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研究生(外文):Ya-Hong Liang
論文名稱(外文):The Research of Factors about Chewing ability and Quality of Life in Elderly House by The Example of Chang Gung Health and Culture Village
指導教授(外文):Tze-Fang Wang
外文關鍵詞:older adultschewing abilityquality of life
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本研究是橫斷式研究,針對養生村的65 歲以上的高齡者,以問卷調查的方式收集高齡者的人口學特性、身體健康、口腔健康、咀嚼能力及生活品質狀況,共計166 位研究對象,並使用one-way ANOVA、Independent T test、Pearson correlation coefficient 及無母數檢定人口學變項、身體健康、口腔健康、咀嚼能力及生活品質相關性,並使用Multiple linear regression 的方式分析咀嚼能力是否為身體健康、口腔健康對生活品質的中介變項,及預測影響生活品質危險因子。
研究結果發現,養生村高齡者的年齡、經濟狀況、工具性日常生活活動功能(IADL)、植牙、配戴固定假牙、活動假牙、假牙配戴搖晃度、假牙合適度、刷牙次數、存留齒數、缺牙顆數及活動假牙顆數與咀嚼能力有統計上顯著相關,咀嚼能力與生活品質也有顯著性相關(p=0.000, r=-0.668)。在生活品質上咀嚼能力為缺牙齒數、活動假牙顆數及固定假牙顆數的中介變項。預測影響生活品質
As this research is a cross-sectional study, which aims to older adults above 65 years old in this Chang Gung Health and Culture Village, we collect characteristics of elderly demography, body health, oral health, chewing ability and life quality through questionnaire. A total of 166 research targets have been completed. In addition, we examine the relativity of demographic variations, body health, oral health, chewing ability and quality of life with one-way ANOVA, Independent T test, Pearson correlation coefficient, Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis test. Also, we analyze chewing ability is the mediator of life quality through Multiple linear regression, and eventually predict the dangerous risks that impact life quality.
According to what we find out in the research results in this Health and Culture Village, the age, economic condition, instrumental activities of daily living (IADL),
tooth implantation, fixed and removable dentures, the condition and adaptability of dentures, the shake and fall of denture, the number of remaining tooth, the number of loose teeth and removable dentures are all related to chewing ability, which indicates apparent connection with their life quality (p=0.000, r=-0.668). Also, chewing ability is the mediator of the number of loose teeth, removable and fixed dentures in terms of life quality.
What’s more, the research on risky factors we predict which influence their quality of life shows that those who suffer from periodontal disease and those who have poor chewing ability will make their quality of life lower.Consequently, chewing ability especially is the most important factor that impacts their quality of life.
Through the research results, we find out chewing ability is the main risky factor that influence quality of life. Hence, with regard to older adults’ chewing ability, how the medical team in this Health and Culture Village evaluates, traces and enhances their chewing ability is extremely significant. We suggest to take older adults’ chewing ability into regular evaluation so that they can discover the change of
chewing ability as early as possible and provide proper treatment or referral, which can recover or enhance elders’ chewing functions and militate degradation of their life

圖一 缺牙顆數、食物咀嚼困難種數、生活品質中介迴歸路徑圖…...50
圖二 固定假牙顆數、食物咀嚼困難種數、生活品質中介迴歸路徑圖51
圖三 活動假牙顆數、食物咀嚼困難種數、生活品質中介迴歸路徑圖52

表1 人口學特性…………………………………………………………25
表2 身體健康情況………………………………………………...........27
表3 口腔健康情形………………………………………………………29
表4 咀嚼能力與生活品質………………………………………...........31
表5 人口學特性與食物咀嚼困難種數相關性分析……………………33
表6 身體健康狀況與食物咀嚼困難種數相關性分析…………….......34
表7 口腔健康與食物咀嚼困難種數相關性分析……………………....37
表8 人口學特性與生活品質相關性分析………………………………39
表9 身體健康狀況與生活品質相關性分析……………………………40
表10 口腔健康情形與生活品質相關性分析…………………………..42
表11 食物咀嚼困難種數與生活品質相關性分析……………………44
表12 應付生活與身體健康狀況………………………………………46
表13 應付生活與口腔健康情形………………………………………48
表14 缺牙顆數及食物咀嚼困難種數對生活品質影響情形…………50
表15 固定假牙顆數及食物咀嚼困難種數對生活品質影響情形……51
表16 活動假牙顆數及食物咀嚼困難種數對生活品質影響情形……52
表17 單變項共線性分析……………………………………………...53
表18 預測高齡者生活品質危險因素分析………………………......54
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