,多數人喜好高熱量的食物,造成體重過重的人數日益增加;或者飲食不均、攝取不健康不營養的食物而導致體重過輕;不管是體重過重或是體重過輕都是危害身體健康的隱形殺手,這都是值得現代人重視的問題。研究方法:將針對某科技大學大一女生進行體適能檢測。本研究統計方法以 SPSS12 統計軟體進行資料處理與分析,測得數值以平均數 ± 標準差 (mean ± SD)表示,以單因子變異數檢驗體重過輕組、正常組與過重以上組在身體組成與體適能檢測值之差異,以皮爾遜積差相關檢驗各研究參數之關聯度,顯著水準訂在 P<.05。結果:本研究收集93-98學年度大一女生體適能檢測,樣本數共計4,270人,整體平均年齡為18.78 ± 0.74歲,BMI指數平均為21.35 ± 4.13 kg/m2。體適能檢測方面,一分鐘仰臥起坐平均值為28.18 ± 7.25下,坐姿體前彎平均值女生為29.41 ± 9.97公分,立定跳遠平均值為145.67 ± 22.71公分,心肺耐力女生800m跑走為 321.56 ±55.09秒。過輕組之BMI與坐姿體前彎呈顯著相關;正常組之BMI與立定跳遠呈顯著負相關,與坐姿體前彎呈顯著相關;過重以上組之BMI與立定跳遠、仰臥起坐和坐姿體前彎皆呈顯著負相關,心肺耐力為正相關。此外本研究發現過輕組的立定跳遠和過重以上組有顯著差異(p< .01)。過輕組起坐60秒和正常組以及過重以上組均有顯著差異(p< .01),過輕組體前彎和正常組以及過重以上組也均有顯著差異(p< .01)。過輕組在耐力跑方面和過重組有差異(p< .01)。結論:本研究結果發現一分鐘仰臥起坐,體重過輕組表現得較不理想,而坐姿體前彎方面,女生體重正常組表現比體重過輕組好,表示坐姿體前彎成績愈差,則仰臥起坐成績愈差,另體重過輕組和體重正常組之耐力跑與一分鐘仰臥起坐呈現負相關,表示一分鐘仰臥起坐立成績愈差,則耐力跑成績愈差,由此;發現造成耐力跑成績不理想原因,可能是腹部及下肢肌力較弱,在坐姿體前彎與耐力跑相關方面,則體重過輕組與正常組亦呈負相關,表示柔軟度愈好,則耐力跑愈好,本研究發現坐姿體前彎體重正常組表現比體重過輕組好,顯示體重正常組的下背部及下肢有較好的關節活動範圍及肌肉延展性。
Background: As dietary habits change, the habit of having high calorie foods increases the number of overweight people. On the other hand, eating unhealthy and non nutritious foods can lead to underweight. Whether overweight or underweight are harmful to health. They are problems worthy of attention for the modern people.
Research methods:
Physical fitness testing will be conducted for a freshman at a University of science and technology. The study of statistical methods with SPSS12 statistical software in the data processing and the analysis conducted, the measured values with the average number of standard deviation (mean + SD) said, with the single factor variance test low BMI group, normal BMI group and overweight group than in body composition and fitness difference detection value, Pearson product poor correlation test parameters of the correlation degree, significance level set at P<.05.
In this study, the physical fitness test of freshman girls in 93-98 years was collected. The total number of samples was 4270, and the average age was 18.78 + 0.74 years. The average BMI index was 21.35 + 4.13 kg/m2. In physical fitness tests, the average of the 1-Minute Sit-Up test are 28.18 + 7.25, the average of sit-and-reach test is 29.41 + 9.97 cm, the average of the standing long jump is 145.67 + 22.71 cm, the average of the 800m run test is 321.56 + 55.09 seconds.The low BMI group was significantly related to sitting posture;The normal BMI group was negatively related to standing long jump, and was significantly related to sitting posture and front bend;
There was a significant negative correlation between the reorganization and standing long jump, sit-ups and sitting front bending, and cardiorespiratory endurance was positively correlated.In addition, the study found that there was a significant difference between the low BMI group and the overweight group in the standing long jump and endurance running test
(p<,.01).In the 1-Minute Sit-Up and body bend tests, there was a significant difference between the low BMI group and the normal BMI group as well as the overweight group (p<,.01).
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that in the 1-Minute Sit-Up test, the low BMI group performed less well.In the sitting front bend test, the normal BMI group performed better than the low BMI group, indicating that the worse the performance of sitting front bending, the worse the sit ups performance.
The low BMI group and normal BMI group in endurance running and 1-Minute Sit-Up tests showed a negative correlation, that 1-Minute Sit-Up scores worse, while endurance running performance worse.It is found that the reason for the poor performance of endurance running is that the muscles of the abdomen and lower extremities are weaker.In sitting posture, body bending and endurance running, the low BMI group was negatively related to the normal BMI group, indicating that the better the flexibility, the better the endurance running.
This study found that the normal BMI group in sitting posture was better than that in low BMI, indicating that the lower back and lower limbs of the normal BMI group had better range of motion and muscle extensibility.
Key words: body mass index (BMI), body position, College Freshmen
指導教授推薦書 ......................................................... i
論文口試委員審定書 ..................................................... ii
誌謝 ................................................................. iii
摘要 .................................................................. iv
Abstract ............................................................... v
目錄 ................................................................. vii
圖目錄 ................................................................ ix
表目錄 ................................................................. x
第一章 緒論 ........................................................... 1
1.2研究動機與目的 .................................................. 2
1.3研究限制 ........................................................ 3
第二章 文獻探討........................................................ 5
2.1體適能相關之研究 ................................................ 5
2.1.1體適能的定義與意涵 ......................................... 5
2.1.2體適能對學生的重要性 ....................................... 8
2.2體適能與身體組成之相關研究 ....................................... 9
2.2.1身體組成的意涵 ............................................ 9
2.2.2身體質量指數(BMI)值的統計意義 ........................... 10
2.2.3東南亞與亞洲其他地區之身體質量指數定義 .................... 11
2.3體重過輕對身體之影響 ........................................... 12
2.4體適能與身體活動之相關研究 ...................................... 12
2.5小結 ........................................................... 13
第三章 研究方法....................................................... 14
3.1研究架構 ....................................................... 14
3.2名詞解釋 ....................................................... 14
3.2.1身體組成(Body Composition) .............................. 14
3.2.2肌肉適能(Muscular Strength and Endurance)................ 15
3.2.3柔軟度(Flexilibity) ..................................... 15
3.2.4心肺適能(Cardiorespiratory Endurance) ................... 15
3.3研究對象 ....................................................... 15
3.4研究工具 ....................................................... 16
3.4.1身體質量指數(BMI) ....................................... 16
3.4.2坐姿體前彎 ............................................... 16
3.4.3一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐 ........................................ 17
3.4.4立定跳遠 ................................................. 18
3.4.5 800公尺跑走 ............................................. 18
3.5資料處理 ....................................................... 19
第四章 結果與討論 ..................................................... 20
4.1受試者基本資料 ................................................. 20
4.2各組別之BMI與體適能之相關情形 .................................. 20
4.2.1過輕組之BMI與體適能之相關情形 ............................ 20
4.2.2正常組之BMI與體適能之相關情形 ............................ 21
4.2.3過重以上組之BMI與體適能之相關情形 ........................ 21
4.2.4過輕組、正常組和過重以上組之各項體適能檢測結果之差異分析 ... 22
4.3研究討論 ....................................................... 23
第五章 結論與建議 ..................................................... 25
5.1結論 ........................................................... 25
5.2建議 ........................................................... 25
參考文獻 .............................................................. 27
圖3.1體適能檢測流程圖 ................................................. 14
表4.1受試者基本資料 ................................................... 20
表4.2過輕組之BMI與體適能檢驗值之相關 ................................. 21
表4.3 正常組之BMI與體適能檢驗值之相關 ................................. 21
表4.4 體重過重以上組之BMI與體適能檢驗值之相關 ......................... 22
表4.5 過輕組、正常組和過重以上組之各項體適能檢測結果之單因子變異數分析 .. 22
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