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研究生(外文):Hao-Ru Li
論文名稱:探討TDP-43 C端蛋白質自身聚集與相變的性質
論文名稱(外文):Characterizing the self-association and phase-separation properties of C-terminal domain of TDP-43
指導教授(外文):Jie-Rong Huang
外文關鍵詞:TDP-43phase separationself-association
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TDP-43是一個在生物中廣泛存在的蛋白質,在DNA/RNA的調控上扮演著重要的角色。它由414個胺基酸所組成,包含了N端,兩個RNA辨識區域,以及一段沒有特定三級結構的C端。在病理學上,TDP-43是肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症中,病理性蛋白質堆積的最主要成分,不過其詳細的病理機轉仍不清楚。而近幾年來,除了蛋白質的沉澱以外,科學家還發現了另一個可能的致病機轉,稱為蛋白質的相變。蛋白質的相變指的是有些蛋白質會因為自身或環境因素的改變,而聚集成如微滴的形式,這樣的轉變是可回復的,與一般的蛋白質沉澱有所不同;而TDP-43也有這樣的現象。科學家認為,相變的平衡對蛋白質的恆定是十分重要的,平衡的破壞也有可能導致疾病的產生。以前的研究已證實,不管是關於蛋白質沉澱或相變,TDP-43的C端都是最關鍵的區段,且幾乎所有的疾病突變都位於C端上,這些都表示TDP-43的C端非常的重要。不過,由於TDP-43的C端非常容易沉澱,使得相關的研究仍十分有限。在本篇研究中,為了探討可能的致病機制,我們討論了TDP-43 C端wild type與三個疾病上發現的突變,利用大腸桿菌表現並純化後,使用NMR光譜儀與其它生物物理的技術,對TDP-43 C端的二級結構、動力學,以及相變的性質上做系統性的分析。我們發現TDP-43 C端中有一區段有a-helix的結構傾向,且它可以藉由自我聚集,使得蛋白質有更多的機會進行相變,我們也發現相變的發生是疏水性作用力所吸引,靜電作用力所排斥的平衡;而病理上的突變並不會影響蛋白質結構,也僅稍微改變了一點自我聚集的傾向,但確實會影響相變的傾向。這些發現有助於我們對TDP-43 C端沉澱與相變的分子機制有更深入的了解。
Transactive response DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43) is a DNA/RNA binding protein which contains an N-terminal domain, two RNA-recognition motifs (RRM1 and RRM2), and a glycine-rich C-terminal domain. TDP-43 is the critical protein of amyotrophic laterals sclerosis (ALS). The proteinopathy and liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) are related to TDP-43’s intrinsically disordered C-terminal domain (TDP-43C), but the mechanisms remain elusive. To understand the mechanism of the aggregation and LLPS for TDP-43C, it is critical to obtain the information of protein structure and dynamic at residue-specific level. There are some major challenges for studying TDP-43C. TDP-43C is an aggregation-prone protein which is difficult to purify and usually affected by the purification protocol or storage conditions. We optimized the standard purification protocol which with careful protein quality control. We observed the TDP-43C could process LLPS and form the droplet phase which was turbid at low temperature. This phenomenon is reversible at high temperature. We used NMR spectroscopy and other optical methods to systematically analyze the protein structure, protein dynamics and the property of LLPS of TDP-43C wild type and disease-related mutations. We demonstrated TDP-43C had a-helix secondary structure in the middle part and the disease-related mutations did not significantly affect the secondary structure propensity. TDP-43C processes self-association through the -helix region and some mutations slightly affect the self-association equilibrium. The self-association is mediated by hydrophobic and electrostatic force, and we found the tryptophan (residue 334) is critical for phase separation.
List of figures......vi
Chapter 1 Introduction......1
1.1 Physiological function of TDP-43......1
1.2 Pathological mechanism of TDP-43......2
1.3 Domains of TDP-43......3
1.4 Phase separation of TDP-43......8
1.5 Aim......9
Chapter 2 Materials and methods......10
2.1 Materials......10
2.1.1 Table of material......10
2.1.2 Table of primer......13
2.1.3 Table of buffer......14
2.2 Methods......17
2.2.1 DNA construct and primer design......17
2.2.2 Protein expression and purification......18
2.2.3 Circular dichroism spectroscopy......21
2.2.4 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy......23
2.2.5 Analytical ultracentrifuge......26
2.2.6 Turbidity assay......27
Chapter 3 Results......28
3.1 The protein quality control is important for TDP-43 C-terminus......28
3.2 The disease-associated mutations do not significantly affect the secondary structure propensity of TDP-43 C-terminus......30
3.3 The intensity profiles indicate the difference of protein kinetics......34
3.4 The changes of signal intensities of a-helix region indicate self-association......37
3.5 The disease mutants, TDP-43CM337V and TDP-43CQ331K, slightly reduce the population and propensity of self-association......41
3.6 The LLPS forms are undetectable on NMR and CD......44
3.7 The mutations show the different LLPS propensity, and the LLPS is a balance of hydrophobic and electrostatic forces......46
3.8 The tryptophan in the -helix region is critical for phase separation......49
3.9 TDP-43 C-terminus shows the equilibrium of different states with two separate energy barriers......51
Chapter 4 Discussion......52
4.1 TDP-43 C-terminal domain has the dynamic a-helical secondary structure in the central region......52
4.2 The disease mutations slightly reduce the self-association, but this is not major reason to the abolition of phase separation......52
4.3 TDP-43 C-terminal domain undergoes phase separation at low temperature......54
4.4 Phase separation of TDP-43 is a precise balance in the neurodegenerative diseases......55

Figure 1. The structure of TDP-43 and distribution of disease mutation......7
Figure 2. The schematic illustration of phase separation......8
Figure 3. The major constructs in the experiments......17
Figure 4. Schematic illustration of circular dichroism spectroscopy and the examples of different secondary structure......22
Figure 5. Schematic illustration of analytical ultracentrifugation......26
Figure 6. Purification and quality control of TDP-43 C-terminus......29
Figure 7. The HSQC spectra of TDP-43 C-terminus......31
Figure 8. The NMR secondary structure analysis of TDP-43 C-terminus......32
Figure 9. The CD secondary structure analysis of TDP-43 C-terminus......33
Figure 10. The intensity profiles of TDP-43 C-terminus......35
Figure 11. Schematic illustration of the features of intensities profiles......36
Figure 12. The α-helical structure at different temperatures......38
Figure 13. The conformation exchange model on NMR spectrum......39
Figure 14. The self-association model of TDP-43 C-terminus......40
Figure 15. Comparison of the self-association of TDP-43 C-terminus of difference constants......43
Figure 16. The NMR intensity with LLPS forms......44
Figure 17. The CD spectra with LLPS forms......45
Figure 18. The analysis of NMR spectra of wild type at low temperature (with phase separation)......46
Figure 19. The properties of phase separation of TDP-43 C-terminus......48
Figure 20. The tryptophan of residue 334 is important for phase separation......50
Figure 21. Summary of TDP-43C structure, self-association and phase separation......56
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