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研究生(外文):Meng-Cheng Li
論文名稱(外文):Study of the hypothalamic orexin system in rats exhibiting abnormal depression- and anxiety-like behaviors induced by prenatal lipopolysaccharide exposure
指導教授(外文):Sabrina Wang
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食慾素 (orexin; OX)為下視丘產生的神經肽 (neuropeptide),負責調控能量代謝與睡眠平衡,近年來也有許多研究指出食慾素系統失調是造成憂鬱症的原因之一,而懷孕時期受到細菌或病毒感染可能會造成胎兒大腦發育受損並造成胎兒罹患精神疾病如憂鬱症的風險上升,過去的實驗已經證實大鼠懷孕前期受到細菌內毒素脂多醣 (lipopolysaccharide; LPS)感染會造成子代成熟後表現類憂鬱行為,本實驗在母鼠 (Sprague Dawley; SD)懷孕10.5天 (E10.5)時利用腹腔注射低劑量 (20000U/kg)的LPS使母鼠產下具有憂鬱傾向的子代,再進一步探討具有憂鬱傾向的大鼠大腦內食慾素系統與一般大鼠之間的差異,實驗結果發現胚胎期受到LPS影響不會影響大鼠的體重與出生隻數,但是LPS大鼠下視丘內的OX-A和OX-B細胞數目會變少,並且降低LPS大鼠在受到強制游泳實驗 (forced swimming test; FST)或空間限制實驗 (restraint stress; RST)壓力時的OX-A細胞活化程度,並從線性關係分析中發現OX-A細胞活化程度與大鼠在FST中類憂鬱行為表現呈現負相關,而LPS的影響也使得LPS大鼠在受到FST或RST壓力時血液中皮脂酮 (corticosterone)異常升高與OX-A濃度異常降低,但是從蛋白質分析中觀察到,未受到壓力刺激時LPS大鼠多個與憂鬱情緒調控相關的腦區內前體蛋白 (prepro-OX)、OX-B和食慾素受體OXR-1、OXR-2並不會改變,我們推論胚胎期受到LPS的作用會改變身體內的食慾素系統,此改變可能參與大鼠類憂鬱行為的表現。
Orexins (OX) are neuropeptides produced by hypothalamus, which are responsible for energy metabolism and sleep-wake balance. In recent years, many studies have shown that the imbalance of orexin system might be one of the causes of depression. The infection of bacteria or viruses during pregnancy may result in fetal brain damage and increase the risk of psychiatric disorders such as depression in the offspring. Previous studies have shown that exposure to the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in early stage of pregnancy will produce offspring that exhibit depression-like behaviors in adulthood. In the present study, we injected low dose lipopolysaccharide (20000 U/kg, ip) to the pregnant rat (Sprague Dawley; SD) on early stage of pregnancy (E10.5) to produce offsping with depression-like behaviors. Then we investigated the differences in orexin system between the control rat and the rat with depression tendencies. The results indicate that embryonic exposure to LPS does not affect the body weight and birth number of the rat offspring. However, the numbers of orexin A (OX-A) and orexin (OX-B) neurons in the hypothalamus of LPS rats are significantly decreased. LPS treatment also reduces the activation of OX-A neurons when the rat is under the stress produced by forced swimming test (FST) or restraint stress test (RST). Furthermore, the linear regression analysis shows that the OX-A neuron activation has tendency to be negatively correlated with the immobile time of FST. In addition, prenatal LPS exposure makes the offspring exhibit unusually high corticosterone in the blood when they are stressd by FST or RST, while their serum OX-A level is significantly decreased. However, the protein experiments indicate that LPS treatment did not change the concentration of the prepro-OX, OX-B, and the orexin receptor 1 (OXR-1) and orexin receptor 2 (OXR-2) in several brain regions associated with depression during baseline period. In conclusion, our results provide evidences that prenatal LPS exposure will change orexin system and these change might participate on the expression of depression-like behaviors.
中文摘要 ⅰ
目錄 ⅲ
圖目錄 ⅳ
縮寫表 ⅴ
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 憂鬱症 1
1-2 憂鬱症病因假說 2
1-3 大腦內食慾素系統 5
1-4 食慾素系統與憂鬱症相關研究 7
1-5 胚胎期感染 8
1-6 酯多糖 9
1-7 胚胎期暴露於酯多糖的憂鬱症動物模式 9
研究動機 11
研究目的 12
第二章 實驗材料 13
第三章 實驗結果 27
實驗一、利用胚胎期遭受LPS的憂鬱症動物模式比較憂鬱症大鼠與正常大鼠下視丘食慾素系統差異 27
實驗二、藉由胚胎期遭受LPS的憂鬱症動物模式探討大鼠類憂鬱行為的表現程度與OX-A、OX-B活化程度之間的關聯性 29
實驗三、比較憂鬱傾向大鼠與正常大鼠大腦中,和憂鬱行為相關的多個腦區內PREPRO OX和OX-B以及OXR-1, 2表現量差異 34
第四章 討論 38
第五章 結論 46
第六章 參考文獻 47
第七章 附錄 81

圖一、實驗設計與時間流程 58
圖二、施打LPS後並不會對懷孕的子代隻數與子代體重造成影響 59
圖三、不同年齡的LPS大鼠與CON大鼠下視丘內OX-A、OX-B神經細胞數目 的差異 62
圖四、LPS大鼠在強迫游泳實驗 (Forced swimming test, FST)的類憂鬱行為表現 63
圖五、大鼠經過FST後,下視丘OX-A、OX-B神經細胞活化情形 66
圖六、大鼠下視丘OX-A、OX-B神經細胞活化程度與FST中類憂鬱行為表現程度之相關性 67
圖七、大鼠經過空間限制壓力 (Restraint stress, RST)後下視丘OX-A、OX-B神經細胞活化情形 70
圖八、大鼠受到壓力時,血液中皮脂酮 (Corticosterone)濃度的變化 71
圖九、大鼠受到壓力時,血液中OX-A濃度的變化 72
圖十、大鼠內側前額葉皮質 (Medial prefrontal cortex)中Prepro OX、OX-B、OXR-1、OXR-2蛋白質表現 73
圖十一、大鼠伏隔核 (Nucleus accumbens)中Prepro OX、OX-B、OXR-1、OXR-2蛋白質表現 74
圖十二、大鼠丘腦室旁核 (Paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus)中Prepro OX、OX-B、OXR-1、OXR-2蛋白質表現 75
圖十三、大鼠下視丘 (Hypothalamus)中Prepro OX、OX-B、OXR-1、OXR-2蛋白質表現 76
圖十四、大鼠海馬迴齒狀部 (Dentate gyrus of hippocampus)中Prepro OX、OX-B、OXR-1、OXR-2蛋白質表現 77
圖十五、大鼠中央杏仁核 (Amygdala)中Prepro OX、OX-B、OXR-1、OXR-2蛋白質表現 78
圖十六、大鼠腹側背蓋區 (Ventral tegamental area)中Prepro OX、OX-B、OXR-1、OXR-2蛋白質表現 79
圖十七、大鼠中縫背核 (Dorsal raphe nucleus)中Prepro OX、OX-B、OXR-1蛋白質表現 80
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