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研究生(外文):Shih-Hsin Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):Clinicopathological Characterization of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutations in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and Biological Assessments of Their Role in Cancer Dissemination
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Wen Wu
外文關鍵詞:EGFR mutationEGFR exon 19 deletion or L858R point mutationnon-small cell lung cancerbrain metastases
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實驗材料與方法:回溯性收集病人人口學、 抽菸史、腫瘤分期、病理組織次分類及表皮生長因子受器突變狀況資料,採用Pearson’s 卡方檢定、多重邏輯迴歸分析及依抽菸史分層策略來檢驗性別是否為決定表皮生長因子受器突變相關因素中的混擾因子。
結果:在426名非小細胞肺癌病人中,百分之四十七為女性、百分之五十七為不曾吸菸者、百分之八十四為肺腺癌。多變項迴歸分析顯示不曾抽菸者(勝算比, odds ratio,為3.49,95%信賴區間值為1.99-6.13; P值小於0.001)、肺腺癌(勝算比為9.43,95%信賴區間值為3.62-24.56; P值小於0.001)和表皮生長因子受器突變顯著相關。而性別則和表皮生長因子受器突變無顯著相關(勝算比為1.25,95%信賴區間值為0.73-1.25; P值為0.416);進一步分析顯示性別也和表皮生長因子受器突變亞型第19外子缺失 (exon 19 deletion)及L858R點突變(L858R point mutation)無顯著相關(勝算比為1.19 , 95%信賴區間值為0.56-2.50; P值為0.650)。在把病人進一步依抽菸史進行分層分析顯示:女性和男性的表皮生長因子受器突變的發生率不管是在不曾吸菸(64.8% vs. 55.8%, P值為0.204)或曾吸菸(27.8% vs. 24.2%, P值為0.775)的族群中並無顯著不同。因此,若只限定不曾吸菸、女性且為肺腺癌的非小細胞肺癌病患接受表皮生長因子受器突變檢測,將有高達百分之四十的表皮生長因子受器突變個案會被預先排除接受表皮生長因子受器抑制劑治療。

結果:多變相回歸分析顯示在384個案中,表皮生長因子受器突變和整體腦部轉移累計發生率相關(勝算比, odds ratio=2.24, P值=0.001)。在第三及第四期非小細胞肺癌個案中,進一步採用死亡為競爭風險因子的事件發生時間(time-to-event)分析模式顯示除整體存活長短外,表皮生長因子受器突變可以預測後續腦部轉移的發生 (37.1% vs. 10.6%, 相對危險比, hazard ratio =2.98, P=0.002),且此能力獨立於個案年齡(相對危險比=2.00, P=0.012),性別,病理組織類型和抽菸史。比起年紀大且為原野型表皮生長因子受器的個案,起年紀輕且為突變型表皮生長因子受器的個案,期發生後續腦部轉移的風險顯著升高 (58.1% vs.10.9%,相對危險比=6.57, P<0.001)。雖然第19外子缺失個案會比L858點突變個案有些微較長的整體存活期 (20.6 vs. 14.2 月, P=0.368),但兩者在預測後續腦部轉移的發生的能力上則不分軒輊 (39.5% vs. 34.5%,相對危險比=0.91, P=0.770)。在體外細胞實驗中,表皮生長因子受器突變過度表現會導致肺癌細胞朝向類似間質細胞形狀的改變,同時也會提升肺癌細胞散佈能力。臨床上,比起原野型表皮生長因子受器的個案,表皮生長素受器突變個案的腫瘤有較高比率表現出波型蛋白 (75.3% vs. 51.2%; P=0.007),且個案發生後續腦部轉移的中位數存活時間較短(23.5 月vs. not reached, P=0.017)。
Chapter 1
Background: Mutations in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) commonly occur in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients characterized by female gender, never-smoker status and adenocarcinoma histology. The aim of this study was to determine whether gender is a confounding factor for EGFR mutations in NSCLC.
Materials and methods: Demographic data and smoking history of patients, tumor stage and subtype of NSCLC, and EGFR mutation status were retrospectively collected. To elucidate the confounding effect, Pearson's χ2 test, and a multivariable logistic regression model were used to correlate these characteristics with EGFR mutations.
Results: Of those 426 NSCLC patients, 47% were females, 57% were non-smokers and 84% had adenocarcinomas. The multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that never-smoker status [odds ratio (OR) = 3.49, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.99-6.13; P <0.001)] and adenocarcinoma (OR = 9.43, 95% CI 3.62-24.56; P<0.001) were associated with EGFR muta¬tions; however, gender was not (OR = 1.25, 95% CI: 0.73-2.15; P = 0.416). Furthermore, gender was not associated with EGFR mutation subtypes (OR = 1.19, 95% CI: 0.56-2.50; P = 0.650). The frequency of EGFR mutations between females and males was not different in non-smokers (64.8% vs. 55.8%, P = 0.204) or ever smokers (27.8% vs. 24.2%, P = 0.775). Therefore, if the assessment for EGFR mutation status was limited to non smoking females with adenocarcinoma, up to 40% of the patients harboring EGFR mutations would be precluded from the benefit of EGFR inhibitor therapy.
Conclusions: Our results indicated that gender is a confounding factor for EGFR mutations in NSCLC and suggested that gender may not be associated with tumorigenesis in NSCLC harboring EGFR mutations.

Chapter 2
Background: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients tend to develop brain metastases (BM), but the link between BM occurrence and driver mutations in NSCLC is not very clear. We explored whether activating mutations of epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFRs) in exon 19 deletion or L858R predict BM in NSCLC. Materials and methods: Retrospective analyses were used to determine the association of clinic-pathological, EGFR mutation and BM. In vitro experiments were conducted to explore the link between EGFR mutation and lung cancer cell dissemination.
Results: A multivariable logistic regression analysis of 384 patients demonstrated that the presence of mutated-EGFRs was associated with overall BM (OR=2.24, P=0.001) compared to that of wild-type EGFR (WT-EGFR). Moreover, the time-to-event analysis model considering death as a competing risk revealed that, irrespective of survival, mutated-EGFRs predicted subsequent BM (SBM) in stage IIIB-IV patients (37.1% vs. 10.6%, HR=2.98, P=0.002) after adjusting for age (HR=2.00, P=0.012), gender, histological subtype, and smoking history. Notably, the younger mutated-EGFR subgroup was at a higher risk for SBM compared to the older WT-EGFR one (58.1% vs.10.9%, HR=6.57, P<0.001). Additionally, EGFR exon 19 deletion, despite having a slightly longer overall survival (20.6 vs. 14.2 months, P=0.368), was comparable to L858R mutation in predicting SBM (39.5% vs. 34.5%, HR=0.91, P=0.770). In vitro, the overexpression of mutated-EGFRs induced morphological changes towards a mesenchymal-like phenotype and promoted mobility in lung cancer cells. Clinically, mutated-EGFR NSCLC displayed a higher proportion of vimentin-positive expression (75.3% vs. 51.2%; P=0.007) and a shorter median time to SBM (23.5 months vs. not reached, P=0.017) than WT-EGFR NSCLC. Conclusion: These results suggest that NSCLC patients carrying mutated-EGFRs may require a higher frequency of brain imaging assessments than those with WT-EGFR to facilitate earlier SBM detection during follow-up.
Content 1
Chapter 1 Histological subtype and smoking status, but not gender, are associated with epidermal growth factor receptor mutations in non-small cell lung cancer 2
中文摘要 3
Abstract 5
Introduction 7
Patients and methods 9
Results 12
Discussion 15
Conclusion 20
Tables 21
References 29
Chapter 2 Brain Metastases in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: the Role of Mutated-EGFRs with an Exon 19 Deletion or L858R Point Mutation in Cancer Cell Dissemination 35
中文摘要 36
Abstract 38
Introduction 40
Materials and methods 42
Results 52
Discussion 60
Conclusion 66
Figures 67
Tables 78
References 85
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