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研究生(外文):Ching-Ju Hsiao
論文名稱:利用CRISPR/Cas9技術探究Gli2 蛋白對於初級纖毛生成以及細胞週期之影響
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Gli2 Functions in Regulating Primary Cilia and Cell Cycle Re-entry Using CRISPR/Cas9 Technology
指導教授(外文):Jin-Wu Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Primary ciliaGli2Autophagy
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背景與目標: 初級纖毛在中樞神經系統結構形成中,扮演類似天線傳遞訊息的角色,刺蝟因子為其訊號傳遞中之一條路徑。Gli2 是初級纖毛上傳遞訊號的重要蛋白,主要作用在初級纖毛的頂端。先前的文獻指出,初級纖毛頂端的蛋白對於纖毛生成過程中扮演重要的角色。另外,初級纖毛的長短也會去調控細胞週期,當初級纖毛較長時會使細胞延遲進入G1/S 期。然而,Gli2如何去調控初級纖毛之生成並進一步影響細胞週期仍有待探究。

假設:我們假設 Gli2藉由調控初級纖毛生成進而改變細胞週期。

材料與方法: 我們以CRISPR/Cas9方法建立Gli2剔除之NIH3T3細胞株,接著用免疫組織染色法觀察初級纖毛的生成。此外我們利用流式細胞儀檢測剔除Gli2後細胞週期之變化。

結果:我們發現將Gli2 蛋白剔除後的細胞會有較長的初級纖毛,並延遲進入G1/S 期。另外,我們觀察到Gli2調控初級纖毛長度與細胞的自噬路徑有關,在Gli2剔除的細胞株中自噬小體表現的LC3-II蛋白量較多,且其中心粒蛋白OFD1的表現量下降。

結論: Gli2 蛋白會經由調控細胞自噬小體及中心粒蛋白OFD1,進而影響初級纖毛長度且進一步改變細胞週期之分布。
Background: The central nervous system arises from the neural tube, consisting of neural stem cells, which give rise to neurons and glia cells. Interestingly, many neural stem cells contain the primary cilium, a microtubule-based organelle projecting from the plasma membrane. Primary cilia are critical in numerous functions ranging from mechanosensation, proliferation, and differentiation. Importantly, primary cilia participate in patterning of the central nervous system by functioning as cellular antennae for transmitting molecular signals, such as Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) signaling. Gli2, a fundamental player in the SHH signaling, is known for regulating cell cycle progression. Interestingly, Gli2 is also involved in cell-cycle re-entry from G0 in many cell types, including neural progenitors. However, unlike Gli2-dependent cell cycle progression, how Gli2 regulates cell cycle re-entry is not fully elucidated.

Hypothesis: We hypothesize that Gli2 could regulate cell cycle re-entry mediated by primary cilia.

Materials and Methods: We generated a Gli2-knockout cell line by CRISPR/Cas9 technology in NIH3T3 cells in which the functions of SHH players on the primary cilium were broadly studied. The primary cilia were labeled by using immunostaining and then observed them with confocal microscopy. In addition, we utilized flow cytometry to survey cell cycle progression.

Results: We validated that cells depleted of Gli2 possess longer primary cilia; meanwhile, we monitored a delay for cell-cycle re-entry in Gli2-knockout cells by flow cytometry. In addition, we found that Gli2 can induce more autophagy expression and downregulate OFD1 (oral-facial-digital syndrome1) protein level. Conversely, blocking the autophagic flux with the autophagy inhibitor, 3-methyladenine (3-MA), these phenotypes can be rescued.

Conclusion: Gli2 can affect cell cycle re-entry through regulating primary cilia length. We discovered that the autophagy-dependent OFD1 removal is the key pathway for Gli2-dependent ciliary length control.
Contents...................................... i
Acknowledgements.............................. iii
摘要.......................................... v
Abstract...................................... vi
Table of Illustrations........................ viii

Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 A brief history and importance
of the primary cilium......................... 1
1.2 The structure of primary cilium........... 2
1.3 The function of primary cilium
in SHH signaling pathway...................... 2
1.4 Gli2 and Holoprosencephaly type 9......... 4
1.5 The correlation of ciliary length
and cell cycle progression.................... 5
1.6 The relationship of autophagy
and ciliogenesis.............................. 6
1.7 Overview of CRISPR/Cas9 system............ 7

Chapter 2: Material and Methods 9
2.1 Plasmids.................................. 9
2.2 Cell culture and transfection............. 10
2.3 Live imaging.............................. 10
2.4 CRISPR/Cas9 technology.................... 11
2.5 Western Blot.............................. 15
2.6 Luciferase reporter assay................. 17
2.7 Immunocytochemistry....................... 18
2.8 Flow cytometry............................ 20
2.9 Microscopy................................ 21

Chapter 3: Results 22
3.1 Knockdown or overexpress Gli2 protein
affected primary cilia formation.............. 22
3.2 The Gli2-/- cells were established
by utilizing CRISPR/Cas9 technology........... 26
3.3 Depletion of Gli2 induced
longer primary cilia.......................... 36
3.4 Primary cilia mediate the delay of
cell cycle re-entry in Gli2 knockout cells.... 45
3.5 Gli2 knockout enhanced the length of
primary cilia through autophagy-mediated
OFD1 removal.................................. 54

Chapter 4: Discussion 63
4.1 Possible mechanisms for ciliary length........................................ 64
4.2 The possible link between Gli2 and autophagy................................. 65
4.3 The role of OFD1 in ciliary length control........................ 66
4.4 Role of Gli2 in cell cycle regulation..... 67

References 68

Table of Illustrations
Table 1 Commercial plasmids................... 9
Table 2 Reagents used in CRISPR/Cas 9 technology.................................... 14
Table 3 Primary antibodies used in Western Blot............................... 16
Table 4 Secondary antibodies used in Western Blot............................... 16
Table 5 Materials reagents used in Western Blot............................... 16
Table 6 Primary antibodies in immunostaining............................. 19
Table 7 Secondary antibodies in immunostaining............................. 19
Table 8 Reagents used in cell cycle analysis...................................... 20
Table 9 The blastn results of potential cells............................... 27

Figure 1 The effect of Gli2 knockdown in the primary cilia formation....................... 24
Figure 2 Gli2-/- cells were generated by using CRISPR/Cas9 technology.................. 29
Figure 3 Depletion of Gli2 induces longer primary cilia.......................... 38
Figure 4 Primary cilia are required for the delay of cell cycle reentry in Gli2 knockout cells........................... 48
Figure 5 Gli2-/- cells enhanced the length of primary cilia through
autophagy-mediated OFD1 removal............... 57
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