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研究生(外文):Po-kuei Wu
論文名稱(外文):Early-passage MSCs increase irradiation-resistance through increased level of PARP-1
指導教授(外文):Wei-Ming ChenShih-Chieh Hung
外文關鍵詞:mesenchymal stem cellsDNA damage responsesDNA double strand breaksIrradiation
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本研究探討老化後之人類間葉幹細胞,其脫氧核醣核酸受傷後修復(DNA damage responses, DDR)之變化。在接受過放射線照射後,較老代數之人類間葉幹細胞的存活率與殖生能力均相對年輕代數人類間葉幹細胞明顯下降。在流式細胞儀實驗中,可以明顯的觀察到在接受過放射線照射72小時後,較老代數之人類間葉幹細胞之亞二倍體峰 (Sub-G1 phase)比例明顯上升。同時在TUNEL染色與慧星分析法(Comet assay Kit)中,亦可以同時發現年輕代數間葉幹細胞具有較高的抗放射線之能力。此外,年輕與較老代數之人類間葉幹細胞之多種與脫氧核醣核酸受傷後修復之蛋白,如phospho-ATM、-H2AX、RNF8 與 phospho-p53等,會在接受放射線照射後的1至12小時短時間內迅速上升,但是較老代數之間葉幹細胞之蛋白增加量明顯低於年輕代數之間葉幹細胞。
再藉由加入小分子特異性ATM激脢抑製劑KU55933,可以得知此不同蛋白表現之現象,為ATM激脢依賴性。依此,我們接者觀察ATM之上游蛋白,多聚腺甘二磷酸核糖聚合脢(poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1, PARP-1)在一般的環境之下,年輕代數之之表現量遠大於較老代數之人類間葉幹細胞。將年輕代數人類間葉幹細胞給予PARP-1基因剔除後,可以發現其脫氧核醣核酸受傷後修復能力下降。相反的,將較老代數人類間葉幹細胞給予PARP-1基因回補後,更可以發現其脫氧核醣核酸受傷後修復能力提升。最後,本研究發現較老代數之人類間葉幹細胞其多聚腺甘二磷酸核糖聚合脢會迅速的被蛋白脢所分解,進而導致其對抗放射線之能力較差。
Human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have received much attention because of their use in cell therapies, where cell expansion is required to generate a great number of cells. Long-term expansion in vitro, however, can lead to altered functions. To explore the changes in DNA damage responses (DDR) in expanded MSCs, DDR pathways following irradiation were characterized in early- and late-passage bone marrow MSCs. Following irradiation up to 72 h, the percentage of sub-G1 cells in early-passage MSCs remained unchanged, while late-passage MSCs increased in the sub-G1 phase. Reduced TUNEL staining was observed in early-passage MSCs compared to late-passage MSCs at 4 h post-irradiation. Comet assay also revealed that early-passage MSCs were more resistant to irradiation or other genotoxic agents induced DNA damages when compared to late-passage MSCs. ATM phosphorylation and increased levels of -H2AX and phospho-p53 were evident at 1 h, peaked at 2-12 h post-irradiation in early-passage MSCs, while reduction of these changes were observed in late-passage MSCs. Through inhibition by KU55933, we found the DDR pathway in early-passage MSCs was ATM-dependent. The levels of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) and PAR synthesis were greater in early-passage MSCs than late-passage MSCs. Knockdown of PARP-1 in early-passage MSCs resulted in sensitization to irradiation-induced apoptosis, while overexpression of PARP-1 in late passage MSCs rendered irradiation resistance. Lower activity of DDR in late-passage MSCs was associated with rapid proteasomal degradation of PARP-1. In conclusion, early-passage MSCs are more irradiation-resistant and with increased DDR activity involving PARP-1, ATM and their downstream signals.
Contents……………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
English Abstract……………………………………………………………………………. 5
Chinese Abstract ….......……………………………………………………………… 6
List of Abbreviations……………………………………………………………………... 8
Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………... 9
I. Mesenchymal stem cells
II. The limitation of clinical applications of mesenchymal stem cells
III. DNA damage response process of mesenchymal stem cells
IV. Research motivation
Materials and Methods………………………………………………………………… 12
Results........................................................................................... 18
Discussion...................................................................................... 25
Conclusion..................................................................................... 29
Title: Reconstructor for Biological Recycle Autograft Bone Defect: Combined PPF
Scaffold and PARP-1-riched Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Study design
References………………………………………………………………………………….. 36
Figures and Tables…………………………………………………………………….... 42
Figure 1. Cell morphology of early- and late-passage MSCs after γ-irradiation.
Figure 2. Quantification of early- and late-passage MSCs un-treated and treated with γ-irradiation.
Figure 3. Quantification of the colony numbers for early- and late-passage MSCs un-treated and treated with γ-irradiation.
Figure 4. Quantification of the colony numbers for another two individual MSCs un-treated and treated with γ-irradiation.
Figure 5. Early-passage MSCs are more resistant to irradiation-induced apoptosis than late-passage MSCs.
Figure 6. TUNEL staining for analyzing apoptotic cells after γ-irradiation.
Figure 7. Early-passage MSCs are more resistant to γ-irradiation- and genotoxic agents-induced DNA damage than late-passage MSCs.
Figure 8. Early-passage MSCs isolated from another two individuals have greater DNA double strand break repair than late-passage MSCs.
Figure 9. Western blot of early- and late-passage MSCs were subjected to un-treated and treated with γ-irradiation.
Figure 10.Immune-fluorescence of early- and late-passage MSCs before or 2 h after irradiation.
Figure 11.Western blot analysis of early- and late-passage MSCs before or 2 h after irradiation.
Figure 12. Early-passage MSCs isolated from another two individuals increase in DNA damage responses.
Figure 13. Increased DNA double strand break repair in early-passage MSCs is ATM-dependent
Figure 14. Colony formation assay of early- and late-passage MSCs without or with 2-h KU55933 pretreatment.
Figure 15. DNA damage in olive tail moment of early- and late-passage MSCs without or with 2-h KU55933 pretreatment.
Figure 16. Increased PARP-1 expression in early-passage MSCs before or after irradiation revealed by western blot.
Figure 17. Western blot of MSCs lentivirally transduced with control or PARP-1 specific shRNAs without or with irradiation.
Figure 18. Cell number counting of MSCs lentivirally transduced with control or PARP-1 specific shRNAs after irradiation.
Figure 19. Colony formation assay of MSCs lentivirally transduced with control or PARP-1 specific shRNAs after irradiation.
Figure 20. DNA damage in olive tail moment of MSCs lentivirally transduced with control or PARP-1 specific shRNAs without or with irradiation.
Figure 21. PARP-1 is rapidly degraded in late-passage MSCs. Quantitative RT-PCR for analyzing the PARP-1 mRNA levels in early- and late- passage MSCs.
Figure 22. Western blots analysis of early- and late-passage MSCs were treated without or with MG132 in the presence of cycloheximide.
Figure 23. Western blot analysis of late-passage MSCs lentivirally transduced with control or PARP-1 without or with irradiation.
Figure 24. Colony formation assay of late-passage MSCs lentivirally transduced with control or PARP-1 without or with irradiation.
Figure 25. Measurement and quantification of DNA damage in olive tail moment of late-passage MSCs lentivirally transduced with control or PARP-1 without or with irradiation.
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