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研究生(外文):Yn-Fang Lin
論文名稱(外文):Efficacy of First Line Target Therapy in Patients with Advanced Lung Adenocarcinoma
指導教授(外文):Yu-Chun Chen
外文關鍵詞:Advanced lung adenocarcinomaTargeted therapiesChemotherapySurvival analysis
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以健保資料庫2002-2011年重大傷病證明明細檔找出新罹患肺癌患者,進而找出第一線使用gefitinib或pemetrexed患者為研究之族群。本研究分析的變項包含患者基本特質及六項共病症,並以描述性統計、卡方檢定、Kaplan-meier Mothod以及Cox-regression進行研究族群的基本特質分布、存活差異及其相關因子分析。


The first among the top ten cancer leading cause of death in Taiwan is malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus and lung. The prognosis of advanced lung adenocarcinoma is the worst. The first line use of chemotherapy or target therapy for advanced lung adenocarcinoma both can improve survival rate. But, few longitudinal studies were designed for comparing efficacy between two therapies. We will evaluate characteristics, survival and its affecting factors of patients with advanced lung adenocarcinoma who first line use gefitinib or pemetrexed.

We used registry for catastrophic illness patients of National Health Insurance Research Database from 2002 to 2011 to identify patients with lung adenocarcinoma. Study population was defined as patients with lung adenocarcinoma who used gefitinib or pemetrexed without using other chemotherapeutic or target therapeutic drugs before. The analyzing variables include patient characteristics and comorbidities. We use Kaplan-meier Method to estimate survival of patients. Cox-regression was used to analyze patient characteristics and factors affecting survival.

We included 800 patients with advanced lung adenocarcinoma. There were 306 (38.25%) patients in gefitinib group and 494 (61.75%) patients in pemetrexed group. In gefitinib group, there were 90 (29.4%) men and 239 (70.6%) women. 131 (42.8%) patients were 30-64 years old and 175 (57.2%) patients were 65-89 years old. In pemetrexed group , there were 255 (51.6%) men and 239 (48.4%) women. 251 (50.8%) patients were 30-64 years old and 243 (49.2%) patients were 65-89 years old. Mean survival days between two groups showed no statistically significant differences (gefitinib group vs. pemetrexed group: 78.667±15.358 vs. 65.000±12.894). Gender, age, drugs, comorbidities, and average monthly insurance salary between two groups didn’t reach statistically significant differences.

There is no sufficient evidence to show significant differences for survival analysis in advanced lung adenocarcinoma patients who use pemetrexed or geftinib as first line therapy. Clinicians can choose the most appropriate therapy depending on patient tolerance and income.
第一章 緒論.......1
1.1 研究背景與動機.......1
1.2 研究目的.......8
第二章 文獻探討.......9
2.1 肺癌及癌症分期.......9
2.2 肺癌治療方式.......11
2.3 肺腺癌標靶藥物使用情形.......15
2.4 肺腺癌化療藥物使用情形.......18
第三章 研究方法.......20
3.1 研究架構.......20
3.2 研究資料來源及處理.......21
3.3 資料分析方法.......25
第四章 研究結果.......26
4.1 研究族群基本資料描述性分析.......26
4.2 研究族群存活情形.......28
4.3 研究族群存活情形之相關因子.......35
4.4 第一線使用gefitinib (Iressa®)存活情形.......36
4.5 第一線使用gefitinib (Iressa®)存活情形之相關因子.......39
4.6 第一線使用pemetrexed (Alimta®)存活情形.......41
4.7 第一線使用pemetrexed (Alimta®)存活情形之相關因子.......44
第五章 綜合討論與研究限制.......46
5.1 主要研究結果討論.......46
5.2 研究限制.......48
第六章 結論與建議.......49
6.1 結論.......49
6.2 建議.......50

表格 1.1-1 衛生福利部中央健康保險署藥品給付規定............2
表格 2.1-1 非小細胞肺癌分期...............................10
表格 3.2-1 各分析檔案中欲使用的變項清單...................21
表格 4.1-1 研究族群基本資料描述...........................27
表格 4.2-1 控制觀察期間及各變項之研究族群基本資料描述.....30
表格 4.2-2 平均觀察天數...................................31
表格 4.2-3 平均存活天數...................................33
表格 4.3-1 研究族群存活情形相關因子.......................35
表格 4.4-1 第一線使用gefitinib (Iressa®)平均觀察天數......36
表格 4.4-2 第一線使用gefitinib (Iressa®)平均存活天數......37
表格 4.5-1 第一線使用gefitinib (Iressa®)存活情形相關因子..40
表格 4.6-1 第一線使用pemetrexed (Alimta®)平均觀察天數.....41
表格 4.6-2 第一線使用pemetrexed (Alimta®)平均存活天數.....42
表格 4.7-1 第一線使用pemetrexed (Alimta®)存活情形相關因子.45

圖 2.3-1 Gefitinib年度使用量..............................16
圖 2.3-2 Erlotinib年度使用量..............................17
圖 2.3-3 Pemetrexed年度使用量.............................19
圖 3.1-1 研究架構.........................................20
圖 4.2-1 研究族群觀察天數曲線圖...........................32
圖 4.2-2 研究族群存活曲線圖...............................34
圖 4.4-1 第一線使用gefitinib (Iressa®)觀察天數曲線圖......37
圖 4.4-2 第一線使用gefitinib (Iressa®)存活曲線圖..........38
圖 4.6-1 第一線使用pemetrexed (Alimta®)觀察天數曲線圖.....42
圖 4.6-2 第一線使用pemetrexed (Alimta®)存活曲線圖.........43
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