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論文名稱(外文):The Research of Prediction on the State of Robotics by Combining D-ICP and EKF-SLAM
外文關鍵詞:Robotics LocalizationDelaunay TriangulationIterative Closest PointExtended Kalman Filter
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即時定位與地圖構建(Simultaneous localization and mapping, SLAM),也就是讓機器人在即時定位過程中同時對陌生環境進行構圖,近年來是機器人領域重要的課題之一,特別是無人車與無人機的廣泛使用,使機器人更貼近人類的日常生活。本篇論文針對SLAM中的即時定位分成兩大主題並進行探討:一、狀態預測部分,預測機器人現在所在位置並校正,其中包含了測距(Odometry)輸入以及掃描匹配(Scan matching)輸入,在各種路徑、環境還有障礙物因素下兩者各有其優劣之處;二、狀態更新部分,將參數透過擴展型卡爾曼濾波器(Extended Kalman Filter, EKF)配合地標(Landmark)設計來更新機器人在下個時間點狀態的位置點校正,由以上兩步驟達到機器人的定位同步更新。
本論文於狀態預測中的掃描匹配(Scan-matching)中使用了疊代最近點(Iterative Closest Point, ICP)演算法進行兩個時間點的環境資料進行配準比較,因為在SLAM的計算過程中,時常因為龐大的計算資料輸入而導致定位偏移,若無法有效將其引導至正確的狀態預測,必然在更新步驟中會產生嚴重的累積誤差,ICP(Iterative Closests Point)演算法疊代中,點集與點集間的搜索使用的是德勞內三角剖分(Delaunay triangulation)及奇異值分解法來判斷是否有合適的環境點集資料,提高掃描匹配的效率以及協助測距輸入來互相補足在狀態預測時的不佳成效,特別是在複雜地形時可看出其差異,實驗證明兩者的搭配可有效提升狀態預測時的位置校正,更能幫助EKF演算法提升狀態更新後的準確度,進而達到更好的即時定位。

Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is a method that let robotics construct or update a map of an unknown environment while simultaneously locating the position of robots itself. It is gradually become a important issue these days, especially unmanned aerial vehicle. This kind of robots make our livelihood more convenient and efficient. In this paper we divide simultaneously locate of SLAM into two parts for discussion. The first is about state prediction in robotics which including odometry and scan-matching, these two types of function can assist robotics guiding to a better state prediction. The second is about the state update. Robots execute state update through Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and design of landmark to maintain the correction of position and revise the bias of location. After these two step of state, robotics ultimately complete the simultaneously locate.
Because the bias of position may become large after a complex calculation, we need a better state predict to make sure the better state update. In this paper we use Iterative closest point (ICP) to execute scan-matching to assist state prediction. ICP algorithm is used to compare the environmental point sets at two time-points. By using Delaunay triangulation and singular value decomposition to raise ICP’s point sets searching speed then assist Odomtry to complete a perfect state prediction. The experimental results proof that scan-matching and odometry can support each other at some situations; especially, in complicated terrain architecture. As a result, the proposed EKF-SLAM algorithm improves the accuracy of locating the position of robots and thus achieving a higher efficiency SLAM.

第一章 緒論...1
1.2 研究動機與目的...2
1.3 各章提要...2
第二章 機器人定位與預測的概念...3
2.2 遞歸狀態的預測...5
2.3貝氏定理(Bayes' theorem)...5
第三章 狀態預測...7
第四章 狀態更新與SLAM地圖環境...22
第五章 實驗架構與結果分析...35
第六章 結論與展望...50

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