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研究生(外文):LIN, JENG-WEI
論文名稱(外文):Design of Fuzzy-PI Controller for Synchronized XY Motion Gantry Stage System
指導教授(外文):MAO, WEI-LUNG
外文關鍵詞:Linear motorSynchronized XY Motion Gantry StageFUZZY-PIparticle swarm optimizationartificial bee colony algorithmcross-mixing global artificial bee colony
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Many high-load stages adopt gantry architectures to improve the single-axial driving force in different industry applications. Due to some possible effect such as unknown disturbance, mechanical coupling force, or unmatched system model, it is difficult to obtain the precision of synchronous control using the conventional PI control method with parallel architecture. It is an important issue to find a way to drive the stage to achieve a synchronous motion effectively and precisely. In this thesis, the fuzzy-PI controller structure is proposed for precision trajectory tracking control in synchronized XY motion gantry stage system. The controller parameters are searched using three algorithms, i.e., (1) particle swarm optimization (PSO), (2) artificial bee colony algorithm(ABC), and (c) cross-mixing global artificial bee colony algorithm(CGABC). The three algorithms search the optimized parameters based on the integral of the time-weighted absolute error (ITAE) criterion. MATLAB system identification tool is used to find the transfer function of the system according to the superposition theorem. CGABC can not only get converge in a short time ,but avoid solution easy to fall into the local optimal in the searching process. The simulation results and experimental results on square, triangle, star and circle reference contours are presented to show that the proposed CGABC-based fuzzy PI controller indeed accomplish the better the tracking performances with regard to model uncertainties. The fuzzy-pi controller can offer better tracking performances in term of average tracking error and tracking error standard deviation.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2文獻探討 2
1.3研究方法 6
1.4論文架構 7
第二章 運動控制平台系統架構 8
2.1平台控制卡 8
2.1.1 資料擷取卡PCI-1716/L 8
2.1.2 專用端子板PCLD-8710 9
2.1.3 類比輸出卡PCI-1720U 9
2.1.4 專用端子板ADAM-3937 10
2.1.5 運動控制卡PCI-1240U 10
2.1.6 專用端子板ADAM-3952 11
2.2光學尺 12
2.2.1光學尺原理 12
2.2.2增量型的直線編碼器 13
2.3馬達驅動器 14
2.3.1驅動器Elmo COR-5/230 14
2.4線性馬達 15
2.4.1無鐵心式線性馬達簡介 15
2.4.2無鐵心式線性馬達CPC-CLS-PM模組規格 16
2.5 龍門式同動XY平台架構 17
2.6系統鑑別 18
2.6.1線性馬達數學模型 20
2.6.2系統鑑別模式 25
2.6.3MATLAB系統鑑別工具 26
2.7數學模擬工具MATLAB 30
2.7.1MATLAB環境介紹 30
2.7.2 Real-Time-Workshop(RTW)工具箱 30
2.7.3 S-function 31
第三章 控制方法 32
3.1模糊PI增益控制 32
3.1.1引言 32
3.1.2傳統PID控制器 32
3.1.3改進的模糊PI控制器 33
3.1.4模糊規則 34
3.1.5模糊歸屬函數與推論 35
3.1.6解模糊化 36
第四章 最佳化方法 37
4.1粒子群最佳化演算法 37
4.2人工蜂群最佳化演算法 40
4.3全局最優引導人工蜂群演算法 45
4.4交叉混合全局人工蜂群最佳化演算法 45
4.5時間乘絕對誤差積分準則ITAE 47
第五章 實驗結果 48
5.1實驗方式 48
5.2軌跡規劃 53
5.2.1簡介 53
5.2.2正方型軌跡 53
5.2.3三角形軌跡 54
5.2.4星型軌跡 55
5.2.5圓型軌跡 56
5.3模擬結果 57
5.3.1模擬參數 57
5.3.2模擬搜尋最佳化參數結果 57
5.3.3模擬的圖形 64
5.3.4模擬的數據統計 83
5.3實驗結果 85
5.3.1實作的圖形 85
5.3.2實驗的數據統計 93
第六章 結論與未來展望 95
6.1結論 95
6.2未來展望 96
參考文獻 96
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