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研究生(外文):Chun-Yung Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Comparison of patient satisfaction and patient experience — a regional hospital case study
指導教授(外文):Kuan-Chia Lin
外文關鍵詞:patient satisfactionpatient experiencecomparative study
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Studies have shown that there is a considerable degree of correlation between the importance a hospital attaches to patient experience and its business performance. Improvement in patient experience has been shown to enhance both the financial performance and customer loyalty of a hospital. This in turn helps establish the hospital’s reputation and brand through consistency in medical service quality, and further upgrade the utilization rate of hospital services through patient referrals.
Why is it necessary to emphasize patient experience? It has been found in the past that the level of medical services received by patients was not comprehensive enough. Hospital services were typically more of a medical provider-centered design where patients were considered passive participants. However, today’s healthcare services emphasize the provision of continuous care and patient-centered services, with emphasis being placed on the patient’s overall participation in medical decision-making processes, and an electronic medical record environment that enables more innovative delivery of medical services. Therefore, while receiving medical care, patient care has been transformed from a process of “what’s the matter with you” to “what do you care about.”
Currently, there is still no unified set of investigative tools regarding patient experience in Taiwan. The only tool available is the “Inpatient Experience Questionnaire” established by Cheng Shou Hsia et al. after studying the comparative patient experience in foreign countries as a reference for domestic medical institutions to develop their own patient experience questionnaires. In view of this consideration, a comparison was made by this study to analyze the advantages and variances of two different monitoring tools based on the secondary data of the 2012 - 2015 inpatient satisfaction surveys and the 2016 inpatient experience survey from a particular domestic regional hospital.
The key analytical results and conclusions of the study are as follows:
1. Based on the single-year comparison on the correlation between monitoring tools and recommended intention, there is a stronger degree of interpretation on the correlation between patient experience and recommended intention.
2. Although the differences in Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) between patient satisfaction and patient experience among various medical departments cannot fully verify the original hypothesis, on the whole, the extent of impact on patient experience among the medical departments is still greater than that of patient satisfaction. Furthermore, in terms of the “patient rights and responsibilities” aspect, patient satisfaction is found to be closely related to patient experience.
3. There is consistency between patient satisfaction and patient experience in the results of “questionnaire responder identity” and “age” in the personal characteristics section. In other words, the medical treatment experience is more positive if the questionnaire responders are the patients themselves and are in a higher age range. This realization can serve as a reference for patient care in hospitals.
4. Generally, in terms of management implications, the interferences and advantages of patient experience are relatively standardized and low in subjective awareness. This can possibly provide different comparative aspects for hospitals as well as national standards. From a management point of view, this could be useful as a data reference for hospitals to help long-term monitoring and improvements in the internal dialogue mechanism.
中文摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與研究動機 1
第二節 研究重要性 3
第三節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 病人經驗監測工具之發展與應用 4
第二節 醫療服務品質、醫院經營與病人經驗之關係 6
第三節 醫療服務品質、醫院經營與病人滿意度之關係 7
第四節 病人經驗與滿意度之關係 7
第三章 研究設計與方法 10
第一節 研究架構 10
第二節 研究樣本 16
第三節 研究變項之操作型定義 17
第四節 統計分析方法 30
第四章 研究結果 33
第一節 描述性統計 33
第二節 單變項分析 60
第三節 多層次隨機截距模式比較 64
第四節 線性複迴歸分析 66
第五章 討論與建議 69
第一節 兩種不同住院病人就醫評價監測工具之優勢與差異分析 69
第二節 國際間即時性病人經驗調查趨勢比較 70
第三節 研究優點與限制 74
第四節 結論與建議 74
參考文獻 76
中文部分 76
英文部分 78
附錄 81
附錄一 文獻地圖之文獻列表 81

圖1 歷年病人經驗相關研究之趨勢 2
圖3-1 研究架構圖 14
圖3-2 病人滿意度之就診科別分群流程圖 15
圖3-3 病人經驗之就診科別分群流程圖 15
圖4 樣本醫院與全國7家醫院病人經驗表現之比較 59
圖5 NHS提出立即性監測之步驟 71
圖6 Press Ganey顧問公司立即性監測做法 73

表2-1 鄭守夏等人(2010)住院病人經驗問卷建構之六大向度 5
表2-2 鄭守夏等人(2010)住院病人經驗問卷發展過程概述(以PDCA方法呈現) 5
表2-3 文獻地圖 9
表3-1 病人滿意度就診科別樣本數分配 19
表3-2 病人經驗就診科別樣本數分配 20
表3-3 病人滿意度自變項之操作型定義 21
表3-4 病人經驗自變項之操作型定義 23
表3-5 病人滿意度依變項之操作型定義 24
表3-6 病人經驗依變項之操作型定義 27
表4-1-1 101-104年度合併樣本住院病人滿意度之各研究變項描述 38
表4-1-2 105年度住院病人經驗之各研究變項描述 49
表4-1-3 樣本醫院各科別與全國7家醫院病人經驗表現之比較 59
表4-2-1 101-104年度合併樣本住院病人滿意度與推薦意向之單變項分析 62
表4-2-2 105年度住院病人經驗與推薦意向之單變項分析 62
表4-2-3 住院病人滿意及病人經驗與推薦意向之關聯性比較 63
表4-3-1 101-104年度合併樣本住院病人滿意度之多層次隨機截距模式 65
表4-3-2 105年度住院病人經驗之多層次隨機截距模式 65
表4-4-1 101-104年度合併樣本住院病人滿意度之線性複迴歸分析 67
表4-4-2 105年度住院病人經驗之線性複迴歸分析 68

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