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研究生(外文):Yueh-Ling Lin
論文名稱(外文):The role of microRNA-122 in chemokine production by human hepatoma cells
指導教授(外文):Chuen-Miin Leu
外文關鍵詞:microRNA-122chemokinehepatoma cells
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MicroRNA-122(miR-122)是一在成熟肝臟中大量表現的微小RNA,在過去的研究中已知miR-122具有抑制肝癌生成及調節肝臟代謝的功能。有趣的是在Mir-122-/-小鼠的肝臟中,有較多會釋出發炎激素TNF-α及IL-6的巨噬細胞、嗜中性球等免疫細胞的浸潤,另外,在B型肝炎病人肝臟的miR-122表現量也較正常人表現的低,因此推測miR-122可能亦具有抗發炎之功能,而在我們先前的研究利用Mir-122-/-小鼠,也發現在KO小鼠的肝臟中,有較高的Ccl2、Ccl4、Ccl20、Cxcl2及Cxcl9之表現量,但是目前對於miR-122在人類肝臟中是否調控發炎仍不清楚。在本篇研究中,利用過量表現miR-122及抑制miR-122表現的肝癌細胞株模型,我們發現在以TNF-α刺激之後,miR-122在不同細胞株分別會調控CCL2、CCL5、CXCL8與CXCL10的mRNA表現,其中, CXCL10之表現在不同肝癌細胞株中都受到miR-122的調控。此外,在肝癌病人組織中,我們發現在肝癌相鄰非腫瘤組織中miR-122分別會與CCL2、CCL20及CXCL10之mRNA表現量呈現負相關,因此,我們進一步去探討miR-122調控趨化素表現的機制,結果發現,miR-122並不是透過抑制NF-κB的活性,來調控趨化素的表現,我們接著找到在CCL2及CXCL8的3’UTR上有miR-122的標靶位置,並經reporter assay實驗證明CCL2與CXCL8為miR-122之標靶基因。總結我們的實驗結果,發現在人類肝臟中,miR-122可能會藉由調控趨化素之表現,來抑制肝臟發炎的現象。
MicroRNA-122 (miR-122) is the most abundant microRNA in the adult liver. Previous studies have demonstrated the important function of miR-122 in the liver metabolism and suppression of tumor progression. In addition, there are evidence revealing an anti-inflammatory function of miR-122 in both humans and mice. In the Mir-122-/- mice, an increase in Kupffer cells and infiltrating leukocytes including monocytes and neutrophils which produce inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α was detected in the liver. We also observed a higher expression of Ccl2、Ccl4、Ccl20、Cxcl2 and Cxcl10 in the -Mir-122-/- mice liver; however, whether miR-122 regulates inflammation in humans is still unclear. In this study, using overexpression and knockdown of miR-122 expression in human hepatoma cell lines, we found that TNF-α-induced chemokines, such as CCL2、CCL5、CXCL8 and CXCL10 were regulated by miR-122 in different cell lines. Among them, we consistently observed a suppression of CXCL10 expression by miR-122 in all cell lines. In the liver tissues from hepatocellular carcinoma patients, we found that in the adjacent non-tumor tissues, the expression of cytokine IL-6 and IL-22 as well as chemokine CCL5 and CXCL8 was higher than that in the tumor counterparts. Futhermore, miR-122 levels negatively correlated with CCL2、CCL20 and CXCL10 levels in the adjacent non-tumor tissue. These results indicate that miR-122 negatively regulate chemokine expression in humans. To further study the mechanism by which miR-122 regulates chemokine, we showed that the NF-κB activity was not changed by miR-122. Instead we identified CCL2 and CXCL8 as miR-122 target genes. Because there is no miR-122 target site in the CXCL10 transcript, we assume that miR-122 modulates its expression in a indirect manner. In conclusion, we found that in human liver, miR-122 may regulate the expression of chemokine to control liver inflammation.
圖表目錄........................ ii
中文摘要 ........................iv
第一章 緒論......................1
1.1 MicroRNA-122................1
1.2 肝細胞癌.....................3
1.3 肝臟慢性發炎與肝癌............3
1.4 miR-122與肝臟發炎............4
1.5 趨化素與肝臟發炎、肝癌........4
1.6 研究動機.....................5
第二章 材料與方法.................7
2.1 材料.........................7
2.2 方法........................14
第三章 實驗結果...................23
第四章 討論.......................29

圖二、在 HepG2細胞中過量表現miR-122會降低TNF-α刺激後CCL2、CXCL8、CXCL10 mRNA表現量..............................41
圖四、在 SK-Hep-1細胞中過量表現miR-122會降低TNF-α刺激後CCL5 、CXCL8及CXCL10 mRNA表現量............................43
圖五、在 SK-Hep-1細胞中過量表現miR-122會降低TNF-α刺激後CXCL8蛋白表現量............................................44
圖六、在 Huh7細胞中抑制miR-122會使TNF-α刺激後CXCL10 mRNA表現量上升...............................................46
圖七、在 Huh7細胞中抑制miR-122會使TNF-α刺激後CXCL10 蛋白表現量上升,但不影響CXCL8蛋白表現量........................47
圖九、肝癌相鄰非腫瘤組織之CCL5與CXCL8 mRNA表現量較腫瘤組織高 ......................................................49
圖十、肝癌相鄰非腫瘤組織之IL-6與IL-22 mRNA表現量較腫瘤組織並無顯著差異.............................................50
圖十一、肝癌相鄰的非腫瘤組織與腫瘤組織之RORγt mRNA表現量並無顯著差異................................................51
圖十三、肝癌組織中miR-122表現量與CCL5 mRNA表現量有顯著的負相關性.................................................53
表二、肝癌相鄰的非腫瘤組織與肝癌組織之miR-122與chemokine mRNA表現量(臨床病理分析結果如表一).....................59
表三、肝癌相鄰的非腫瘤組織與肝癌組織之miR-122與chemokine mRNA表現量...........................................60
附錄三、NF-κB reporter assay之pLKO.AS3W NF-κB RE LUC 2P.puro載體.........................................63
附錄五、3’UTR reporter assay之表現螢光酵素psi-CHECK2載體 65
附錄六、5’UTR reporter assay之表現螢光酵素pMIR-REPORT載體 66
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