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研究生(外文):Tzu-Yao Chen
論文名稱:利用LINCS L1000 大數據來研究未被註解之基因的功能
論文名稱(外文):Investigating the functions of unannotated genes using LINCS L1000 big data
指導教授(外文):Yu-Choa Wang
外文關鍵詞:LINCSgene-gene co-expression networkgene functions
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Library of Integrated Network-based Cellular Signatures (LINCS) is an NIH program which aims to understand biology by cataloging changes in gene expression and other cellular processes that occur when cells are exposed to a variety of perturbing agents. L1000 gene expression data, which include about 1.3 million samples, are the most comprehensive data in LINCS. Since each sample indicates the gene expression status under the treatment of different perturbagens, such as chemical compounds, shRNAs, to normal or cancer cells, the aim of this study is to use the comprehensive big data to investigate the functions of unannotated genes.
The gene-gene co-expression network under perturbation was constructed based on LINCS L1000 gene expression data and the protein-protein interaction network was constructed using BioGRID database. These two networks were then integrated into the combined network. A gene pair in the combined network indicates that these two genes are co-expressed under perturbation and their corresponding proteins are interacted. Since genes in the local cluster tend to have similar functions, we proposed a simple comparing method to infer the functions of unannotated genes based on their neighbors in the combined network. The proposed method was also applied to three types of networks to evaluate the network performance, and the results showed that the combined network is more appropriate in functional inference of unannotated genes. Further experiments are needed to verify the inferred functions by the proposed network-based approach.
List of Figures........................v
List of Tables.........................vi
Chapter 1 Introduction................1
1.1 Library of Integrated Network-based Cellular Signatures (LINCS)...............................1
1.2 L1000 Gene Expression Data.........2
1.3 Co-expression Networks.............5
1.4 Gene Ontology......................6
1.5 Motivation and Objective...........7
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods.......8
2.1 Method Overview....................8
2.2 Data Collection and Preprocessing.....................10
2.3 Calculation of Pearson Correlation Coefficient.....................11
2.4 Co-expression Network Construction............................12
2.5 Protein-protein Interaction (PPI) Network Construction........................................14
2.6 Combination of PPI Network and Co-expression Network..........................................14
2.7 A Simple Comparing Method for Function Inference...........................15
2.8 Network Performance...............17
Chapter 3 Results.....................18
3.1 Network Construction...............18
3.2 Functional Overlapping between Target Gene and Neighbors......................................18
3.3 Network Performance................20
3.4 Comparison SCM with gene enrichment analysis..................................................26
3.5 Gene Function Prediction for Unannotated Genes................................................26
Chapter 4 Discussion and Conclusions................................28

List of Figures
Figure 1 | The processes of L1000 signature generation and analysis...............................4
Figure 2 | Workflow of network construction and combination.......................................9
Figure 3 | Pearson correlation coefficient distribution for giant PCC matrix......................13
Figure 4 | Pearson correlation coefficient distribution after absolute value transformation
for giant PCC matrix...................13
Figure 5 | The diagram of transformation from probe name to Entrez ID.............................15
Figure 6 | The relationship between degree and network performance for the three networks
(cut-off of prediction percentage is 50%)................................21
Figure 7 | The relationship between degree and network performance for the three networks
(cut-off of prediction percentage is 80%)..........................22
Figure 8 | The relationship between degree and network performance of the co-expression network
with degree scale 500 to 2400 (prediction accuracy 50%)...........................................30
Figure 9 | The relationship between degree and network performance of the co-expression network
with degree scale 500 to 2400 (prediction accuracy 80%)...........................................31

List of Tables
Table 1 | All perturbation types of L1000 gene expression datasets................................2
Table 2 | Sample number by treatment for 15 cell lines............................................11
Table 3 | Twenty-nine annotated GO terms of RPL7A.................................................19
Table 4 | The average degree in ‘good’/’bad’ group of combined network for different
degree thresholds......................23
Table 5 | The average degree in ‘good’/’bad’ group of co-expression network for different
degree thresholds......................24
Table 6 | The average degree in ‘good’/’bad’ group of PPI network for different
degree thresholds.....................25
Table 7 | The prediction percentage of SCM and gene enrichment analysis...........................26
Table 8 | Some unannotated genes and their inferred functions.....................................27
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