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研究生(外文):LIU, LI-TING
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Involvement Load Hypothesis on EFL Junior High School Students’ Vocabulary Retention
指導教授(外文):PENG, TENG-LUNG
口試委員(外文):Christopher J. O’BrienYANG, SHI-XIAN
外文關鍵詞:involvement loadvocabulary retentionreceptive vocabulary testproductive vocabulary testretention decay
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本研究旨在檢驗涉入量假說對於國中學生單字學習成效之影響,本研究共有總數34名來自雲林縣某縣立國中的國二學生參與,學生被隨機指派到各項任務, 各項任務依據涉入量而有所不同,其中包含閱讀輔以單字註解、閱讀及填空、造句。任務完成後,隨即施以單字後測,一周後再給予延宕後測以比較單字記憶的成效,隨後,研究人員隨機抽樣學生進行半結構式面談。本研究結果指出,任務所引發的涉入量愈大,對於單字的學習成效愈佳,但是學生對於單字的記憶確實會隨著時間而有所消逝。至於實驗參與對象對於各項任務的看法,被指派到高涉入量任務的學生,比起被指派到低涉入量任務的學生,傾向抱持正向的態度。因此,我們可以從中得出,任務的涉入量和學生單字學習的成效有著正向關係。此外,由於研究結果顯示學生對於單字的記憶會學著時間而消減,身為教育者應該要盡可能提升學生接觸單字的頻率,以便於活化對單字的學習,最後,根據研究結果提出建議以利於設計課程活動。
This paper attempted to examine the effects of Involvement Load Hypothesis on students’ vocabulary retention. Thirty-four eighth-graders were recruited from a public junior high school in Yunlin County. Three vocabulary tasks include the gloss task, the fill-in task, and the writing task. Participants were randomly allocated to one of the three tasks. After the completion of the tasks, participants were administered the vocabulary tests. Those participants who were randomly selected were subsequently participated in a semi-structured interview. The result indicated that the task with higher involvement load contributed to more sustainable vocabulary retention than the task with lower involvement load. However, the vocabulary retention was prone to decay with the passage of time. As regards the participants’ perspectives on the tasks, those who were assigned to the task with higher involvement load responded more optimistically than those who were allocated to task with lower involvement load. The conclusion can be drawn that tasks with higher involvement load positively correlates with students’ vocabulary retentions.
摘要 i
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Purpose of the Study 5
1.3 Research Questions 6
1.4 Significance of the Study 7
1.5 Definition of Terms 8
1.6 The Organization of the Thesis 9
2.1 Incidental and Intentional Learning 10
2.1.1 Definition 10
2.1.2 Balance between Incidental and Intentional Learning as an Ideal Approach 11
2.1.3 Empirical Studies on Incidental Vocabulary Learning 16
2.2 Receptive and Productive Vocabulary Knowledge 18
2.3 Depth of Processing Theory 20
2.4 The Involvement Load Hypothesis 21
2.4.1 Empirical Studies on Involvement Load Hypothesis 24
2.4.2 Relevant Empirical Study in Taiwan 32
3.1 Research Design 38
3.2 Participants 39
3.3 Instruments 40
3.3.1 The Reading Comprehension Text 40
3.3.2 Ten Target Words 41
3.3.3 Three comprehension Tests 41
3.3.4 Two Versions of Glossary Sheets 42
3.3.5 Three Tasks 43
3.3.6 Four Vocabulary Posttests 44
3.3.7 Three Questionnaires 45
3.3.8 Interviews 46
3.4 Data Collection Procedure 46
3.5 Data Analysis 49
4.1 Introduction 52
4.2 Results for Research Question 1: 52
4.3 Results for Research Question 2: 55
4.4 Results for Research Question 3: 58
4.5 Results for Research Question 4: 60
4.6 Results for Research Question 5: 63
4.7 Summary of the Results 70
5.1 Introduction 74
5.2 Discussion of the Critical Results 74
5.2.1 Discussions on Research Question 1: On the immediate receptive vocabulary test, are there any differences in vocabulary retention among gloss group, fill-in group, and writing group? 74
5.2.2 Discussion on Research Question 2: On the immediate productive vocabulary test, are there any differences in vocabulary retention among gloss group, fill-in group, and writing group? 75
5.2.3 Discussion on Research Question 3: On the delayed receptive vocabulary test, are there any differences in vocabulary retention among gloss group, fill-in group, and writing group? 75
5.2.4 Discussion on Research Question 4: On the delayed productive vocabulary test, are there any differences in vocabulary retention among gloss group, fill-in group, and writing group? 76
5.2.5 Discussion on Research Question 5: What are junior high school students’ attitudes toward gloss task, fill-in task, and writing task? 77
5.3 Conclusion and Pedagogical Implications 78
5.4 Limitation of the Current Study 79
5.5 Suggestions for Further Research 81
Appendix A Consent form(Chinese Version) 89
Appendix B Consent Form(English Version) 90
Appendix C The Reading Text for Gloss Group 92
Appendix D The Reading Text for Fill-In Group 101
Appendix E The Glossary Sheet for Gloss Group and Writing Group 106
Appendix F The Glossary Sheet for Fill-In Group (In Alphabetic Order) 107
Appendix G Sentence Practice Sheet 108
Appendix H The Immediate Receptive Vocabulary Test 109
Appendix I The Immediate Productive Vocabulary Test 110
Appendix J The Delayed Receptive Vocabulary Test 111
Appendix K The Delayed Productive Vocabulary Test 112
Appendix L Questionnaire for Gloss Group (Chinese Version) 113
Appendix M Questionnaire for Gloss Group (English Version) 117
Appendix N Questionnaire for Fill-In Group (Chinese Version) 121
Appendix O Questionnaire for Fill-In Group(English Version) 125
Appendix P Questionnaire for Writing Group (Chinese Version) 129
Appendix Q Questionnaire for Writing Group(English Version) 132
Appendix R Interview Questions(Chinese Version) 135
Appendix S Interview Questions(English Version) 136

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