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研究生(外文):Tzu-Ying Liu
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Suspension Exercise for Healthy Adults and Non-specific Chronic Low Back Pain Patient on Muscle Anticipatory Contraction and Corticomuscular Coherence
指導教授(外文):Li-Wei Chou
外文關鍵詞:Chronic low back painCore muscleSuspension trainingCorticomuscular coherence
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Background: Low back pain (LBP) is one of the common chronic pain and most is with non-specific diagnosis, such patients may contain muscle imbalance, motor control dysfunction, proprioception impairment and other negative problems. Nowadays, core muscle exercise therapy has been shown to improve pain, function, and motor control in patients with LBP. However, it is still unclear how improvements is related to synchronization between muscle and cerebral cortex during functional movements.
Purpose: To examine the effects of six weeks of suspension exercise training on pain and function in patients with non-specific chronic LBP, NSCLBP. And the other main purpose is to explore the mechanisms behind functional improvement with suspension exercise training by investigating the effects of suspension exercise training for healthy adults and NSCLBP patients on the changes of functional link between cortical cortex and muscle during the functional movement tasks, and observe the anticipatory contraction function of transversus abdominis / internal oblique muscle (TrA/IO) before and after training.
Methods: 15 healthy adults (healthy group) and 8 patients with NSCLBP (back pain group) were recruited to participate suspension exercise training for a total of six weeks of twice a week for 40 minutes each time. Subjects performed two functional tests before and after training, including quick arm lifting task and repeated trunk flexion - extension task with 5 kg weight load. In the course of the task, the Numeric Rating Scale was used to measure the degree of pain, the degree of disability was measured by the Oswestry Disability Index, the surface electromyography was used to measure the muscle activation of anterior deltoid, left and right TrA/IO, and thoracic and lumbar erector spinae (TES and LES), and the electroencephalogram was used to detect brainwaves. The main dependent variables were pain and disability scores, left TrA/IO anticipatory contraction timing and coherence values (β and γ band). Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and the Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the parameters between the two groups.
Results: Back pain group significantly improved pain (p = 0.01) and disability (p = 0.024) after suspension training. Of quick arm lifting task, after a six-week training, the healthy group resulted in significant earlier anticipatory contraction timing (p = 0.027), which resulted in significant differences between the two groups (p = 0.033), and the performance of anticipatory contraction timing of back pain group was improved and became closer to healthy group. In addition, before training, the coherence of the left TrA/IO and LES in the β band of the healthy group was significantly higher than that in the back pain group (p = 0.024 and p = 0.039), and after training, the γ band in the left TrA/IO of healthy group was also significantly higher than that in the back pain group (p = 0.045). Of repeated trunk flexion-extension task with 5kg weight load, before training, the coherence of the left TrA/IO in the γ band was significantly higher in the back pain group than in the healthy group (p = 0.003), and the back pain group after training the coherence of the TES in the γ band was significantly decreased (p = 0.049).
Conclusion: Six weeks of suspension exercise training can effectively improve the NSCLBP patients with pain and disability, and also improve the corticomuscular coherence during functional task, and thus shorten the left TrA/IO anticipatory contraction timing, making the performance of the patient closer to the general healthy adults.
誌謝 I
中文摘要 III
英文摘要 V
表目錄 XI
圖目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究假設 3
第四節 重要性 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
第一節 下背痛 5
一、 下背痛之定義與分類 5
二、 下背痛之流行病學 6
第二節 下背痛對核心肌群其肌肉活化的影響 7
第三節 疼痛對大腦的影響 9
第四節 下背痛運動治療的介入成效 10
第五節 懸吊訓練 11
第六節 皮質肌肉共調性 13
第七節 總結 14
第三章 研究方法 16
第一節 研究設計與研究架構 16
一、 研究設計 16
二、 研究架構 16
第二節 研究材料與研究方法 17
一、 研究流程 17
二、 研究對象 17
三、 實驗流程 18
四、 研究工具 19
第三節 資料處理與分析方法 21
一、 資料處理 21
二、 統計分析 22
第四章 結果 23
第一節 受試者基本資料 23
第二節 疼痛程度 23
第三節 失能等級 23
第四節 腹橫肌/腹內斜肌預期性收縮時序 24
第五節 快速擺手動作任務的皮質肌肉共調性 25
第六節 手持5公斤重物下重複彎曲–伸直軀幹任務的皮質肌肉共調性 27
第五章 討論 30
第一節 疼痛程度的下降和失能等級的改變 30
第二節 懸吊訓練對腹橫肌/腹內斜肌預期性收縮的影響 31
第三節 懸吊訓練對於快速擺手任務的共調性變化 32
第四節 懸吊訓練對於手持5公斤重物做重複軀幹彎曲-伸直任務的共調性變化 33
第五節 研究限制與未來研究之建議 34
第六章 結論 36
參考文獻 37
附錄一、 國立陽明大學人體研究暨倫理委員會同意人體研究證明書 63
附錄二、 佛教慈濟醫療財團法人台北慈濟醫院人體試驗審查委員會臨床試驗同意函 64
附錄三、 TRX訓練動作 65

表一、 健康成年人基本資料 42
表二、 下背痛病人基本資料 43
表三、非特異性慢性下背痛病人背痛區域和症狀持續時間 44
表四、非特異性慢性下背痛組懸吊訓練前後疼痛和失能比較 44
表五、懸吊訓練前後兩組間腹橫肌/腹內斜肌預期性收縮時序比較 45
表六、懸吊訓練前後快速擺手動作任務的皮質肌肉共調性 46
表七、懸吊訓練前後手持5公斤重物下重複彎曲和伸直軀幹的皮質肌肉共調性 47

圖一、健康成年人之研究流程 48
圖二、非特異性慢性下背痛病人之研究流程 49
圖三、最大自主用力測試 A)前三角肌 B)腹橫肌/腹內斜肌 C)腰束脊肌、胸束脊肌 50
圖四、快速擺手動作任務示意圖 51
圖五、手持5公斤重物下重複彎曲-伸直軀幹任務示意圖 52
圖六、表面肌電圖BIOPAC System 52
圖七、電極貼片位置 A)腹橫肌/腹內斜肌 B)胸束脊肌 C)腰束脊肌 D)前三角肌 53
圖八、腦電波儀 54
圖九、腹橫肌/腹內斜肌活化時序之計算示意圖 55
圖十、β頻帶(13-30 Hz)和γ頻帶(31-60Hz)下,選取超過閾值的皮質肌肉共調性範圍計算面積和 55
圖十一、懸吊訓練前後的疼痛數字等級量表比較 56
圖十二、懸吊訓練前後的歐氏下背痛失能量表比較 56
圖十三、快速擺手動作任務之下,左側腹橫肌/腹內斜肌的預期性收縮訓練前後變化圖 57
圖十四、快速擺手動作任務之下,右側腹橫肌/腹內斜肌的預期性收縮訓練前後變化圖 57
圖十五、快速擺手動作任務之下,左側腹橫肌/腹內斜肌β頻帶的共調性訓練前後變化圖 58
圖十六、快速擺手動作任務之下,左側腹橫肌/腹內斜肌γ頻帶的共調性訓練前後變化圖 58
圖十七、快速擺手動作任務之下,左側腰束脊肌β頻帶的共調性訓練前後變化圖 59
圖十八、快速擺手動作任務之下,左側腰束脊肌γ頻帶的共調性訓練前後變化圖 59
圖十九、手持5公斤重物重複彎曲-伸直軀幹任務之下,左側腹橫肌/腹內斜肌β頻帶的共調性訓練前後變化圖 60
圖二十、手持5公斤重物重複彎曲-伸直軀幹任務之下,左側腹橫肌/腹內斜肌γ頻帶的共調性訓練前後變化圖 60
圖二十一、手持5公斤重物重複彎曲-伸直軀幹任務之下,左側腰束脊肌β頻帶的共調性訓練前後變化圖 61
圖二十二、手持5公斤重物重複彎曲-伸直軀幹任務之下,左側腰束脊肌γ頻帶的共調性訓練前後變化圖 61
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