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研究生(外文):Hsin-Ying Chen
論文名稱:比較 B型肝炎病毒B6.2和B6.2S之表面抗原對細胞先天性免疫反應之影響
論文名稱(外文):Comparison of the Effects of the Surface Antigens of Hepatitis B Viral Replicons B6.2 and B6.2S on Cellular Innate Immunity
指導教授(外文):Lih-Hwa Hwang
外文關鍵詞:HBVSuface AntigensInnate Immunity
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B型肝炎病毒(HBV)是廣為流傳在世界的病毒之一。B型肝炎是常見的感染疾病,會造成慢性及急性肝炎,急性B型肝炎在成人有95%以上可以痊癒,而新生兒感染則多數會成為慢性帶原者。慢性B型肝炎病患會有較高的風險轉變為肝硬化及肝癌進而導致死亡,故B型肝炎傳染成為全球傳染病研究的重點之一。然而慢性B型肝炎感染一直沒有很好的動物模式可進行研究。為了研究慢性B型肝炎的機制,本實驗室利用高壓流體注射B型肝炎病毒複製子B6.2在FVB/N老鼠肝臟,發現可以成功建立B型肝炎病毒持續感染的動物模式;但若是將B6.2複製子的表面抗原(Hepatits B surface antigen, HBsAg)在單點Asn-214上突變成為Ser-214的新複製子,B6.2S,以同樣方式高壓流體注射,可使原本可在小鼠持續感染的病毒產生被清除的結果。故本實驗的目的是想要解析這個差異造成的機制。首先,我們將B6.2及B6.2S兩個複製子轉染於人類肝癌細胞株(Huh7細胞、HepG2細胞)或FVB/N老鼠肝臟細胞內,然後觀察HBsAg在細胞內的表現量與分泌至細胞外的量,結果發現B6.2S的表面抗原相較於B6.2的表面抗原,不易分泌至細胞外,以至於在細胞外以及血清中HBsAg表現量偏低。在先前的文獻中曾報導過B型肝炎病毒的s抗原可以抑制宿主Toll-like Receptor (TLR)訊息傳遞,而降低宿主抗病毒之先天性免疫反應,例如細胞激素以及發炎因子的產生下降。故我們假設在B6.2S小鼠中,可能因為s抗原在血清中的表現量較少,故未能有效抑制宿主免疫反應,造成B6.2S最終會被清除。但同時我們也很好奇這兩個只差一個胺基酸的s抗原在抑制先天性免疫反應的能力上是否有不同。所以我們以TLR2,4,9的配體(ligand)去刺激從老鼠肝臟分離出來的非實質細胞(non-parenchymal cells, NPC),並同時加入純化的這兩種s抗原來檢查細胞激素以及發炎因子的產生是否不同。經由RT-qPCR的確認,我們發現B6.2及B6.2S的s抗原均會抑制TLR配體刺激活化NPC反應,減少IL-6及TNF-α的生成;B6.2S的s抗原的抑制能力還稍稍大於B6.2的s抗原,但沒有統計差異。此結果顯示B6.2及B6.2S這兩種複製子的s抗原皆具有相當的能力抑制先天性免疫反應,故這點不能用來解釋為何B6.2複製子在老鼠體內不會被清除,B6.2複製子會被清除的原因。 

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is one of the most prevalent viruses in the world. The infection of HBV is common in human and can lead to both acute and chronic liver diseases. More than 95% of acutely infected adults recover from the infection, whereas most of the neonatal transmitted infections become persistent. Chronic hepatitis B patients will have a higher risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer, which then lead to death. HBV infection has become a major research focus of global infectious diseases. Studying HBV persistence has long been hampered by the lacking of an immunocompetent animal model. Thus, the mechanism underlying the HBV chronicity has remained unclear. Our lab has established a HBV-persistent animal model in the FVB/N mice by hydrodynamic injection of an HBV replicon, B6.2, into the livers. Using this animal model, we have found that a single amino acid change at Asn-214 of clone B6.2 to become Ser-214, generating a new clone called B.2S, lead to a complete clearance of this new clone. This study aims to investigate the mechanism accounting for the difference between clones B6.2 and B6.2S. We first examined the expression of hepatitis B virus surface protein(HBsAg) of clones B6.2 and B6.2S in two hepatoma cell lines (Huh7 and HepG2) and in FVB/N mouse hepatocytes. Both in vitro and in vivo results demonstrated that, clone B6.2S expressed higher levels of intracellular HBsAg, whereas it secreted much lower levels of extracellular HBsAg, than clone B6.2. Previous studies have showed that the surface antigen of HBV can impair the activation of Toll-like Receptors (TLRs) pathways and inhibit the production of inflammatory cytokines, leading to suppression of host innate immunity. Hence, we speculate that the lower levels of extracellular HBsAg of clone B6.2S may cause less inhibition on host innate immunity, thus resulting in viral clearance. On the other hand, we were also curious about whether the surface antigens of B6.2 and B6.2S, differing only by one amino acid, might antagonize innate immunity differently. Therefore, we examined the cytokines gene (IL-6 and TNF-α) expression in the nonparachymal cells (NPC), which were isolated from FVB/N mice, in response to the treatment of TLR2, TLR4, and TLR9 ligands, in the presence or absence of B6.2-HBsAg or B6.2S-HBsAg. The results of RT-qPCR analysis showed that both B6.2-HBsAg and B6.2S-HBsAg exhibited inhibitory effects on the three TLR signaling pathways. Although B6.2S-HBsAg seemed to inhibit TLR signaling slightly more than B6.2-HBsAg, the difference was not statistically significant. Collectively, these results suggest that both B6.2-HBsAg and B6.2S-HBsAg have comparable inhibitory effects on host innate immunity, which thus cannot be the reason explaining the different persistent rates of both HBV clones.
第一章 緒論……1
一、 B型肝炎簡介……1
二、 B型肝炎之病毒學……6
三、 實驗室前人的研究……13
四、 實驗目的……15
第二章 實驗材料與方法……16
一、 實驗材料……16
二、 實驗方法……18
第三章 實驗結果……24
一、 B6.2S複製子較B6.2複製子分泌較少量之s抗原至細胞外……24
二、 較高量之細胞外s抗原及B6.2S之s抗原均容易造成HBV複製子的持續存在……24
三、 探討兩個s抗原(S-B6.2及S-B6.2S),對TLR配體(ligand)刺激活化非實質性細胞(non-parenchymal cells, NPC)之影響……25
第四章 討論……28
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