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論文名稱(外文):The interference of different Ganoderma lucidum in colorectal cancer cell(HT-29)
外文關鍵詞:Ganoderma lucidumPolysaccharides
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研究生:孫聖傑 指導教授:王海龍 博士
以靈芝N菌靈芝株培養液和標準菌株赤芝CCRC36021對 HT-29大腸癌細胞株進行細胞週期實驗,結果顯示:靈芝N菌靈芝株培養液在分子量大於100KDa與分子量介於30kDa至100kDa大小之培養液與對照組相比,在G1期均有明顯停滯HT-29大腸癌細胞株生長的效果。


The interference of different Ganoderma lucidum in colorectal cancer cell(HT-29)

Student: Sheng-Chieh Sun Adviser:. Hai-Long Wang
Graduate Institute of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology,
Yuanpei University of Medical Technology


Ganoderma lucidum is a type of edible herbs that has been used as natural health-promoting food in Asia for a long time, with several pharmacological features. Many researches have proven that Ganoderma lucidum is nontoxic and can regulate the immunological functions, inhibit tumor growth, increase resistance to oxidation, protect the liver, decrease blood glucose and combat allergies. This study aimed to analyze the biological activities of Ganoderma strain fermented products derived from wild Ganoderma lucidum strains collected in the Xinpu region of Hsinchu County, and code named Ganoderma No. 1, Ganoderma No. 2, Ganoderma A, Ganoderma B, Ganoderma N, Ganoderma Xinpu and Standard Ganoderma CCRC36021. In this study, the seven types of Ganoderma lucidum strains were respectively subject to liquid culture for 28 days. Molecular sieves were used to separate the culture solution of different molecular weights (those greater than 100kDa, between 30kDa and 100kDa, and those smaller than 30kDa), and then different concentrations of the culture solution were added to the colon cancer cells (HT-29) for culturing. MTT assay was adopted to determine the cell survival rate, while a flow cytometer was used to observe the cell cycle. The results showed that Standard Ganoderma CCRC36021 exhibited the most significant inhibition of HT-29 colon cancer cell growth in the 100kDa+ group versus Control comparison; while Ganoderma N and Standard Ganoderma CCRC36021 had the most significant inhibition of HT-29 colon cancer cell growth compared to the other strains in the 30kDa to 100kDa group versus Control comparison.
In the cell cycle experiment involving the culture solution of Ganoderma N and Standard Ganoderma CCRC36021 on HT-29 colon cancer cells, the results showed that the culture solution of Ganoderma N with molecular weight greater than 100kDa and that between 30kDa and 100kDa significantly retarded the growth of HT-29 colon cancer cell strains in G1 phase, compared to the Control group.
The culture solution of Standard Ganoderma CCRC36021 with molecular weight greater than 100kDa showed the effect of increasing the cell cycle of HT-29 colon cancer cell strains in G1 phase, while the culture solution with molecular weight between 30kDa and 100kDa significantly retarded the growth of HT-29 colon cancer cell strains in the G1 phase, compared to the Control group.
This study shows that the polysaccharides of wild Ganoderma N strains collected in Xinpu Township, Hsinchu County, have better inhibition performance in relation to the growth of cancer cells and obviously retarded the growth of HT-29 colon cancer cell strains in the G1 phase.

Keywords: Ganoderma lucidum, polysaccharides

口試論文審定書....................................................................................... Ⅰ
中文摘要.................................................................................................... Ⅲ
英文摘要.................................................................................................... Ⅳ
圖目錄........................................................................................................ Ⅸ
第一章 前言.................................................................................................1
1.1 靈芝簡介................................................................................................1
1.2 靈芝的生物活性成分及藥理特性........................................................1
1.2.1 多醣體.................................................................................................1
1.2.2 三帖類.................................................................................................2
1.2.3 核酸.....................................................................................................3
1.2.4 LZ-8 蛋白............................................................................................3
第二章 研究方法及材料.............................................................................7
2.4 MTT Assay..............................................................................................9
第三章 研究結果.......................................................................................11
第四章 結論與討論....................................................................................14
第五章 圖表與說明....................................................................................15

圖一: 不同靈芝株在濃度30%對細胞存活率的變化...............................15
圖二: 不同靈芝株在濃度20%對細胞存活率的變化...............................15
圖三: 不同靈芝株在濃度10%對細胞存活率的變化...............................16
圖四: 不同靈芝株在濃度1%對細胞存活率的變化.................................16
圖五: 不同濃度N菌株培養液對HT-29細胞株之細胞週期細胞變化.........................................................17
圖六: 不同濃度N菌株培養對HT-29細胞株之G1期細胞變化..................................................................................................................18
圖七: 不同濃度N菌株培養液對HT-29細胞株之G2期細胞變化..................................................................................................................18
圖八: 不同濃度N菌株培養液對HT-29細胞株之S期細胞變化..................................................................................................................19
圖九: 不同濃度N菌株培養液對HT-29細胞株之細胞週期細胞變化..................................................................................................................20
圖十: 不同濃度N菌株培養液對HT-29細胞株之G1期細胞變化..................................................................................................................21
圖十一: 不同濃度N菌株培養液對HT-29細胞株之G2期細胞變化..................................................................................................................21
圖十二: 不同濃度N菌株培養液對HT-29細胞株之S期細胞變化..................................................................................................................22
圖十三: 不同濃度36021標準菌株培養液對HT-29細胞株之細胞週期細胞變化..................................................................................................................23
圖十四: 不同濃度36021標準菌株培養液對HT-29細胞株之G1期細胞變化..................................................................................................................24
圖十五: 不同濃度36021標準菌株培養液對HT-29細胞株之G2期細胞變化..................................................................................................................24
圖十六: 不同濃度36021標準菌株培養液對HT-29細胞株之S期細胞變化..................................................................................................................25
圖十七: 不同濃度36021標準菌株培養液對HT-29細胞株之細胞週期細胞變化..................................................................................................................26
圖十八: 不同濃度36021標準菌株培養液對HT-29細胞株之G1期細胞變化..................................................................................................................27
圖十九: 不同濃度36021標準菌株培養液對HT-29細胞株之G2期細胞變化..................................................................................................................27
圖二十: 不同濃度36021標準菌株培養液對HT-29細胞株之S期細胞變化..................................................................................................................28
表一: 不同靈芝株培養28天多醣體含量(mg/ml) .....................................29

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