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研究生(外文):Wei-Chu Liu
論文名稱(外文):Biomechanical effects of deep margin elevation technique on maxillary first molar with onlay restoration by 3D finite element analysis
指導教授(外文):Ming-Lun HsuChen-Sheng Chen
外文關鍵詞:deep margin elevationproximal box elevationmargin relocationstress analysisfinite element method
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在有限元素的假設條件與限制下,可得出幾點結論:(1) 在缺損為2公釐以內時,施作邊緣深度提升可減少複合樹脂與牙本質交界面之應力集中的現象,(2) 當缺損達牙齦下3公釐時,不建議使用邊緣深度提升,(3) 有緊咬的患者亦不建議使用邊緣深度提升。
Statement of problem
Traditionally, if we want to restore the tooth with sub-gingival defect, there are some problems need to face, like remove too much sound tooth structure, hard to take impression, remove excessive cement difficulty. Recently, deep margin elevation technique become the solution for those problems. However, no sufficient evidences and long time clinical follow up to support the prognosis of deep margin elevation. Only some in vitro studies focus on margin integrity of interface between different materials, we could not understand the stress distribution of those interfaces.

Using the finite element method to observe the stress distribution between interfaces of human upper first molar with deep margin elevation technique from different depth of distal sub-gingival defect and restored by ceramic onlay, and compared to a model only restored by onlay without deep margin elevation technique.

Material and methods
Combined micro computed tomography and three dimensional computer-aided design software to build up a human upper first molar model, then make four different models: sub-gingival 1mm, 2mm and 3mm distal defect, then build up to supra-gingival 1mm, each of those three models contains 5 parts: onlay, cement layer, composite resin, enamel and dentin. And one model which with distal sub-gingival defect restored by onlay directly, contains four parts: onlay, cement layer, enamel and dentin. Loading force with 800N and 300N to simulate the biting force of clenching and chewing, then observing the stress distribution of the interface between composite resin and dentin.

Comparing sub-gingival 2mm models, with or without deep margin elevation technique. The model with deep margin elevation reduces the von mise’s stress and maximum shear stress of the interface between composite resin and dentin. Moreover, both two stress increased over distal side of the interface, especially in the model with sub-gingival 3mm defect while clenching, the maximum shear stress is equal to the bonding strength of modern bonding systems.

Within the limitation of finite element analysis, the following conclusion can be drawn: (1) when the defect within 2mm, using deep margin elevation technique can reduce the stress concentration between composite resin and dentin, (2) if the defect approach to 3mm, deep margin elevation technique is not recommended, (3) deep margin elevation technique is also not recommended for those patients with clenching.

第一章 緒論
1.1 前言……1
1.2 邊緣深度提升的發展……2
1.3 邊緣深度提升的評估
1.3.1 邊緣的連續性……3
1.3.2 生物性寬度的侵犯與否……5
1.4 研究目的……5

第二章 研究材料與方法
2.1 三維有限元素模型建立
2.1.1 樣本選擇與模型建立……6
2.1.2 三維醫學影像建模……6
2.1.3 實驗模型……7
2.2 有限元素模型建立與邊界條件設定
2.2.1 元素選擇……9
2.2.2 材料性質設定……9
2.2.3 模型網格化……10
2.2.4 介面接觸設定……11
2.2.5 拘束條件……12
2.2.6 施力條件……12
2.2.7 受力位置與面積設定……13
2.3 分析目標……14
2.4 收斂測試……15
2.5 模型比較……15

第三章 結果
3.1 收斂測試……17
3.2 模型比較……17
3.3 交界面承受負荷之應力表現
3.3.1 緊咬時之等效應力……18
3.3.2 緊咬時之最大剪應力……18
3.3.3 咀嚼時作為工作側之等效應力……19
3.3.4 咀嚼時作為工作側之最大剪應力……19

第四章 討論
4.1 三維模型的建立
4.1.1 微電腦斷層的應用……20
4.1.2 建模方式的討論……21
4.2 結果分析討論……22
4.3 有限元素分析……23
4.4 臨床意義……23

第五章 結論與臨床建議……25

圖一、 微電腦斷層掃描影像……26
圖二、 3Dslicer中以閾值區分及建立牙釉質初始模型……27
圖三、 牙本質匯入Meshmixer軟體……28
圖四、 牙釉質匯入Meshmixer軟體……28
圖五、 三組施作邊緣深度提升之模型組件……29
圖六、 未施作邊緣深度提升之模型組件……30
圖七、 FreeCAD將模型實體化之操作……31
圖八、 實體模型匯入ANSYS及網格化之操作……32
圖九、 拘束條件示意圖……33
圖十、 緊咬時外力施予位置示意圖……33
圖十一、 咀嚼時外力施予位置示意圖……34
圖十二、 緊咬時外力條件示意圖……34
圖十三、 咀嚼時外力條件示意圖……35
圖十四、 收斂測試圖……35
圖十五、 模型比較應力圖……36
圖十六、 應力值顯示路徑示意圖……36
圖十七、 緊咬時等效應力分佈圖……37
圖十八、 緊咬時最大剪應力分佈圖……40
圖十九、 咀嚼時等效應力分佈圖……43
圖廿、 咀嚼時最大剪應力分佈圖……46

表一、 模型分類……49
表二、 材料性質設定……49
表三、 模型元素與節點數量……50
表四、 收斂測試之結果數據……50
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