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研究生(外文):Che-Cheng Lin
論文名稱(外文):Improving the mobility and postural control ability by combined functional electric simulation with vibration for subjects with Parkinson’s disease
指導教授(外文):Sai-Wei YangDin-E Shan
外文關鍵詞:Parkinson's diseasemotor controlgait analysiselectroencephalogram power spectral densityexternal cuefunctional orthosis
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本研究共招募16位帕金森氏症患者(年齡: 63.31±7.68;BMI: 24.52±1.65;MMSE: 27.81±0.88; H & Y Stage: 2.594±0.195)及12位同年齡層正常族群(年齡:62.86±7.55;BMI: 25.07±1.10;MMSE: 28.00±0.76)為控制組。實驗設計:首先說明研究目的及填寫受測者同意書,基本量測及問卷填寫,再進行各種刺激情境在跑步機上的暖身運動,接著單盲隨機給予受試者刺激情境,進行計時坐到站、計時站到走與跨越10%腿長障礙高度之障礙物的十公尺步行、感覺整合與平衡臨床測試,探討在不同刺激情境下的動作控制與靜態平衡表現。
結果顯示帕金森氏症患者與健康老人在未進行外部刺激介入下,計時坐到站與計時站到走的各分期時間與足壓晃動軌跡明顯大於正常族群,但左右腳步幅、平均步幅、左右腳速率、平均速率等均明顯小於正常族群。在加入外部四種刺激後帕金森氏症族群在坐到站足壓晃動軌跡總長、晃動面積與計時坐到站、站到走的基本步態空間參數,分期時間,肌肉活化比率以及跨越障礙物的足壓軌跡總長、足壓最大位移、雙腳對稱性均顯著接近正常族群的步態。其中坐到站足壓晃動面積及總長以單獨電刺激為最佳(p=0.959)。跨障雙腳對稱性、前進腳與跟隨腳的足壓總長、ML位移亦以電刺激效果較佳(p=0.700, 0.817)。但在TP3、轉身時及回走步態空間參數則整合刺激效果最佳(p=0.487)。整体上以結合兩種刺激情境的『振動結合功能性電刺激之情境』的影響最大。


Parkinson's disease is a common central nervous system degenerative disease. Approximately 1% of the population over 65 years old are suffering in Taiwan, and currently has more than 40,000 people with severe Parkinson's disease. The clinical symptoms include the resting tremor, muscular rigidity, akinesia, bradykinesia, postural instability, frozen gait et al. The characteristic abnormal gait patterns such as small step length (around 40-90 cm), slower walking speed (around 67-100 cm/s), excessive trunk anterior tilt and insufficient ankle and knee joint range of motion may result in postural instability and risk of falling.
The most common treatments are drug, surgical operation, rehabilitation or the assistive device intervention. However, the side effects may affect the treatment efficacies. The assistive devices of visual or auditory cues were employed to improve the frozon and tremble gait and mobility. In addition, plantar vibration or electrical stimulation, or lower limb, functional electrical stimulation is applied to improve the gait pattern. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the intergrated external stimulation plantar vibration and peroneal nerve functional electric stimition to improve the mobility and motor control of the Parkinson subjects and the mechanicsm of efficacy by the EEG spectrum analysis.
This study recruited 16 Parkinson's patient (Age: 63.31±7.68;BMI: 24.528±1.65;MMSE: 27.81±0.88; H & Y Stage: 2.594±0.195) and 12 Normal person(Age:62.86±7.55;BMI: 25.07±1.10;MMSE: 28.00±0.76). The experimental design included first all of the situation in the treadmill on the warm-up exercise, and then let the subjects in the random stimulation to do sit-to-stand ,time-up and go , 10% of the height of obstacles across the obstacles and sensory integration and balance of clinical testing, to explore the different stimuli under the action control and static balance performance.
Result: The Parkinson group and Normal group in No stimulation situation has significant differences between groups(Normal>Parkinson) with phase time ,COP trajectory ,left/right step length , left/right speed and the leading leg COP_ML trajectory ,trailing leg COP_AP displantment , trailing leg COP_ML displantment , right symmetry ,symmetry ratio has significant differences between groups( Parkinson > Normal ) , the stimulation intervention the sit-to-stand sway trajectory ,sway area , left/right step length , left/right speed ,phase time ,muscle RMS ,cross-obstacle COP trajectory ,COP maximum displantment ,symmetry all have significant differences between stimulation especially the vibration combine with electrical stimulation has greatest impact.
In the electroencephalogram power spectral density ,sit-to-stand TP1 in the action of the bow to the rise of the head will affect the effect of the vestibule, and TP3 and TP4 is due to the extension and stability for space positioning so vestibular of the effect ,the time-up and go Forward_Stand_1 ,Forward_Stand_3 ,Back_Stand_1 can be deduced in the case of these actions are in the two different actions between the convergence and regulation of the circumstances, in this case the brain needs to complete the information processing, including action, balance , sensory, so in the Fz, T3, Cz, channel, which charge balance, movement and movement of the integration of the region will have a greater activation rate. We suggested that the patients need to use more visual support in the Turn, so Oz, which charge the visual signal, will have a larger activation rate. In the process of crossing the obstacle, there is a large activation ratio in the Pz, where controlled the sensory, because there is an external stimulus intervention. And in the following, there was no stage of crossing, so the brain needs more information processing of balance, sensorimotor integrated and sensory induced Pz had a greater activation rate.

In this study, we concluded that Parkinson's disease in the gait stability, postural control, action continuity was significantly poor than the normal population. But after the external stimulus intervention, were increased the trunk and lumber stability and gait symmetry. In addition, the involvement of external stimulation in the portion of the brain wave can induce a relatively high activation rate in the corresponding regions of the brain. Although it is not possible to determine whether the higher activation rate is helpful, this study can prove that the involvement of external stimuli does improve the problem of Parkinson's disease in gait. Furthermore, combining the both stimuli were better than a single stimulation.
誌謝 I
目錄 II
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
中文摘要 XI
第一章 前言 1
1-1帕金森氏症簡介 1
1-1-1帕金森氏症的病因 1
1-1-2帕金森氏症的發生率 2
1-1-3帕金森氏症的臨床診斷與分級 2
1-1-4帕金森氏症的臨床症狀 4
1-1-4-1. 靜止時震顫(resting tremor): 4
1-1-4-2. 肌肉僵直(muscular rigidity): 4
1-1-4-3. 運動失能(akinesia): 4
1-1-4-4. 動作遲緩(bradykinesia): 4
1-1-4-5. 姿態穩定障礙(postural instability): 4
1-1-5帕金森氏症的神經傳遞路徑 5
1-1-6帕金森氏症患者之步態研究 7
1-1-7帕金森氏症患者的軀幹功能的改變研究 8
1-1-8帕金森氏症患者的腦部活化研究 9
1-2帕金森氏症臨床治療方式 9
1-2-1藥物治療 10
1-2-2手術治療 10
1-2-3輔助治療 11
1-2-4功能性步行訓練與外部刺激 12
1-2-3-1. 振動刺激 13
1-2-3-2. 功能性電刺激 14
1-2-3-3. 功能性鞋墊 15
1-2-4小結 16
1-3研究目的 17
1-4研究假設 17
第二章 材料與方法 18
2-1研究對象 18
2-2實驗設計 18
2-3-1功能性電刺激 19
2-3-2振動刺激 19
2-3-3刺激時機 20
2-3-4鞋墊介入 21
2-4 評估儀器 22
2-4-1. 肌電訊號儀(ELECTROMYOGRAPHY, EMG) 22
2-4-2. 測力板(AMTI, USA) 23
2-4-3. APDM動作捕捉感測系統(OPAL, APDM, USA) 23
2-4-4. 足底壓力量測系統(RSSCAN, INC., BELGIUM) 24
2-4-5. 腦波訊號量測系統(NUAMPS, NEUROSCAN, USA) 24
2-5實驗設計與流程 26
2-5-1. 智能狀態評估 27
2-5-2. 疾病嚴重程度評估 27
2-5-3. 帕金森氏症生活品質問卷 28
2-5-4. 平衡測試 29
2-5-5. 暖身運動 29
2-5-6. 計時坐到站、站到走 29
2-5-7. 一般行走與跨越10%腿長障礙高度 30
2-6資料處理 30
2-7統計方法 36
第三章 結果 38
3-1. 受試者基本資料 38
3-2. 計時坐到站分析 39
3-2-1. 計時坐到站分期時間分析 39
3-2-2. 足底晃動軌跡分析 39
3-2-3. 晃動面積分析 39
3-2-4. IMU三軸方向位移分析 41
3-2-5. IMU三軸最大運動角度分析 45
3-2-6. 坐到站腦波頻譜分析 49
3-3. 計時站到走分析 64
3-3-1. 計時到走基本步態空間參數分析 64
3-3-2. 計時站到走分期時間分析 66
3-3-3. 計時站到走肌肉活化比率分析 68
3-3-4. 計時站到走腦波頻譜分析 77
3-4. 跨越障礙物分析 127
3-4-1. 足底壓力中心軌跡分析 127
3-4-2. 足底壓力中心最大位移分析 127
3-4-3. 雙腳對稱性分析 129
3-4-4. IMU三軸方向位移分析 131
3-4-5. IMU三軸最大運動角度分析 135
3-4-6. 跨越障礙物腦波頻譜分析 139
3-5. 平衡感覺統整(CTSIB)分析 173
3-5-1. 足底壓力中心軌跡分析 173
3-5-2. 足底晃動面積分析 173
3-5-3. 感覺輸入比例分析 173
3-5-4. 平衡感覺統整頻譜分析 175
第四章 討論 191
4-1. 族群行為與動作控制比較 191
4-2. 刺激情境效益比對 192
4-3. 步態參數比對 195
4-4. 肌肉活化比率比對 195
4-5. 功能性活動在軀幹功能影響 197
4-6. 平衡感覺統整比對 198
4-7. 腦波頻譜分析資料比對 198
第五章 結論 201
第六章 參考文獻 203
第七章 附錄 208

圖1-1:神經傳遞路徑 6
圖2-1功能性電刺激及足底振動鞋具示意圖 20
圖2-2刺激時機示意圖 21
圖2-3 半客製化鞋墊 22
圖2-4:肌電訊號截取系統 22
圖2-5:力板量測系統 23
圖2-6:慣性感測動作分析系統 24
圖2-7:足底壓力量測系統 24
圖2-8: 腦波訊號量測系統 25
圖2-9:實驗設計與流程 26
圖2-10:跨越障礙物 30
圖2-11: 雙腳對稱性 32
圖2-12:步態週期判斷 32
圖2-13坐到站分期 34
圖2-14: 坐到站、站到走5公尺轉身之分期 35
圖2-15: 以角速度變化區分步態各期 35

表3-3: 坐到站足底晃動軌跡與晃動面積
表3-4: X軸方向位移
表3-5: Y軸方向位移
表3-6: Z軸方向位移
表3-10: 坐到站TP1-頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-11: 坐到站TP1-頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-12: 坐到站TP1-頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-13: 坐到站TP2-頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-14: 坐到站TP2-頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-15: 坐到站TP2-頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-16: 坐到站TP3-頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-17: 坐到站TP3-頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-18: 坐到站TP3-頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-19: 坐到站TP4-頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-20: 坐到站TP4-頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-21: 坐到站TP4-頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-22: 計時站到走基本步態參數
表3-23: 計時站到走分期時間
表3-24: 計時坐到站、站到走肌肉活化比率(STS& FORWARD_STAND_1)
表3-25: 計時坐到站、站到走肌肉活化比率(FORWARD_SWING_1& FORWARD_STAND_3)
表3-26: 計時坐到站、站到走肌肉活化比率(FORWARD_SWING_3& TURN)
表3-27: 計時坐到站、站到走肌肉活化比率(BACK _STAND_1& BACK _SWING_1)
表3-28: 計時坐到站、站到走肌肉活化比率(BACK _STAND_3& BACK _SWING_3)
表3-29: 計時坐到站、站到走肌肉活化比率(TTS)
表3-30: 計時站到走STS-頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-31: 計時站到走STS-頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-32: 計時站到走STS-頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-33: 計時站到走FORWARD -頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-34: 計時站到走FORWARD -頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-35: 計時站到走FORWARD -頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-36: 計時站到走FORWARD_STAND_1 -頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-37: 計時站到走FORWARD_STAND_1 -頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-38: 計時站到走FORWARD_STAND_1 -頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-39: 計時站到走FORWARD_SWING _1-頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-40: 計時站到走FORWARD_SWING_1-頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-41: 計時站到走FORWARD_SWING_1-頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-42: 計時站到走FORWARD_STAND_3-頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-43: 計時站到走FORWARD_STAND_3-頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-44: 計時站到走FORWARD_STAND_3-頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-45: 計時站到走FORWARD_SWING_3-頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-46: 計時站到走FORWARD_SWING_3-頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-47: 計時站到走FORWARD_SWING_3-頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-48: 計時站到走TURN -頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-49: 計時站到走TURN-頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-50: 計時站到走TURN-頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-51: 計時站到走BACK -頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-52: 計時站到走BACK-頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-53: 計時站到走BACK-頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-54: 計時站到走BACK_STAND_1-頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-55: 計時站到走BACK_STAND_1-頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-56: 計時站到走BACK_STAND_1-頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-57: 計時站到走BACK_SWING_1-頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-58: 計時站到走BACK_SWING_1-頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-59: 計時站到走BACK_SWING_1-頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-60: 計時站到走BACK_STAND_3-頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-61: 計時站到走BACK_STAND_3-頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-62: 計時站到走BACK_STAND_3-頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-63: 計時站到走BACK_SWING_3-頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-64: 計時站到走BACK_SWING_3-頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-65: 計時站到走BACK_SWING_3-頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-66: 計時站到走TTS -頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-67: 計時站到走TTS-頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-68: 計時站到走TTS-頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-69: 跨越障礙物-足底壓力中心分析
表3-70: 跨越障礙物-雙腳對稱性分析
表3-71: 跨越障礙物- X軸方向位移
表3-72: 跨越障礙物- Y軸方向位移
表3-73: 跨越障礙物- Z軸方向位移
表3-77: 跨越障礙物TRAILING-頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-78: 跨越障礙物TRAILING-頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-79: 跨越障礙物TRAILING-頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-80: 跨越障礙物TRAILING_TO_LEADING -頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-81: 跨越障礙物TRAILING_TO_LEADING -頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-82: 跨越障礙物TRAILING_TO_LEADING -頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-83: 跨越障礙物LEADING -頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-84: 跨越障礙物LEADING -頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-85: 跨越障礙物LEADING -頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-86: 跨越障礙物AFTER_CROSS_OBSTACLE_1-頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-87: 跨越障礙物AFTER_CROSS_OBSTACLE_1-頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-88: 跨越障礙物AFTER_CROSS_OBSTACLE_1-頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-89: 跨越障礙物BEFORE_CROSS_OBSTACLE_1-頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-90: 跨越障礙物BEFORE_CROSS_OBSTACLE_1-頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-91: 跨越障礙物BEFORE_CROSS_OBSTACLE_1-頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-92: 平衡感覺統整參數
表3-93: 平衡感覺統整EYES_CLOSE -頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-94: 平衡感覺統整EYES_CLOSE -頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-95: 平衡感覺統整EYES_CLOSE -頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-96: 平衡感覺統整EYES_OPEN -頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-97: 平衡感覺統整EYES_OPEN -頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-98: 平衡感覺統整EYES_OPEN -頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-99: 平衡感覺統整FOAM_EYES_CLOSE -頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-100: 平衡感覺統整FOAM_EYES_CLOSE -頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-101: 平衡感覺統整FOAM_EYES_CLOSE -頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
表3-102: 平衡感覺統整FOAM_EYES_OPEN -頻譜分析(FZ&T3)
表3-103: 平衡感覺統整FOAM_EYES_OPEN -頻譜分析(CZ&T4)
表3-104: 平衡感覺統整FOAM_EYES_OPEN -頻譜分析(PZ&OZ)
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