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研究生(外文):Po-Chun Chou
論文名稱(外文):The role of CCHCR1 in primary cilia formation
指導教授(外文):Won-Jing Wang
外文關鍵詞:Primary ciliaCCHCR1
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主纖毛是從母體中心粒,向細胞外部延伸所形成的特化結構,由細胞膜包覆9個成對的微管束所組成。主纖毛作為一個訊息感知的受器,負責接收外環境的物理與化學訊號,因此在調控細胞增生以及細胞型態上扮演著十分重要的角色。目前已知,中心粒遠端的蛋白負責調控主纖毛的生成。說明了,中心粒的遠端與主纖毛的形成之間有很重要的關聯性。利用定量的質譜分析(SILAC-based proteomics),我們在一群中心粒遠端的蛋白中,發現一個嶄新的蛋白CCHCR1 (Coiled-Coil -helical Rod protein 1)。然而,對於CCHCR1是否參與調控主纖毛生成,目前還尚未釐清。為了進一步探討CCHCR1在主纖毛生成上的角色,我們製造了兩支CCHCR1抗體,並透過免疫螢光染色,來驗證其在中心粒上的分布。結果顯示,CCHCR1確實是一個中心粒蛋白,且會出現在不同細胞週期的中心粒上。為了進一步探討CCHCR1的功能,透過CRISPR/Cas9這套基因編輯系統,成功地建立出剔除CCHCR1的細胞株,並發現缺少CCHCR1並不會影響中心粒的複製,但卻會影響主纖毛的生成。為了進一步釐清CCHCR1如何影響主纖毛的生成,透過穿透式電子顯微鏡,觀察CCHCR1缺失細胞的中心粒結構,我們發現CCHCR1的缺失,除了影響主纖毛生長之外,同時也影響了主纖毛囊泡的附著,但不會改變中心粒遠端附屬物的結構。上述的實驗結果顯示,CCHCR1參與在主纖毛生長的早期階段,但詳細的作用機制還有待進一步釐清。總結來說,我們驗證了CCHCR1確實是一個中心粒蛋白,並在主纖毛生長的早期扮演著重要的角色。
The primary cilium is a membrane-bound, microtubule-based sensory organelle, composed of 9 doublet microtubules (MTs), the axoneme, nucleated directly from the distal end of centrioles. Primary cilia can sense a wide range of signals in the extracellular surroundings, and thus critically regulate the physiology of cells during proliferation and morphogenesis. CCHCR1 (Coiled-Coil -helical Rod protein 1) is one of centriole-distal-end proteins identified from our previous SILAC-based proteomics screen, but the function of this protein is largely unknown. We first generate two antibodies to look at the endogenous localization of CCHCR1. Our immunofluorescence results show that CCHCR1 is associated with both of centrioles throughout the cell cycle. In ciliated cells, the CCHCR1 signal is located between basal body and the cilium, which is the centriole distal end. To determine the role of CCHCR1 in vivo, we deplete endogenous CCHCR1 by generating CCHCR1-/- cells through CRISPR/Cas9 system. Neither mitosis nor centriole duplication is affected by CCHCR1 depletion. However, in the absence of CCHCR1, ciliogenesis is specific disrupted. Electron microscope is also used to examine the effect of CCHCR1 in more detail. The observation indicates that loss of CCHCR1 affects primary cilia formation at the step of centriole to vesicle docking. Taken together, our data strongly support CCHCR1 functions as a promoting factor in primary cilia assembly.
Chapter 1: Introduction.....1
1-1 Centrosome.....1
1-2 Centriole, centrosome and cilia.....1
1-3 Structure and function of cilia.....2
1-4 Ciliopathies.....3
1-5 Ciliogenesis.....3
1-6 Importance of centriole distal-end proteins in primary cilia formation.....5
1-7 SILAC screening of centriole protein.....5
1-8 CCHCR1 is one of centriolar proteins.....6
Chapter 2: Material and Methods.....9
Chapter 3: Result.....16
3-1 CCHCR1 is one of CEP162-interacting molecules.....16
3-2 CCHCR1 localizes at centrioles throughout the cell cycle.....16
3-3 Overexpression of CCHCR1 promotes cilia formation.....17
3-4 Generation of two CCHCR1 antibodies for the detection of endogenous
3-5 CCHCR1 is a centriole protein.....19
3-6 The CCHCR1 C-terminal is essential for centriole targeting in vivo.....19
3-7 Establishment of knockout cells through CRISPR/Cas9.....20
3-8 Absence of CCHCR1 does not affect centriole duplication.....21
3-9 Loss of CCHCR1 inhibits primary cilia formation.....21
3-10 Loss of CCHCR1 does not affect expression of proteins at centriole
3-11 Loss of CCHCR1 does not affect recruitment of proteins at centriole
3-12 TEM analysis reveals the influence of CCHCR1 in primary cilia formation.....23
3-13 CCHCR1 promotes CP110 removal.....23
3-14 To identify CCHCR1 interacting proteins by BioID method.....24
Chapter 4: Discussion.....26
4-1 Role of CCHCR1 during ciliogenesis .....26
4-2 The effect of ciliogenesis in defective CCHCR1 cell.....27
4-3 CCHCR1-C antibody recognizes strong signal in nucleus at S phase in
different cells.....27
4-4 Relationship between centrosome and psoriasis.....28
4-5 Functional implications of CCHCR1.....29
Chapter 5: References.....30
Chapter 6: Figures and Legends.....33
Figure 1. Ectopic expression of CCHCR1 is present at both of centrioles throughout the cell cycle.....33
Figure 2. Overexpression of CCHCR1 promotes primary cilia formation.....34
Figure 3. Generation of two CCHCR1 antibodies.....35
Figure 4. Endogenous CCHCR1 are present at centrioles throughout the cell cycle.....37
Figure 5. The C-terminal coiled-coil domain of CCHCR1 is essential for its centriolar localization.....38
Figure 6. Generation of CCHCR1 knockout cells.....39
Figure 7. CCHCR1 is not involved in centriole duplication.....41
Figure 8. CCHCR1 depletion reduces cilia formation.....42
Figure9. Loss of CCHCR1 does not affect the expression of other centrosome proteins.....44
Figure 10. Loss of CCHCR1 does not affect the subcellular localizations of other centrosome proteins.....45
Figure 11. Loss of CCHCR1 blocks CP110 removal.....47
Figure 12.Model summarizes the roles of CCHCR1 in primary cilia assembly.....48
Figure 13. Generation of BirA*-CCHCR1 stable expression cells.....49
Figure 14.CCHCR1 associated proteins were purified by BioID (The proximity-dependent biotin identification) method in RPE1 cells.....50
Chapter 7: Tables.....52
Table 1. DNA consreucts and primer list.....52
Table 2. Antibodies used in this study include.....54
Figure S1. CCHCR1 is the interacting protein of CEP162.....56
Figure S2. TEM analysis reveals the influence of CCHCR1 in primary cilia formation.....57
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