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研究生(外文):I-Ju Shih
論文名稱(外文):Study on the effect of SiO2-Au nanoparticles on radiotherapy
指導教授(外文):Tse-Ying Liu
外文關鍵詞:SiO2-Au nanoparticlesSonodynamic TherapyRadiation TherapyNon Invasion In Vivo Imaging System
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神經膠質母細胞瘤(Glioblastoma Multiforme;GBM)是腦癌中最盛行及死亡率最高的癌症,其癌細胞為異質群體(heterogeneous population)導致目前臨床治療預後不佳。儘管奈米系統的發展已成功改善藥物和基因治療方式,但由於大腦組織是一個多種細胞形式的器官,因此如何在癌組織以及健康的腦細胞之間進行安全和成功的治療便顯得重要及迫切的課題。本研究成功開發一種新穎的治療方式,透過二氧化矽-金複合奈米粒子(HAc-Au@SiO2)搭配5ALA(5-Aminolevulinic Acid)光敏劑,並結合聲動力和低劑量的放射治療,能夠有效保護正常細胞而毒殺癌細胞且細胞毒殺比也高達4倍,也能在GBM細胞產生大量活性氧化物質(Reactive Oxygen Species;ROS),使粒線體膜電位(mitochondrial membrane potential, MMP))喪失並使生成 ATP 能力受損,進而活化p53路徑促進Cytochrome c的釋放並活化Caspase-3,造成細胞傷害而走向細胞凋亡的命運,也促使細胞週期停滯在G2/M期。另外我們也成功建立冷光報告基因的穩定細胞株,以利後續可以透過非侵入式活體分子影像系統(Non Invasion In Vivo Imaging System;IVIS)來偵測腫瘤區的訊號,在初步動物實驗中,載體搭配治療能有效降低腫瘤生長。此治療方式提供一個非侵入性、低劑量放射治療以及更有效殺死癌細胞來降低腫瘤的復發機率並保護周圍正常組織,進而大大降低副作用,期望我們的研究成果,將為腦癌腫瘤治療提供一種新的治療策略。
Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) is the most common and the most malignant glia tumors in brain cancer. The tumor is composed heterogeneous population cancer cells that make the healing progress after the treatment slow. Although the development of nanoscale systems has successfully improved the way of drug and gene therapy, brain is a complicated multi-cell organ that it is important to have safe and efficacy treatments between cancer tissues and healthy brain cells. The main purpose of this study is to invent a novel treatment by utilizing the silica-gold composite nanoparticles with 5ALA photosensitizer, which is able to combine sonodynamic therapy with low dose radiation therapy to protect healthy cells and cancer cells effectively. The GBM/Astrocyte kill ratio elevates 4 times compare to control group. Follow by this novel treatment, GBM cells produce numbers of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that lead to a decline of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP). Therefore, cells are fail to generate ATP which can activate the p53 pathway to promote the release of Cytochrome C and then activate Caspase-3. Activation of Caspase-3 not only causes cell damage and may lead to cell apoptosis, but also promote cell cycle arrest in G2 / M period. In addition, we have successfully established a stable cell line of luciferase (Luc) reporter gene to facilitate the subsequent detection of the signal of the tumor area through the non-invasion in vivo imaging system (IVIS). In the preliminary animal experiment, Combined with vehicle and treatment can effectively reduce tumor growth.This is a non-invasive treatment that require only low-dosage radiotherapy, and is more effective at killing cancer cells. In addition, this novel treatment is able to reduce the chance of recurrence and protect the surrounding healthy tissue to reduce side effects significantly. Hence, we expect our findings as a new strategy to treat brain cancer.
致謝 I
中文摘要 IV
Abstract V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1神經膠質母細胞瘤病理及目前治療方式 4
2-2放射治療 7
2-3金奈米粒子應用於放射治療 10
2-4 金奈米粒子應用於放射治療(IR, 6MeV) 12
2-5 金奈米粒子放射增敏的物理學機制 13
2-6 金奈米粒子放射增敏的生物學機制 15
2-6-1 ROS及氧化壓力 15
2-6-2 細胞週期影響 17
2-7 二氧化矽在生物醫學上的應用 21
2-7-1二氧化矽應用於放射治療 24
2-8 5-ALA應用於神經膠質母細胞瘤手術導引與轉化機制 25
2-8-1 5-ALA誘導光動力治療應用與限制 27
2-8-2 5-ALA是放射增敏劑 29
2-9聲動力治療原理及機制 30
2-9-1聲動力學治療機制 30
2-9-2 聲動力治療生物機制 33
2-9-3聲敏物質 34
2-10 玻尿酸(Hyaluronic Acid)與神經膠質母細胞瘤 36
第三章 材料與方法 37
3-1實驗設計 37
3-2 材料和儀器 38
3-2-1化學合成材料 38
3-2-2生物實驗材料和試劑 39
3-2-3儀器 41
3-3材料合成方法 42
3-3-1 Au@SiO2載體材料合成 42
3-3-2螢光染劑參雜Au@SiO2載體 42
3-3-3玻尿酸接枝Au@SiO2載體 43
3-4材料性質測試 44
3-4-1穿透式顯微鏡(TEM) 44
3-4-2粒徑與表面電性測試(DLS & Zeta Potential) 44
3-4-3載體材料官能基測定(傅里葉轉換紅外光譜;FTIR) 44
3-4-4可見光紫外光分光光譜儀(UV-vis) 44
3-4-5 Sonodynamic Therapy 實驗裝置及參數 45
3-5分生實驗 46
3-5-1重組 plasmid DNA 46
3-5-2細菌培養/細菌放大DNA 47
3-5-3小量質體DNA 萃取以及DNA Retardation Assay 電泳系統 47
3-5-4質體DNA轉染(Plasmid DNA Transfection) 47
3-5-5建立Stable Cell Line 47
3-6體外細胞實驗(in vitro) 48
3-6-1細胞實驗 48
3-6-2 5-ALA-PpIX 培養時間及濃度測定 48
3-6-3 細胞存活率測試 49
3-6-4載體經US/XR治療後細胞毒性測試 49
3-6-5 胞內ROS probe (Cellular Reactive Oxygen Species Detection Assay) 50
3-6-6 細胞週期測定 50
3-6-7共軛焦顯微鏡樣品製備 51
3-6-8 西方點墨法(Western blot) 51
3-6-9 DNA double-strand breaks (Gamma H2AX Pharmacodynamic Assay) 52
3-7 動物實驗(in vivo) 53
3-7-1腫瘤誘導 53
3-7-2 非侵入式活體分子影像系統(Non Invasion In Vivo Imaging System, IVIS) 54
3-7-3腦組織固定以及切片 54
第四章 結果與討論 55
4-1 HAc-Au@SiO2形貌觀察及性質分析 55
4-1-1載體外觀及粒徑分析 55
4-1-2 FTIR之鑑定 57
4-1-3 Zeta potential之鑑定 58
4-1-4 UV-vis之鑑定 59
4-2 HAc-Au@SiO2 細胞實驗 60
4-2-1載體及5ALA細胞毒性測試 60
4-2-2. 5ALA-PpIX培養時間以及螢光強度測定 63
4-2-3. PpIX與粒線體共位 65
4-2-4. PpIX與HAc-Au@SiO2載體共位 66
4-2-5. HAc-Au@SiO2載體在正常與癌細胞細胞吞噬差異 67
4-2-6. US/XR治療誘導細胞毒性 69
4-2-6. 正常細胞、癌細胞與癌幹細胞治療後毒殺差異性 71
4-2-7. 胞內活性氧 (Reactive Oxygen Species;ROS) 測定 74
4-2-8. US/XR治療後GBM細胞週期改變 76
4-2-9. 治療處理後粒線體以及細胞凋亡影響 80
4-3 動物實驗 84
4-3-1 建立冷光報告基因的穩定細胞株 84
4-3-2 建立原位腦癌模型 86
4-3-3 初步動物實驗結果 88
第五章 結論 90
第六章 參考文獻 92

Figure 2-1. Development and progression of astrocytic tumours. 5
Figure 2-2. New approaches to brain tumor therapies. 6
Figure 2-3. Depth-dose curves normalized at the depth of maximum for 100 kV, 250 kV and 6 MeV beams 7
Figure 2-4. Photon mass energy absorption coefficients of soft tissue and gold. 8
Figure 2-5. Comparison of predicted and observed values of dose enhancement for gold nanoparticles at both megavoltage and kilovoltage energies. 9
Figure 2-6. Summary of various approaches for enhancing the radiosensitization in cancer cells. 10
Figure 2-7. Versatility of Gold Nanoparticles. GNPs can be tunable to various shapes and sizes, functionalized with various biomolecules, and are generally safe and nontoxic in vitro and in vivo. 11
Figure 2-8. Interactions of X-rays with NPs result directly or indirectly in the production of secondary species: photons, electrons and later ROS. 14
Figure 2-9. Schematic representation of radiation interactions with gold nanoparticles relating to downstream applications in radiation research. 14
Figure 2-10. Possible reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated mechanisms associated with nanoparticle toxicity. 16
Figure 2-11. Changes of cell sensitivity and cell cycle arrest after radiotherapy. 18
Figure 2-12. Basic outline of Radiotherapy effects of cell DNA. 19
Figure 2-13. DNA double strand breaks cause γH2AX formation and subsequent repair mechanisms. 20
Figure 2-14. Mesoporous silica nanoparticle (MSN) morphology, functionalization, and bio-distribution/elimination 22
Figure 2-15. Representation of the intact and degraded structures of silica NPs along with the mechanisms and regulating factors of the degradation. 23
Figure 2-16. 5-ALA-induced tumor fluorescence. 25
Figure 2-17. The porphyrin-heme biosynthetic pathway and putative mitochondrial transporters. 26
Figure 2-18. Schematic representation of diagnostics and PDT of 5-ALA for glioma cells. 5-ALA is converted to PpIX in malignant gliomas via an oral-intake of exogenous 5-ALA. 28
Figure 2-19. Mechanism of Sonodynamic Therapy. 30
Figure 2-20. Response of bubbles to acoustic pressure. 32
Figure 2-21. Possible mechanisms of SDT. 33
Figure 2-22. Mechanism of HA-induced glioma invasion and motility. 36
Figure 3-1. Graphics Abstract 37
Figure 3-2. A schematic representation of the one-pot formation procedure of the core–shell HAc-Au@SiO2. 43
Figure 3-3. In vitro experimental schemes. The gap between the culture dish and the probe was filled with degassed water. 45
Figure 3-4. Orthotopic mouse glioma model. GBM-luc tumor using burr hole as guidance for tumor location. 53
Figure 3-5. Mechanism of Firefly Luciferase Reporter Assay. 54
Figure 4-1. TEM image and particle-size distribution of HAc-Au@SiO2 nanoparticles. 56
Figure 4-2. FTIR spectrum of Au-CTAB, Au@SiO2 with CTAB, Au@SiO2 without CTAB and HAc-Au@SiO2-APTES. 57
Figure 4-3. Zeta potential of Au-CTAB, Au@SiO2 with CTAB, Au@SiO2 without CTAB, Au@SiO2-APTES and HAc-Au@SiO2-APTES. 58
Figure 4-4. UV-Vis extinction spectra of the synthesized Au-CTAB, Au@SiO2 and HAc- Au@SiO2. (4000–500 nm) 59
Figure 4-5. The cytotoxicity of Astrocyte (normal cells) and GBM (Cancer cell) were incubated with different concentrations (0 - 800 μg/ml) of Au@SiO2, HAc-Au@SiO2, and 5ALA for 24 hours at 37℃. 62
Figure 4-6. Intracellular PpIX fluorescence in GBM cells using flow cytometric and Multimode microplate readers analyses. 64
Figure 4-7. Mitochondria co-localization of PpIX in GBM cells. 65
Figure 4-8. HAc-Au@SiO2 naoparticles co-localization of PpIX in GBM cells. 66
Figure 4-9. Cellular uptake of HAc-Au@SiO2 nanoparticles into GBM and Astrocyte cells. 68
Figure 4-10. Cytotoxicity of 100 μg/ml HAc-Au@SiO2 in GBM cells combined with 5ALA and US/XR therapy in 24 hr. 70
Figure 4-11. Cytotoxicity of 100 μg/ml HAc-Au@SiO2 in Astrocyte cells, GBM cells and GSC cells combined with 5ALA and US/XR therapy in 24 hr. 73
Figure 4-12. Intracellular production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) after ionizing irradiation in GBM cells using flow cytometric analyses . 75
Figure 4-13. Cell cycle distributions of HAc-Au@SiO2/5ALA-treated GBM cells in ionizing radiation (IR)/ ultrasound bombardment (US)-induced G2/M phase arrest by flow cytometric analysis. 78
Figure 4-14. Effects of US/XR treatments on mitochondria damage and apoptosis of normal and cancer cell. 83
Figure 4-15. Diagram illustrating steps required for bioluminescence imaging (BLI) to Monitor Tumor Growth and Response to Therapy. 85
Figure 4-16. Stereotactic intracranial implantation and in vivo bioluminescent imaging of tumor xenografts in a mouse model system of glioblastoma multiforme. 87
Figure 4-17. HAc-Au@SiO2 /5ALA plus radiation therapy (RT) and Sonodynamic Therapy (SDT) cures mice with intracranial GBM-luc tumors. 89
Figure 4-18 The molecular mechanism of treatment 91

Table 1. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) to develop glioma grading system 5
Table 2. Application of gold nanoparticles in 6MeV radiotherapy 12
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